Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 318: 1 to so

? "Obilivi!"


   A blue light flashed from the screen of the mobile phone, a burst of energy spread from the mobile phone as the center, and the entire carriage was affected. The younger sister took the mobile phone, gazes blankly on it, and forwarded it to everyone. Afterwards, she put down her phone and sat quietly in her seat.


   "What's wrong? What happened?" Zhao Mai dropped the book and rushed to his sister. Her eyes were calm and relaxed, looking at Zhao Mai with a peaceful look. It's not just her, but the whole car.


   "Hey, how do you feel? What happened just now?" Zhao Mai asked again, but his sister still did not answer, as if she didn't know him. Zhao Mai put his hand on her temple and used psychic powers to explore it. The inside was empty, and all the memories continued to dissipate.


   "No! Stop!" Zhao Mai did not hesitate, and immediately used his own psychic powers to try to prevent this situation. At this moment, another person in the carriage picked up the phone, "Obilivi"! A blue light flashed, and Zhao Mai's mental barrier was attacked again. His mind was clouded, and the psychic surgery he was controlling was out of control. Fortunately, with the previous experience, he was not hurt by the energy that appeared in the phone.


   But my sister’s memory declines faster, and everyone else is like that. They didn't do anything except watch the video on their mobile phones, touch "Obilivi", and then continue to turn. If he has been under attack, Zhao Mai can't do anything.


  "!" Zhao Mai immediately ordered the taxi to his place. He gathered his psychic powers on his fist and slammed into the side car window. Only hearing a loud bang, half of the outer wall of the carriage flew out. Zhao Mai supported his family with psychic powers, placed them on the ground outside, and then jumped off the train.


   The high-speed rail is still moving forward, and the inside of the carriage is constantly shining with blue light. According to this degree of spread, it will not take long to reach most corners of the world. Zhao Mai checked his parents and younger siblings in turn, and now they all began to forget. He tried his best to keep only a small part of his memory, and he must continue to look after them. As long as he relaxes himself, the decline is inevitable.


   The memory disappears, but the feelings are still there. A few people were still very close to Zhao Mai, smiling and letting his psychic powers check. But only feelings and no memory are not enough! Among the other people, Duojian had nothing to eliminate, and the last baby's birth memory was still under the protection of Zhao Mai's psychic powers, so she was no different from the past. The food reserve is still a smart dog, and Xiaohua is not hurt. It seems that non-humans are not affected by this. Addo was still saying "Ado, Addo", looking at Zhao Mai in confusion and worry. I don't know why he is not affected, is it because he is too stupid or because of his blood? Zhao Mai knew that there was only one place to find the answer he wanted.


   Zhao Mai opened the "Guide" left to him by Zhong Jianbai, which contained a route map of various places to the relevant ministries, and then he rushed forward as quickly as possible. Along the way, all he saw was chaos. The endless blue light not only appears on mobile phones, but also appears in all visual-related media methods such as TV programs and web pages. He used various methods to attract people to see, and then began to play a role in urging people to spread. The human brain has considerable potential-Zhao Mai's psychic powers are like this-but ordinary people don't know how to tap and use it. This spell, this "thing", uses the potential of the human mind to continuously replicate itself, as if it is open, and each time it is a regional effect, affecting a group of people around the place of birth at the same time. It is the electrical signal that spreads faster than the air. It is the same as light. It is believed that except for a few regions in the world, it will be killed by this "human brain virus".


   This world has not yet entered automation, so when people stop, many things don’t know that they should stop and still run at their inherent rhythm. Zhao Mai has seen countless accidents, including frequent fires and explosions. The whole world is sinking in the blue flash, and all the achievements of civilization are vanished.


   There are parked cars on the road, and their owner is sitting in the car, looking forward innocently. After a frantic flash, the frequency of the blue light gradually decreased, which only means that everything is coming to an end. There is no sound of human activity in the city, and even "help" and "what's wrong" disappeared.


   The ticking sound of machines and electronic devices is still there, followed by the sound of burning. It may be the stove that you forgot to turn off, or it may be an overloaded electrical appliance, but this time no one can save it. In the face of such a worldwide disaster, Zhao Mai felt that he was powerless. If it weren’t for Artas’ trip to learn psychic powers, if it weren’t for him to keep the psychic barrier very carefully, if it’s not for the training of his abilities that he never stopped, if it weren’t for the vacation, his mental state was very good, if not... He will also become one of the injured, become dull, sitting somewhere waiting for death to come.


   "Asshole, who did this? What the old man is doing, why not stop it?!" This was the biggest thought Zhao Mai had when he drove into the relevant ministries. Six armed policemen stood at the exit of the garage, signaling Zhao Mai to stop. Zhao Mai frowned, considering that the relevant ministries and commissions did not seem to have received any harm, it would not do him any good for him.


"It's Zhao Mai? Don't watch dangerous videos on the Internet when you get there. It's best not to use all communication tools to communicate with the outside world." The armed police soldier handed Zhao Mai a badge: "This is a temporary pass for an emergency. Keep it away. Your family can be sent to the medical team to be taken care of there."


   "How is the situation with the relevant ministries?"


"Employees who are not in the park have been attacked, but the park is still safe for the time being. Just follow the rules and be careful." The armed police soldier looked at the information clip in his hand and compared Zhao Mai's information: "Zhong Director Jian Baizhong is in charge of your affairs. His previous registration status is safe, so you just go to him. For safety, all smart devices and electronic communication devices are stopped, so he can’t contact you actively. The interview is safer."


   While they were talking, a rainbow light flew past them ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a scream, they rushed into the relevant ministries. Zhao Mai's eyesight can only capture a blurry scene, about a middle-aged man in an apricot robe, with a flying sword under his feet.


   "Did I just stop for an examination?" Zhao Mai's question embarrassed the armed police. "It's okay, I'll talk about it later. Does the watch in your hand say where Zhong Jianbai is?"


   "Oh, yes, I will show it to you."


   Zhao Mai drove forward and saw that there were armed police standing guard at intervals along the roadside, as well as collection points for mobile phones and tablets. Everyone is no longer holding a computer, but paper and pen. Zhao Mai saw some young people crying in a low voice, some people's faces were full of anger, and more people speeded up their pace, hiding their emotions in a hurry.


   Zhong Jianbai sighed with relief when he saw Zhao Mai: "It's okay if you are fine, and we are still worried that you will not be able to survive. Come with me, the old man specially approved you to know the whole picture."


"My family members?"


   "Don't worry, we will take care of them, as always."



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