Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 329: Proud werewolf

"Logan? Can I call you Logan?" Zhao Mai's standard pronunciation surprised the soldiers very much. They had never seen an oriental man able to master French so well. Come in, let me see how your mind is civilized! Logan laughed and said.

"Your smell is different from that of human beings, and the frequency of the force of nature is different, so..." Zhao Mai raised **** and made a V gesture towards Logan, and then suddenly turned his wrist. Logan's neck also turned a half circle, and the neck bone made a muffled sound.

"What..." The two guard soldiers were about to raise their guns, and Zhao Mai quickly nodded on their foreheads: "Go to sleep, here is the two of us guarding." Under the hypnotism of psychic powers, the soldiers He yawned vigorously, then hugged the rifle and fell softly.

"What are you doing Mike? Why did you kill him? Although he is a prisoner, he should not die!"

"His mouth is too stinky, and I didn't kill him." Zhao Mai said, "His heart is still beating, and his body is recovering quickly. In fact, he is just disguising his own death now so that we can Throw him into the pile of corpses, and then he can escape."

Logan remained motionless, and Zhao Mai snorted: "Logan, if you continue to do this, I will put you in a cement block and throw you into the depths of the ocean. You may indeed not die, but I think for hundreds of years. Don't even think about moving."

After hearing this, Logan twisted his head and sat up from the ground. The bruise on his neck quickly disappeared and his mental state became calm. "Ha, you see that I just want to anger you, let you kill me, and then I can run away? Since you also understand quite well, why don't you let me go? You are not a werewolf hunter, I have not seen you will volley Werewolf hunter who broke a man’s neck. Are you a witch hunter?"

"What are werewolf hunters and witch hunters?" Tolkien was about to take out a small book to record, but Zhao Mai stopped him. "What we are doing is not fair and honest, don't leave any words as well." He said to Tolkien. Afterwards, Zhao Mai looked at Logan and said to him: "You are right, I am indeed not a hunter, and there is no reason to let you out casually. After all, the two of us are unfamiliar."

Logan snorted twice: "I don't actually need you to let me go, but I can go out." He clenched his fist, suddenly stretched out three paws from his fingers, flipped his wrist and jammed the handcuffs, and then used force to pry it. Broken, so is the fetters.

"Wow! Wow! Are you a werewolf?" Tolkien habitually took out his notebook again, but stopped halfway through, and put the notebook back angrily. "Oh, can't I really write it down? Can I just draw a sketch?"

"Better not." Zhao Mai's face was calm, but there was a stormy sea in his heart. Although the man in front of him does not have the appearance of Hugh Jackman, he is likely to be "Wolverine", a mutant with powerful self-healing and regeneration capabilities. But Zhao Mai is quite sure that there will be no mutants in the later lives, unless...unless the existence of mutants is erased at some point.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, this earth is not his one, but a parallel space. Neither of these speculations can be falsified by Zhao Mai unless he returns to China and asks the old man of the detachment. But this thing was forbidden by the old man.

If there are enough fate gold coins, I believe a taxi can also give him the answer. The traversal system of the Alliance of the Rings can span time, space, and parallel worlds. It is based on a set of coordinate systems that can accurately distinguish each world before it can locate and determine the path. If Zhao Mai finds the Destiny Gold Coin, the first thing he needs to do is to repair it and go home, but the situation he has encountered now is really interesting!

Grindelwald represents the wizarding world, what about Tolkien? Although he has not yet started to write "The Hobbit", sooner or later China will appear in front of Zhao Mai. Wolverine represents another clue, about mutants, and even the existence of an entire magical world! How many knowledge and opportunities are contained in this, and how many secrets are hidden by history or detached? Zhao Mai was very excited. He felt that he was in front of a turbulent era.

After all, the old man said that unless Zhao Mai agrees, he will not be backtracked. If what he has experienced is a "history that has been backtracked or erased", he will not forget it, no different from the detached. Perhaps through such events, oneself can know how time and cause and effect work, and what the power of the detached one is.

Even if you don't talk about such "tall" things, Wolverine itself is a very interesting goal. Powerful self-healing and regeneration capabilities give Logan a long life. As long as his strength does not diminish, in theory he can live forever. How many people want this kind of ability? Zhao Mai rationalized his thoughts, took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then said: "Logan, it seems there is no problem for you to escape here, but where do you go next?"

"Anywhere, I'm tired of fighting this war." Logan squatted to the edge of the cage, slashed hard at the door lock, and then opened the door and walked out. He glanced at the soldier who had insulted him just now, then raised his paw and thrust it in.

Zhao Mai stepped forward and grabbed his arm. Logan smiled slightly and turned to attack Zhao Mai. It turned out that his original purpose was like this! This time his movements were obviously twice as fast as before, this is his true ability!

In terms of basic physical fitness, Zhao Mai is slightly worse than Wolverine, but he has psychic powers, and the speed and strength of his mind are faster and stronger than muscles. Wolverine's claws were half swung, and he felt obvious resistance, as if it was not air along the way, but stuck in sticky glue!

Logan gritted his teeth, his whole body's strength gathered to a point, his claws were still advancing steadfastly. Zhao Mai lifted his right hand and suspended Logan into the air with psychic powers.

"No matter how powerful you are, you still weigh less than three hundred pounds, and you don't have the ability to fly. So as long as you get off the ground, you can only turn around in circles. This is the principle of mechanics in recent books. "Zhao Mai said: "I don't know how long I can keep you in this state, but a conservative estimate is that ten days and a half months is no problem. At the same time, I can crush your bones one by one. I think you can heal yourself, but you should still feel pain?"

"Well, I already know what you mean very well, I'm just a little angry at your breaking my neck, don't be so stingy!" Logan snorted. He waved his arms vigorously, but besides slowly turning, he could not move forward a bit. He was finally convinced that unless he could grasp something to fix himself, he wouldn't be able to use his strength.

"I hope to hire you to help me conduct an experiment." Zhao Mai said to Logan: "I want to know the secret of your body's self-healing and regeneration."

"No, it's impossible." Logan shook his head: "You can defeat me, but you can't force me to do things! No matter how you hurt me, I will recover, and I will seek revenge on you!"

"Don't think about it again, the reward will be good, and I promise you won't actually be hurt in any way."

"Someone said this to me before, but in the end I cut his throat. What do you think will happen to you?" Logan's eyes were firm, his muscles were tight, and he seemed to be ready for life.

"If that's the case, then forget it." Zhao Mai released his psychic powers and put Logan on the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I may find you again in the future, maybe not, it depends on the power of fate. But you can't leave now, it's best to wait until we get back to the camp, otherwise we will be very troublesome. Ten minutes later is a better time. The condition I let you leave free is that you don't hurt these two soldiers. I have hypnotized them, they will sleep until tomorrow morning, or until they are awakened by the loud noise, but in short it will not affect your escape. "

"Are you not going to imprison me and force me to study?"

"What do you think I am, an evil crazy scientist or a neuropathy?" Zhao Mai shook his head: "It is never possible to force a wolf to do something, especially a lone wolf. The lives of these two people are of little importance to whether you can leave this place, but I can see if you still have honor and pride. My conditions have been laid out, accept it."

Logan nodded: "Okay. But what are you waiting for here, hurry up and get out, I'm going to start the timer!"

Tolkien obviously wanted to say something, but he was dragged by Zhao Mai and couldn't resist. In order to create alibi, they went straight to the logistics office and used money to buy canned food to "improve their lives." After a while, the police whistle rang. Logan rushed out with great fanfare, so that everyone could see his back. The banging gun made him stagger, but it didn't stop him from running to freedom. (To be continued.)

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