Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 177: 13 sheets

? Zhao Mai moved the two tauren corpses together under everyone's puzzled eyes, and then began a careful autopsy. When fighting the first tauren, there was no strange feeling. And when he was ambushed by the second tauren, a thought burst into his mind: Since there can be a second one, will there be another one?

The body structures of the two tauren are exactly the same, as if carved out of a template. Zhao Mai knows that some magic can cause such an effect. For example, the mage has a spell called cloning, which can start from a nail and copy itself from the original. The tauren is obviously not a mage, he should use other means to achieve a similar goal.

I remember that when fighting, the tauren once said "five gold coins was wasted" and the like. Zhao Mai took out his mobile phone and began to search for information related to hardware coins and cloning, but he did not expect to find similar information.

"Clone clone, biochemically replicate and manipulate the clone, the body can temporarily enter a state of stagnation. Only one self action can be controlled at a time." This is basically the closest service. The asking price is twelve gold coins, not five. .

Nor can he completely lock his thoughts on the destiny gold coins. Maybe the tauren has some other methods to reduce the cost, or he has similar abilities himself. Zhao Mai always reminds himself to let go of his imagination as much as possible and not to be constrained by stereotypes. When the tauren traveled through the world, there was a biochemical waiter Xiaowei on the aircraft. This was an obvious clue!

Zhao Mai is a druid, he would hope that the environment in the car is more natural. The tauren may have researched on the biochemical body, so he will carry Xiaowei, so he will use clone clones and have a way to reduce costs. At present, this is the most likely explanation.

When the Tauren fought with Tai Xi'an, he clearly had the upper hand and could leave at any time, but he could not leave. He must know that he can't kill Tai Xi'an, what good is it to continue fighting? If it is to solve Zhao Mai, the tauren can obviously retreat first and then sneak attack, just like lying in the ruins. Zhao Mai believes that the tauren’s feeling of "death to death" may be to make him feel that the enemy is gone.

"He still wants to continue hiding in the dark!" Zhao Mai thought along this line of thought. Perhaps Xiaowei in the Masked Alliance no longer plays a role, which aroused the alarm of the tauren. Perhaps it was Bucher's abrupt appearance, or he found signs of another traverser from elsewhere. Knowing that he was exposed, he made the move of "throwing bait, continuing to hide, and seeing if he could kill the opponent."

Two hunters know each other's existence in the dark forest, and both know that the other party has confirmed their existence. The hunter with so many decoys will have an advantage, and the advantage of being able to hide again will be even greater. Zhao Mai is very clear about the difference in strength between his current self and his previous self. He didn't dare to underestimate himself and others, let alone everyone. I would rather think of Tauren more complicated than let down the slightest vigilance.

"If it can't be proved that one of these two is the main body, and it is certain that it is dead, then you have to be a tauren and not dead!" Zhao Mai completely dismantled the two tauren to pieces in the surprised eyes of everyone, and then Use natural force and psychic powers to sense each internal organ.

They all reacted exactly the same to Zhao Mai's energy. Zhao Mai doesn't believe that there will be such an absolute thing, at least it can't exist in nature! Even if the twins have exactly the same blood, there will be various subtle differences! Only manual intervention can make the difference!

On the tauren, he did not find anything that looked like a mobile phone, which is another suspicious point. The Tauren's body will not give up using the tools of destiny gold coins, which can be said to be the biggest reliance of each crossing driver. Zhao Mai found three gold coins of destiny, but this proves nothing, it is probably also a blindfold.

Ricas and Cotande can't stand it anymore, and Shatiri is even more dizzy. He patted Zhao Mai on the shoulder, and said: "You are busy here now, let's go up and get some breath and wait for you there. Don't be busy here for too long, it's bad for your body and mind."

"Thank you. Go up first. I have one more thing." Zhao Mai looked up at Cotande and asked: "Can you tell me where Xiaowei is? I need to see her."

The old man did not hesitate this time, Zhao Mai had already gained his complete trust. He told him where the little raccoon man was being held, and then said: "Shadiri is not in good condition, I have to take her up to see. There is also Ricas prosthesis, I think I can make him more comfortable some."

"I will stay with you." Butcher has been looking around with alert eyes. His body is like an iron tower, giving people a sense of security. The strong man said to Zhao Mai: "There must be someone who will watch you."

Zhao Mai smiled and continued to be busy. After more than ten minutes, he was sure that he would not find more clues in the body, so he dug a hole in the sand dune beside him, knelt down and vomited vigorously.

He vomited directly, and poured out all his nausea. Butcher watched, silent, saying nothing. Zhao Maiqing dried his intestines and stomach, and the gall was almost squeezed. Then he wiped the blood from his hands with sand, wiped away the residual meat from his nails, and used his psychic powers to restrain his emotional and physical reactions, and then pitted him. Buried on.

"You did a great job, Mike." Butcher patted him on the shoulder, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and said, "The man who can carry it."

"Don't you still vomit? I didn't hold it at all." Zhao Mai smiled bitterly, and helped Butcher to stand firmer.

"No, it's okay if you vomit. If you hold it on, you are already a fighter. Knowing what you have to do, you can stick to it no matter how hard you don't like it." Butcher said: "This is a good thing."

"Thank you for the compliment-I will take it as compliment." Zhao Mai no longer looked at the body of the tauren, but went to the place where Xiaowei was detained with Butcher. The tower-like brawny followed Zhao Mai. He started very early on ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ believes in Zhao Mai's judgment on things, and even has a superstition, no matter how complicated the situation is, Mike can finally find the best solution.

The tauren was almost able to open the prison door. The trap set by the Masked Alliance and the faster reaction speed now made his attempt unsuccessful. After unlocking the magic trap and opening the prison door, Xiaowei smiled sweetly. The food and water piled around her remained intact, but she didn't really need them for a living, so she still looked good.

"Do you need Xiaowei's service? I miss Sister Shatiri."

"Pay two gold coins to change the owner for you." Zhao Mai took out his mobile phone and said.

"No, there is no way to do it now. You can't grab it hard." Xiaowei said: "However, you can pay 13 gold coins and you can have a new Xiaowei."

Zhao Mai has confirmed the thoughts in his mind, and the tauren is still hidden. "Thank you, Xiaowei, you have helped me a lot. For this, I promise to let you free."

The heavy stone gate was closed again, shutting Xiaowei's aggrieved expression back into the darkness. Zhao Mai said to Butcher: "Let's go, let's find other people." (To be continued.)

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