Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 211: Audience

A goat and a rabbit, plus a bag full of wild vegetables and berries, immediately made everyone hungry. Zhao Mai handed these prey to the mercenary who came up first, and sat beside Tyrion without saying a word, his expression serious and scary.

Tyrion was still wearing a light leather jacket, and he couldn't help appearing thin in the cold air. He began to regret taking off his thick fur too early. Not long ago, he was a guest on the icy and snowy Great Wall, chatting and laughing with the night watchman. After leaving the northern border and entering the river, he couldn't help but feel a little cheerful, and took off his warm clothes early. At this time, he was supposed to be in a warm place in Junlin City or Kaiyan City, mostly in the arms of a woman, enjoying a pleasant time, not guarding an old woman like Caitlin Stark.

He can be tossed hard along the way. First, I walked with my head covered, shaking left and right on the horseback, worrying that I might fall at any time and then smashed. Later, after the hood was taken off, and after recognizing that the surrounding was the uphill road to Eagle's Nest, it was nothing to hope of being rescued. He actually lost the right to ride and could only rely on his short legs to follow the team. Now his feet are sore and sore, and fatigue makes him unable to hide the fact that his legs are not the same length. The painful days of limp and limp have been going on for several days. Now, I'm hungry again.

He watched the mercenaries skillfully separate the sheep and threw the uneatable internal organs into the pit and buried them. Somehow, looking at the raw meat, he also felt hungry. At this moment, a peeled wild walnut was handed to him.

"Thank you!" He took it quickly and stuffed a few pieces into his mouth. Although it is bitter and astringent, it is good food. Among all mercenaries, he could feel this guy named Mike the strangest. He didn't seem to belong to any kind of person. There is no knight’s enthusiasm, no mercenary reality, no aristocratic pride, and no commoner’s humility. He only cares about the stories he tells one after another, about dragons, about gods, and about ancestors (the earliest people who came to this world).

These stories gave him some care. He is not short of water to drink, and he can get some snacks from time to time. He knew that Mike had the ability to feed him, but he didn't do it, and Tyrion had no opinion about it. He thinks this is definitely a smart move. If someone else is hungry and the captive is full, then the captive will definitely be abused in other ways.

This is good now. Everyone gathers by the creek not far from the hillside. Horses can drink water and people can wash. A wild goat can make everyone happy, so he can also share a bowl of lamb soup! At this time, the only fool who didn't shut his mouth was the bard Marion, who was oiling the wooden harp and complaining about the damage to the strings.

"Tyrion, there are dragons in this world."

The little devil raised his head to look at the weird person beside him. Mike never called him "Mr. Lannister" or "Little Devil", but simply called him Tyrion, or simply "you". "There is indeed a dragon. The conqueror Aegon and his two sisters rode a three-headed dragon. I have already told you this story."

"Not in the past." Zhao Mai is still thinking about the influence of this dragon on the world.

Tyrion froze for a moment, then shook his head. "I also hope that there will be dragons, but that is impossible. The last dragon has been dead for more than one hundred and fifty years, and the last dragons are not big, maybe they are bigger than your wolf. I can’t even fly. If you can go to King’s Landing, I can show you the dragon’s skull. That’s something worth seeing.”

"Aliang is a dog, not a wolf." Zhao Mai decided to change the subject. Reaching out in his pocket, he took out two yellow-orange "beans", and asked Tyrion to pick one first, and then throw the other into his mouth.

This is the "Nine Turns Golden Pill", as the old man said, it is really a very delicious snack, and it has no effect other than that. Can't keep fit, can't stand up to immortality, and don't even have the ability to quench thirst and hunger. The only advantage is that this food will never be addictive, each one can last for about a week "delicious feeling", making people feel so comfortable not to eat the second one.

On the contrary, the gourd is very strange. You can pour three Rank Nine Gold Pills at one time, and you can use it a second time after a day. Zhao Mai poured some out every day and put them in storage, wondering how much there was in the gourd. But he had already saved a pack, but he didn't feel that the gourd became lighter or anything.

Tyrion chewed the beans hard, and it felt like he had eaten a candy. Am I just a kid in his eyes and need to use sugar to coax me? Immediately afterwards, his hand was stuffed with a crushed walnut. "Take it away and eat, there will be lamb soup in a while."

"Can you tell me what you plan to do, just follow all the way to Eagle's Nest Castle? I remember you didn't want to follow it at first."

"Yes, I want to go to the Great Wall of Despair, and then step over to see the scenery on the other side." Zhao Mai said bluntly. He pointed to the land under his feet: "Actually, although what happened here is quite interesting, I don't want to care too much. Just treat me as the best audience in the world."

"Don't want to care, can't you care?" Tyrion grasped the implicit meaning in Zhao Mai's words.

"I know what you are planning. Before you saw the environment here, you thought that even if you escaped, you would die in the mountains. But you just discovered today that I have the ability to live well in this environment, so I ran away It's a possible option, right?"

Tyrion was said to be the main thing, smiled slightly, and almost applauded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I admit that you are right. Mrs. Stark said that I was the murderer of the children, and the gods were on the top. This was completely slander. I just want to ask you to save me from the unfair treatment, but I don't know what you want or how to return you, so I didn't speak before. "

"Oh, do you think I will agree? If you are right, I can promise you to do one thing for you." Zhao Mai raised his eyebrows. This was the first time Tyrion saw that he was special about something. Interested.

After thinking for a moment, Tyrion shook his head. "Before you say you are going to the Great Wall of Despair, I will have hope. But obviously you are going to cross the Great Wall instead of becoming a night watchman. This means that the automatic forgiveness of crimes by the night watchman is of no use to you. Passing through the northern border of the Stark family will naturally not offend them. Moreover, I have nothing you want to plot, whether it is money or power, it is meaningless to the north of the Great Wall. So you will sympathize with me, but not help me."

"You are as smart as the legend. Well, as long as it doesn't affect my goals, I can do one thing for you. If you think about it, I'm not a stupid and honest guy. I'm going to fall for some things. ."

"I'll think about it." Tyrion wouldn't use such a precious promise immediately. He stood up and walked towards Mrs. Stark. (To be continued.)

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