Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 331: World situation

"No one can learn his thing!" Logan thumped the table hard, attracting attention.

A group of people came to Dunkirk, which will be famous for a big retreat in a few decades. Now it is just a busy port and an important connection port between Britain and France. Logan and Tolkien were sitting in a tavern by the busy port, with a group of soldiers who were also returning home.

Tolkien was still wearing civilian uniforms with only the rank of sergeant, but because he and the waiter in the tavern had the same hometown, he could get a comfortable seat by the window. Several officers with ranks higher than Tolkien stood in front of the bar, and had swept their gazes several times, and the meaning in them couldn't be more obvious. So Tolkien motioned to Logan to lower his voice, so as not to cause trouble.

Logan kicked the flesh between his teeth with his nails, poured himself a glass of whiskey, and shook his head vigorously: "Mike is too mysterious, don't you think? His set of things of concentration, meditation and imagination is that useful?"

Tolkien shook his head, he also failed to discover psychic abilities. The group set out from Luxembourg, and Zhao Mai began to teach the two psychic powers, but the results were minimal—or no progress. Tolkien felt that his concentration had improved and his spirits improved, as if he had a good night's sleep, but there was no strange phenomenon. Logan was worse than him. Every attempt to meditate would end in rage, as if "quiet down" would trigger the command "Let's fight". Fortunately, Logan couldn't beat Zhao Mai, especially before learning to fly, so the safety of the group was still guaranteed.

"You're not suggesting that Mike deliberately taught the wrong thing?" Tolkien didn't like this year, but he still said it.

"It's possible, but I don't think it. Deception is done for a purpose. What does he do?" Logan waved his hand, took out a cigar from his pocket, broke off a piece, and dipped it in. Slowly ignite with a match. He took a breath, spit on the ground, and then said: "I was caught for experimentation, drawing blood, cutting internal organs, and opening my head. I have experienced all this. But Mike didn't do it, just Pushing me and spreading five fingers, shaking and shaking in front of my eyes over and over again, can you see the ghost? I think the most likely thing is that his set is not suitable for our physique. After all, he has yellow skin."

"I feel the same way." Tolkien nodded. He tilted his head and looked out the window, then suddenly stood up and said, "Logan, the ticket office is open, let's go over!"

"Can you go by yourself?" Logan muttered, but still stood up, drank the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp, and followed.

"The·che" can be driven directly from the bottom of the sea, but Tolkien thinks it is better to buy a ferry ticket and go through the customs to avoid future troubles. After all, it is still a war period, and people may be checked for documents when walking on the street. If there is no consent stamp on it, it is very likely to be arrested.

Zhao Mai has a letter of introduction, but still lacks a 1918 passport. Logan always needs a new passport because of his long life span, which happens to have some ways. Although it has spent a lot of money, Zhao Mai finally got his ID documents ready. He took Addo, Xiaohua and Duojian to purchase some clothes and supplies of this era. Of course, it is more important to buy weapons of this era. During the war, the streets were full of guns. If you didn't carry some on your body, you would look out of place. Logan protected Tolkien to buy passenger ferry tickets for several people. The two people have been wondering why they didn't consign the whole car. Zhao Mai just smiled and did not answer.

In the eyes of Tolkien and Logan, Zhao Mai is a mysterious Oriental, with secrets all over his body.

After entering 1918, the war situation has become increasingly clear, and the advantages of the Allied Powers have become greater and greater. Although a "coup" broke out in Tsarist Russia, a group of no one seized power, leading Russia to withdraw from the war. However, Germany did not seize this opportunity. Its diplomatic efforts were disrupted by impulsive generals. As a result, Germany still failed to get rid of the embarrassing situation of fighting on the two fronts. Britain and France have consolidated their fronts near the border, and the weapon of tanks has brought confidence in victory for the Allies. In addition, the United States entered the war and sent troops to Europe since last year, which greatly increased the military strength of the Allied powers.

Tolkien also knew that China, thousands of miles away, also sent people to the war. Although they were just laborers, they did some logistics and construction work, but it was a kind of statement. In his heart, he agrees with Mike's words. For example, Mike is different from all the Eastern faces he has seen in Europe, especially his strong self-confidence and the calmness to face all problems, which is not something ordinary people can have.

It is strange that Tolkien has a feeling that in learning magic, Mike will be much smoother than him, even if he is British and Zhao Mai is only Chinese. If Easterners learn magic from them, will they build a powerful civilization? Napoleon warned about the power of the East, and could Zhao Mai be the Prometheus who stole the fire of power? Until the two of them completed the formalities and squeezed out of the crowd with the ticket, he was still full of these weird ideas.

Logan's nose suddenly wrinkled, "I have a bad feeling, you go back to the hotel first, I'll have a look over there!"

"Go together!" Tolkien was full of adventurous spirit. He patted the Weber wheel on his waist, "I have it!"

Logan smiled and the two moved forward quickly. They soon discovered a thick wall of people, surrounded by Zhao Mai.

An American official pointed at Zhao Mai's forehead with Colt, and Zhao Mai opened his hands and gently placed it on his side. The one holding the weapon was very nervous, but the one with the empty hand looked relaxed. On the ground was a comatose oriental man who was unconscious (life or death). A curved sword with a slight curvature was broken in two, and the bridge of his nose was broken into at least three sections~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cowboy, although you Look at me now empty-handed, but you don't know what these bare hands can do. "Zhao Mai said to him: "If you want to pull the trigger, I welcome you to try. If you don’t want to, just take the muzzle away, otherwise your bullet will be your own head. You have five seconds to think about it, not to mention unexpectedly. "

Zhao Mai lowered his head slightly and put his forehead directly on the muzzle. The ice energy transformed by the natural force gathered on the forehead and began to freeze along the barrel. The power of strange ghosts can turn metal weapons into broken ice, and Zhao Mai wants to try its effect on bullets. However, the American on the opposite side was obviously very clever, calmed down quickly, and immediately moved his gun away.

"I'm not going to beat someone who doesn't carry a weapon." The officer said, "That's not moral."

"Well, I agree." Zhao Mai nodded, pointed to the samurai on the ground who was still in a coma, and said: "You'd better educate your entourage, don't scream and draw the knife. Just take a glance, don't face it. My woman reaches out her hand."

He lowered his head and glanced at the grain reserves, "If you encounter this situation in the future, just bite off your hand, don't worry about it."

"Wang!" (To be continued.)

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