Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 240: Understand ice

"Tali, get up from the ground, go to ring the alarm bell, let all the **** who are still sleeping in the house get out!" Old Xiong was obviously angry. The Black Castle was raided by three ghouls, and they were killed near his bedroom. If it weren't for Jon and his wolf fighting hard, I'm afraid there is no "old bear" at this time, only "bear corpse".

Samwell tried hard to get up from the ground, but his legs "don't know why" lost their strength, he just kicked on the ground and couldn't stand up. Fortunately, a strong hand stretched out at this time: "Come on Sam, the ground is too cold."

With Zhao Mai's help, the fat man stood up, but almost sat down again. Zhao Mai's other hand was actually holding the ghoul's hair, a head, which was constantly closing its teeth, swaying around the hair like a pendulum.

"Don't worry, he can't do anything anymore." Zhao Mai said: "You go and ring the alarm, and then find me a big glass cover. A bottle is fine. I have to put this head up."

"Okay... OK... I'll go now." Sam only felt his mouth dry. Fortunately, this time his legs have strength, and he can quickly leave this terrible area.

"Xue Nuo, how are you?" Commander Mormont asked, frowning. He knew that his posture in only pajamas was very indecent, but there was still a dead body in his room. It is estimated that the flame on his body has not been extinguished, and he cannot go back now. But Jon wasn't much better. The fight made him ragged and his hair was ripped off. Fortunately, he had curly hair, so it was not so obvious.

"My lord, I'm fine." Jon lied and replied loudly so as to make it more true. "My lord, how are you?"

"No. There is a dead man who wants to kill me. How do you think I can feel?" He scratched his chin, but found that his beard was much less. By the way, in the previous fight with the corpse, Jon snatched the oil lamp from his hand, lit the curtains, and covered the ghoul with the fire in his arms. The beard should have been burnt at that time. "Xue Nuo, your hand was burned by fire, how about it?"

"It's okay, but the skin is injured, the muscles and bones are okay." In fact, his hands are still smoking, and his heart hurts.

"Go away, go find a bachelor!" Mr. Xiong suddenly became angry: "Do you think I am a dead old man who can't take care of myself and get dressed? Or do you want to be lazy in the future because of the injury on your hand? Go find a bachelor and let him use it. The best medicine will treat you!"

Jon nodded sharply, and ran away quickly. At this time, the alarm sounded, and the brothers of the night watchman rushed out of the room with their swords in their hands. Although the clothes are not neat, the reaction is not bad. Old Xiong's voice echoed in the black castle: "Rangers, craftsmen, clerks, and recruits immediately go to your chief! Search the entire castle to see how much damage you have!"

Zhao Maiti was standing in the square with a moving dead man's head, as if it had nothing to do with him, but it was already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even if you don't understand what's going on, just look at the head, and the Night Watch brothers can guess what's going on. The alarm bell rang for a while and then stopped. Sam ran over with a lockable box and said breathlessly, "I didn't find the glass jar. I took a box first. Do you think it works?"

"Yes!" Zhao Mai threw the ghoul's head in, and then closed the lid. "Okay, I'll leave this head to you for safekeeping. It doesn't matter whether it is for the commander or the bachelor."

Sam is holding the box in his arms, like a big cactus with thorns, near or far, not to mention how nervous. Zhao Mai patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Sam, you can do it. I went to the bachelor's to see it, Jon seems to be injured."

Jon's hand was burned by the flame, but fortunately he did not hurt his muscles or bones, so it would not affect his subsequent use of the sword. Master Yimeng finds ointment to relieve burns and protect the oil on his hands. His eyes were invisible, so Zhao Mai did all the smearing work, and then asked Zhao Mai to wrap Jon's hand with a boiled bandage. He couldn't see, Xue Nuo couldn't understand, so he didn't know that Zhao Mai secretly used several healing spells.

"I feel better, the pain has lessened a lot, and it even started to itch in some places." Jon looked at his white hands and moved his fingers lightly.

"Child, don't scratch it even if it itches, just let the body recover by itself." Bachelor Yimon was so sleepy that he almost fell asleep when he said this. So Zhao Mai and Jon helped him to bed and promised to wake him up if he needed treatment.

Fortunately, no one else was injured. The ghouls caused the death of five night watchmen on guard, including the acting chief ranger. If it weren't for Jon and Zhao Mai, the number of casualties would increase. At dawn, the night watchman raised the fire and cremated the bodies of the five brothers.

Samwell Tully finally found a glass jar, and the remaining head is now placed in it. All the brothers of the Night Watch have been there, and some have been there more than once. "It's disgusting," they said in unison. "I will never become like this."

"Then practice swordsmanship and don't be killed." Zhao Mai sat aside, turning over and over again with the crystal "heart model" in his hand. It can be felt that the magical energy above is constantly weakening, and it will definitely disappear eventually. While it was still available, Zhao Mai used his own psychic powers to keep testing. Gradually, he discovered some signs of weakened abilities.

Psionic powers are intangible and intangible ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is hard to say whether it is like air or flowing water. However, when the mind-shaping ability is used, it is transformed into a wall of energy such as swords and other substances or restrained actions, and the psychic powers will temporarily have a stable form.

The ice power of the ghoul can make things in a fixed form brittle in the microstructure, causing collapse. The things or energy fields created by psychic power shaping are originally temporary, and the structure is more fragile than normal similar items, so the coldness of the ghoul can affect it. Real substances, such as a hunter's blood spear, or even a firewood, will not be so fragile.

But the ghosts that make ghouls have a higher ice power. Remember that in the "story", the metal sword will break into pieces when it hits them, without causing any harm at all. Moreover, the ice crystal weapon used by the strange ghost is the condensation of this cold force, which can easily crush weapons, shields, and armor.

Hanbing's heart is getting smaller and smaller in Zhao Mai's hands, like a melting snowball. Zhao Mai is more focused, mobilizing all his perceptions, including the natural force and psychic powers, hoping to understand the secrets as soon as possible so that he can find a way to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, this cold air would react differently to the force of nature. (To be continued.)

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