Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 172: Group started

? The black ghost lizard quickly crossed the sand dunes and Gobi outside the manor like a ghost. They don't need to enter through the main entrance of Tyre, they just need to find the entrance and exit of the underground ruins outside the city according to the guidance of Shatiri. Along the way, Zhao Mai didn't say a word, he even closed his eyes, always immersed in his thoughts.

However, he did not put his thoughts on the tauren, he knew he could not estimate what kind of power the tauren possessed. Since being able to travel through various worlds, it means that the tauren will have unlimited possibilities, so this is a battle that is completely impossible to plan. The only strength you can really rely on is yourself, body and spirit, flesh and soul. So Zhao Mai kept digging deeper into his heart, and then stored the mobilized power in his own limbs.

There is no such technique in the halfling's psychic power manual. It is entirely a method that Zhao Mai used to strengthen the body by referring to the natural force and figured it out by himself. As a druid, he has the ability to transform naturally and can gain the power of beasts with the help of the natural force. However, due to Zhao Maihu's fooling around, his physical condition does not allow for natural transformation, but it does not mean that Zhao Mai can't think of a way.

Wadsworth worried that Zhao Mai's natural transformation would activate the bloodline hidden in his body, leading to the loss of his current self. However, Zhao Mai still has another source of power that will never be affected by bloodline, that is psychic power. He uses this power that comes entirely from the soul and spirit, together with the natural force, to build a new balance at the * level. In this way, no matter how wild the force of nature is, it will be one's original will that really plays a controlling role.

Daily meditation helped him a lot: if it wasn't the need to strip the will of the planet of Atas from the force all day long, and if it wasn't for fighting against the natural force of "destroying all intelligent creatures" all day, Zhao Mai would not Think of the "mind-binding force" method. He learned from observing the development and changes of the surrounding things, and even in the research of this ability, the "Force Filter Purification" from Xiaohua has brought great inspiration.

He has practiced this technique for storing the force in his muscles for a long time, but it has not been tested in actual combat. You must know that when rehearsing with Ricas and Butcher, everyone closed their hands and it was impossible to be in the same situation as when they were actually dealing with the enemy. The appearance of the tauren solved this problem, and Zhao Mai could finally let go and fight once.

"I just want to drive, earn money, and learn skills, why do I have to mess with me?" Zhao Mai took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes, holding the spear in his hand tighter. He also clearly remembered the scene of falling from the sky and sinking into the sand sea.

The black scale ghost lizard rushed into the underground pit, and its claws with suction cups could grab the walls and ceiling and jump forward quickly. Satiri only needs one direction, and Zhao Mai will use the wild communication ability of the Force of Nature to let the lizards act according to orders, cooperate with each other, and quickly surmount obstacles. The tacit understanding is like a team after years of training. same. Soon, they heard the sound of fighting ahead, and the sound of dull explosions and building collapses became clearer and clearer.

"A total of more than 20 comrades in arms kept under siege, and went out three ways to ask for help." Sadili said: "I thought of you first."

"There is only one tauren on the other side?" Rikas said. After getting a definite answer, he just felt enthusiastic. "A very good opponent! It just happens to be used as a rehearsal for a big competition."

Underground Tyre was as bright as day, and three luminous white **** floated in mid-air, eliminating all shadows. Shadiri pointed to the three light **** and said: "There is no way to hide under the light balls, and sneaking will always be found, and the three **** seem to have no entity, so they can't be broken, no matter it is an arrow. Spells will penetrate through.” Sadili said along the way: “Three **** of light will keep moving. Sometimes they will come together. At this time, energy rays of fire or ice will come down. If it hits the key, it must be dead. The tauren’s weapon is a round pile with a handle. It looks very light in his hand, but the actual weight is so scary that it can knock people out with one touch."

Butcher glanced at Zhao Mai, he thought of the weapons in the mangroves, orcs' hands. If the tauren and the orc have the same abilities, it can be dealt with with the methods of the past. Zhao Mai guessed Butcher's thoughts, but he himself was not so optimistic.

When they joined the battlefield, the tauren had basically won. The Masked Alliance paid a price of more than a dozen people, and this barely slowed the pace of the Tauren. He pulled up the totem pole with Thunder Mountain Cliff from the corpse of a desert warrior, and shook off the flesh and blood fragments on it. The ball of light in mid-air flashed four times, and he raised his head and looked at the new force riding the black scale ghost lizard.

"Rikas, you brought the sword I gave you. It's so beautiful, isn't it? It turns out that you are the reinforcements called by the little beauty. This is a bit troublesome." The tauren's eyes turned to Butcher again: "A big guy , Who are you? Oh, you should be the Butcher mentioned by Taisian, the most powerful gladiator and killer. But..."

The tauren narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhao Mai for a long time. He tilted his head, his lips trembling constantly. Afterwards, he took out his arms and put a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"No, no...no! How could it be you? You shouldn't be here." The tauren's breathing was obviously quickened: "This is wrong, this is unreasonable, unless... Damn, why is it damaged!" "

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Mai obviously felt that the tauren seemed to be afraid of himself, but why? This is the first time he and the tauren have met, and they didn't know each other before. And the tauren has always directed the car accident and hurt himself. What's so scary about him?

The tauren put his glasses away, his eyes rolled, and suddenly licked his lips. "Yes..." He seemed to have figured out something, "There is only one explanation, removing all the impossible, and the rest, even if it is unacceptable, there is only this explanation! I didn't expect to encounter such a big opportunity! While you haven’t...hehehe..."

Suddenly changing from fear to surprise, such a change can only be seen in mental patients. The tauren tore off the cloak on his back, and then the broken animal skin armor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and took off the belt full of debris. Hot white mist continued to emerge from his mouth and nose, electric sparks continued to jump out of his hair, and his body swelled. In the blink of an eye, the tauren has grown by 30%, and even the style of painting has changed. It was as if Durant suddenly swelled into O'Neal, and also put on an "epic skin" with a glowing war pattern.

"I think his main goal is me, so I'm here to pull hatred. Butcher is in the state of combat skills, Ricas is the main output, and Satiri controls the field!" Zhao Mai knew that his friends were completely I didn't understand, but after speaking out, the tension in my heart eased a lot. "Energetic guys, this guy seems to be difficult to deal with. Sadiri, forget the nonsense that I said before, you can mainly focus on the three **** in the sky, please remind us at any time."

"Oh, that's okay." Sadiri's face turned pale and dark, and it was obvious that some kind of "spell curse" that she had kept on her body still bothered her. She got off the black ghost lizard's back, Zhao Mai waved her hand gently, three people and three lizards surrounded the tauren in the middle.

Zhao Mai pointed with his hand, and the flame ignited on Rikas's long sword, and it glowed on Butcher's obsidian sword. And he himself mobilized the power of psychic powers to strengthen his spear. "Let's go together, buddies, the group is on." He said. (To be continued.)

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