Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 244: Save Private Jon

The good news never comes, and the bad news never stops. Ned Stark was finally beheaded in King's Landing. The news shocked the entire North. Robb Stark, Ned’s son, Jon’s brother, and the Duke of Winterfell now ordered all the lords of the North to gather under his banner and head south to find Lannis. The special family seeks justice!

Jon Snow will do the same. He cannot tolerate this happening! He wants to find his brother, he wants to avenge his father. He thought of his brother who was being tortured with grief and his sister who was missing and missing in King's Landing, and the pain in his heart was beyond words. Even though he knew that the night watchman would not forgive deserters, she didn't even care about her own life, and she was afraid of breaking her oath?

The feeling of shame in his heart will not disappear for this reason, so he left "long claws". If he takes the gift of Mr. Xiong again, he will look down on himself. Can't tell his companions, can't implicate them, Jon feels that this is enough. As for what is enough, he cannot say.

He called out softly, Bai Ling followed like a shadow, and his red eyes were like fire. But it was also followed by a fat guy. "Jon, please, don't be like this."

Samwell Tully was standing at the door of the stable, and a full moon shone from behind his shoulder, casting a giant shadow, huge and dark. "Jon, you can't leave like this, I won't let you go."

"Sam, don't get in the way, I don't want to hurt you." Jon made his face serious and cold, so that he could tell him: "Sam, you go away, or I will step on it!"

"You won't. Listen to me, please..."

Jon kicked on the horse, and the horse galloped towards the door. In an instant, Sam's face was shocked and his mouth became a big circle. At the last moment when the horse and the horse were about to collide, he jumped away, then staggered and fell into the snow. Jon rode over him and rushed into the night.

Sam bit his lip, rolled over, and got up from the ground. He needs help now. If Mr. Xiong finds out that Jon is a deserter, he must be wanted. Then Jon will be executed directly after being caught, and there will be no trial. Sam can't let things go to that point! Now Mr. Xiong is sleeping, he will call Jon tomorrow morning, so only one night is left for them.

He stumbled up to the bachelor's tower, then forced to open the door calmly. Bachelor Yimon was already asleep, and he couldn't know about it either. But Sam knew that the man must have not rested, he had seen the flickering lights downstairs before.

"Mike, I need your help, and Alian." Sam swallowed hard and panted nervously: "Jon went out, I'm afraid he gets lost and wants to find him. Your dog can track him. is not it?"

"To be honest, Sam." Zhao Mai stood up with a smile and reached for the coat hanging on the wall: "Your face is almost written with the words I'm lying to you."

"Well, Jon heard that his father is dead, and his brother is raising troops, so he wants to join him. I can understand the choice, but he...he can't be a deserter, otherwise he will die."

"So I still go to Jon, and I can't let any officials know. Okay, I'll help you." Zhao Mai nodded, "I'm afraid that one person is not enough. You can find a few more and you will have a horse."

So within half an hour, Gülen, Eddie, Piper, Hod, Todd, Sam and Zhao Mai formed a "patrol" and went south along the King’s Road, following the nose of the grain reserve. . Although there are many smells of horses, there is only one ice wolves. They fight with it every day, and they have long known its smell.

"Will Jon go this way?" Glenn always didn't believe in wolves, dogs, horses and other "stupid" creatures. "If it were me, I would avoid the road."

Everyone was too lazy to refute, bowed their heads and concentrated on riding. The signal is a full moon today, otherwise it is very dangerous to travel at night, and a small hole that is not noticed may hurt the horse's legs.

With the help of grain reserves, finding Jon is not so difficult. Three hours later they found Jon in the woods outside Mole Village. It can be seen that he is also hesitating, otherwise he would not stop at this place, which made everyone feel a lot more comfortable. Sometimes the night watchman would sneak to the Mole Village to drink and find a woman. This is almost an open secret, and Mr. Xiong also knows it. Jon appeared in Mole Village and explained it better than Jon was a deserter.

"Jon!" Piper's voice easily cut through the night: "Stop, you can't run away!"

Jon gritted his teeth and drew out the sword. It was an ordinary long sword he took from the weapon rack, far inferior to the long claws of Valyrian steel. However, he thought that his swordsmanship was enough, even ordinary swords could kill the enemy. But when he drew his sword to face his friend, he really hadn't imagined this situation. When the matter was over, he forced himself to say: "All back! I don't want to hurt you, but if it is necessary, I will do it!"

"One hits seven?" The sadness on Eddie's face remained, and he began to infect Jon.

"How can Sam count as one..." Piper said halfway through, shaking his hand vigorously, and changing his words: "You want to hit seven?"

Everyone rushed forward and gathered Jon in the middle, not allowing him to leave. In fact, the ice wolf is the one who knows the situation on the field best. It doesn't even have a tooth, and slowly walks to the side to watch the show. The reserve grain wagged its tail to accompany it to the theater.

"What do you want to do with me?" Jon still held the sword, raising the volume to cheer for himself.

"We want to take you back to where you belong." Piper said.

"I belong to my brother."

"We are your brothers." Gulen said firmly.

"If they catch you, you will be beheaded, you know?" Todd smiled nervously. "Such a dumb thing can only be done by a dumb cow."

"I won't." Gulen retorted: "I won't break my oath, I swear, I say it counts."

"Me too," Jon said, "but my father was murdered~www.wuxiaspot.com~This is a war, and my brother Robb is fighting in the river..."

"We all know, Sam told us." Piper said solemnly. Glenn said: "We are very sorry about your father. But that has nothing to do with you. Once you swear, you can't leave, no matter what."

"I have to go!" Jon said excitedly.

His good friends didn't want to let him go just like that, they kept surrounding him, reciting the oath of the night watchman. Sam turned to the horse's head and reached out to grab the reins, but he frightened the horse. The horse's hoof raised to frighten him, and a gap appeared in the encircling circle.

Jon gritted his teeth hard and tried to escape with a pinch of his legs. He no longer thought that this was a heroic action, just "fleeing". It's not brave to run away from a friend.

Zhao Mai frowned, things seemed to go wrong again. He still remembered that Chief Zhong said that Jon could not go to the south, otherwise it would definitely cause huge fluctuations, enough to threaten his fluctuations.

So he flashed and stood in front of the horse like a white shadow: "Jon, do you want your brother to be killed by you?" (To be continued.)

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