Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 334: Broken Cauldron Bar

"Look!" Logan floated a spoon in the air with psychic powers and slowly turned it. [] "I made it!"

"Congratulations." Zhao Mai sat aside, using natural force to heal himself. If he didn't use psychic powers and simply compared his physical fitness, he would be beaten to death by Logan every time. Logan has been in the army since he was a young man. He kept fighting and then fighting, and often changed sides to fight-as long as he could get the money and be exciting. He has mastered a variety of fighting methods for multiple teams, combined with street fighting and underground black boxing experience, and created a set of quick and effective fighting methods within a short distance. Zhao Mai knows that this set of techniques will slowly spread and be used by many superpowers, including the famous Black Widow and Captain America. In fact, Black Widow has also been trained by Wolverine herself.

"Don't keep your face straight, I know that my psychic powers are not as strong as you." Logan seemed to have found a new toy and kept playing excitedly. But as soon as he was excited, he would lose control of his abilities, and the spoon fell off with a snap.

"There are many ways to use psychic powers. I only give you one of them. It requires concentration and calmness to use. It has many magical functions, mainly focusing on creating and controlling foreign objects." Zhao Mai knew that he and Luo The roots are about to break up, so he tells him frankly: "There is another way to focus on oneself, which can greatly enhance physical fitness and combat ability, just like me. I did not teach you the second method because I am worried. This will make you go into rage more often and lose your mind. If you one day think that you can completely control your temper, I will teach you the second method."

"That's not what you promised. I asked you to research and collect blood, and I also taught you all the fighting skills. You have reservations like this..." Logan thought for a while and snorted: " Although I know it is for my own good, you are a bit too broad."

"You just say,'I think I'm fine, teach me now,' and I will teach you all." Zhao Mai shrugged, screwed the self-made medicinal wine on the bottle cap and set it aside. "In the future, because of being too violent, the brain will heal itself and lose all memory. You can't blame me."

"Will it be like that?" Logan thought for a while, "I will believe you again. After I master the technique of storing all my memories in the power crystal, I will come to you again."

"How do you find me? I don't have a fixed place to live."

"Don't underestimate my nose. When I want to find someone, there is no time to find it." Logan said to Zhao Mai: "Longhou, you and Tolkien are my friends. Live well."

"Just remember not to believe the Japanese." Zhao Mai said.

Logan walked silently, and Tolkien couldn't see him when he fell asleep. Zhao Mai knew when Logan left, and knew he didn't like to say goodbye, so he didn't see him off. When he left, he was carrying a bag of pounds and war bonds. These were enough for him to live for a long time, and even if he invested reasonably, it was enough for him to live forever. But Logan is not a squirrel storing food, but a wolf, he will only eat all the meat, and then go to the next prey.

People always come and go. Tolkien once again asked for a leave of absence from Oxford University, on the grounds that he was "going to the military to investigate and perform tasks." The school does not want teachers to go to war all day, so it is tough. "If you leave, there will be no seats!" But this did not shake his yearning for magic.

Seeing his firm attitude, the school did not expel him in the end, but gave him one last chance. In this way, after bidding farewell to Edith, he also stepped on his backpack and drove to London in Zhao Mai's car.

Fortunately, it is the First World War, and there is no large-scale air raid, unlike in the Second World War. Because of the large number of factories and the use of coal, London is often shrouded in smog, and Zhao Mai and the others encountered such a heavy fog on the day they arrived. In a daze, Zhao Mai seemed to have returned to his hometown a century later. But if you distinguish it carefully, the smell of smog here is still somewhat different from the hometown in memory, and some are not authentic enough.

Long lines of people can be seen everywhere on the street. Due to the rationing system, queuing up to exchange tickets for things is something residents do every day. The black market certainly exists, in a semi-public state, and even a black market with open police stations. Zhao Mai and Tolkien are also looking for a black market, but it is another black market: the black market of wizards.

According to the letter, they wanted to go to a place called "Diagon Alley" to purchase some things for wizards. This is actually a test, because the entrance to Diagon Alley, the "Broken Cauldron Bar", is enchanted and can only be seen by people of wizarding blood.

Wizard blood is a very strange thing, it has derived various names such as pure blood, mixed blood, dumb gun, and Muggle. According to statistics, the ability of pure blood is better on average, and it is easier to appear particularly powerful wizards. Mixed blood may cause loss of magic power in offspring. Of course, the pure-blood family may also give birth to children without magic talents, this is the "dumb gun". As for Muggles, it refers to people who don't know the magical world and can't magic, at least in the beginning the term meant that.

"Westminster area, Charing Cross Road." Tolkien's eyes widened, finally seeing the sign. "It should be here, let's get out of the car and look for it!"

Zhao Mai looked at the map of the phone, compared the things displayed on it with the surrounding environment, and tested how strong the navigation ability of the phone is. After walking just like that, Tolkien stabbed him with an elbow and said with excitement: "Look! Broken Cauldron Bar!"

what? Zhao Mai looked away from the phone screen ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and followed Tolkien's fingers. He only saw a flower shop and a newsstand that no one patronized, just as the phone showed. But when he watched intently, he saw a black and gray broken house slowly "squeezing" out of the flower shop and newsstand, like slowly blowing a bubble gum from his lips.

What does this show? Does it have magical blood or not? Before Zhao Mai thought about this question, Tolkien took him forward.

The Broken Cauldron Bar seems to be very old, the wooden building looks like a medieval style, and the narrow and small entrance can only be squeezed sideways, with a black wooden sign hanging on it. A witch was stirring a cauldron vigorously, a hole in the pot broke, and the potion flowed all over the floor. It seemed that this was the origin of the "broken cauldron".

Tolkien raised his hand to grab the knocker, but he didn't expect the knocker to be alive, so he escaped by shouting "Ouch". The wooden door slowly opened with the sounds of "Ouch" and "Cracking". It was a very dim place inside. Zhao Mai saw seven old women sitting on a long table in the corner, smoking thin tubes, with bubbling green drinks in front of them. A young man with a tall peaked hat was talking to the tavern owner, a woman with a big red nose. When the door opened, the two of them cast their gazes.

"Sesame has opened the door," Tolkien said, and then walked in first. (To be continued.)

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