Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 339: President and Professor

Since it is not a serious school season, there are not many people in the car. [Reading the latest chapters] Two teams of parents took their young children to visit Hogwarts. After talking, Zhao Mai knew that his family was from Romania and the other was from Australia.

They are all pure wizarding families. They have no interest in the Muggle world. They just complain that this world war has made transportation less convenient than in the past. "It seems that they haven't gotten rid of the ignorance hundreds of years ago, but this time there was no witch killing, so they killed each other." The two families have similar ideas. "Fortunately, we have gotten rid of Muggles. Contagious by their stupidity."

That tone, as if discussing another world. Zhao Mai suddenly felt that in the eyes of the wizard, the wizard world was the real core world. The Muggle world without magic was just a place that overlapped with their world. This is completely contrary to Zhao Mai's deep-rooted "earth home" feeling.

Only the person pushing the minivan and saying "candies, drinks, sandwich bread and newspaper" made him come back to his senses, thinking of "cigarette bread ham sausage, beer and mineral water, don't forget to collect your legs" when he was in the car. He knew that he always had the problem that his thoughts were easy to fly, and he also had a character that Zhong Jianbai described as "hypocritical". Pay attention to the present first, pay attention to the present first-Zhao Mai keeps reminding himself.

Seeing the beautiful scenery outside retreating in the gray train smoke, Zhao Mai found it difficult to take back his thoughts at this time. This is an undisturbed land, without the slightest appearance of war. The grass, flowers, and flocks of sheep are growing freely in the fields, and a few small figures are playing in the shade cast by the big trees. Zhao Mai turned on the phone and saw the place name "Witcher World·Earth" displayed on the navigation. Remember that at the Conference of the Beyonders, the wizarding world was called "the sub-world attached to the earth". This is probably the origin of the special structure of place names.

Now the taxi’s ability to traverse has not been restored, so the billing system cannot be opened, and Zhao Mai has no way of knowing whether it costs money to go from the wizarding world to the original earth.

Formal freshmen get off the station and need to cross a large lake by boat. However, it is not the school season, and there are no special ferrymen waiting at the pier, so they have to take a horse-drawn carriage around the village, passing through the village of Hogsmeade-that is a small village of wizards-and then enter from the main entrance of the castle.

There are already people waiting for them, a thin and tall old man and a strong middle-aged man. The old man's hair was combed back neatly, and a pointed cap about the size of a thumb came out of his hair like a horn on his head. He glanced at Zhao Mai and others, there was no sadness or joy in his eyes, as if he saw only a few stones. But when he saw two families in Romania and Australia, his face burst into a smile.

"Welcome you to Hogwarts, I am the principal, your friend Armando Dipeter, and Professor Dumbledore next to me. Please come with me, and I will take you to Visiting the school." The smile on his face disappeared after meeting Zhao Mai: "As for you, just follow Albus Dumbledore, Professor of Transformation, and he will arrange for you. After all, this is also the case. What he caused."

Zhao Mai looked up and down the famous Albus Dumbledore. He is now thirty-seven years old, which is when he is most energetic, because his body is standing straight, and his shoulders seem to be able to bear the heavy burden. Now his chin has only a short beard that has not been carefully trimmed. It is brown like his hair, and it is all the same. The famous long beard and the most powerful wizard in the later generations were just a rudiment just revealed.

He has wise blue eyes, set on the nose of a hook like an owl. It's a pity that the bridge of his nose was interrupted, and there was an obvious twist, so he lost a lot of fierce and harsh feelings, but became softer. Zhao Mai looked at him and suddenly felt that his psychic defense had been touched, so he frowned and said to Dumbledore: "Don't read me mind."

Dumbledore blinked, nodded and said, "Sorry, this is an unconscious divergence ability. But I see that you have been well protected by thinking, which is quite rare." He looked at the crowd and bowed slightly. Very politely said: "As the principal introduced me, my name is Albus Dumbledore and I am now the teacher of the transformation class. Before you formally assign the grades and enroll, I will lead you to tuition. However, You should not have psychological pressure. Assignment to any grade is only an evaluation of your past knowledge and will never affect your future achievements."

"Thank you, but why did the principal say you caused this matter?"

"I am a student of Gryffindor College at Hogwarts. When I was here, I found that the number of new students was getting smaller every year. Especially the number of students from non-wizard families was extremely low. It was very strange." He made a gesture of invitation. Then talk to everyone while walking: "The descendants of wizards are easy to produce wizards, and they will be tested in advance to ensure that they can enroll at the age of eleven. However, wizards born from pure Muggle families will never know the wizarding world. At this time, if If there is a problem in finding the wizarding spell, it will lead to the loss of talents in the wizarding world. I was inspired by a friend to think about this problem. After research, I found the mistakes in finding the wizarding spell. Unfortunately, many Muggle-born wizards have missed it. The time was right, because I couldn't control my own magic power, which caused various problems. But fortunately, a group of people were found. That's how you are."

"What will happen to those who miss the opportunity?" Zhao Mai asked.

"Some people can't direct their own magic power for a lifetime, then they are no different from ordinary Muggles." Dumbledore said, "But there are some people whose magic power appears, but there is no way to control it. If the wizards don't intervene, Muggles It’s impossible to deal with such things ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Over time, these people are likely to be swallowed by magic, lose their consciousness, and even die, which is quite miserable."

He said as he walked, leading everyone forward. Hogwarts is a huge castle sitting on a cliff. The place where the carriage stops is already close to the mountainside, but after getting off the carriage, you still have to walk forward. Looking east from the mountain road, you can see a vast forest that stretches to the end of the horizon. "There is a forbidden forest. There is nothing wrong with this part of the area closer to the castle. The more you go in, the more dangerous it is. In addition to various beasts and animals, there are centaur tribes in the depths of the forbidden forest. They don't like people approaching. Legend has it that there are unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, but I haven’t seen anyone say that I’ve seen them with my own eyes. Anyway, don’t go there. Once something goes wrong, you won’t be able to find the corpse."

He led everyone through the tall main entrance and then turned left. "You have not assigned a college. You will not live with the students. Instead, you will live alone in the faculty and staff dormitories. Hogwarts has many rooms and complicated roads. You can always ask for these pictures on the wall after you remember the house number. , They will tell you how to go. But there are a few pictures that will make jokes or lie, so I suggest you remember it yourself. The faculty lounge on the first floor provides three meals a day, at two six o’clock and one ten Two o’clock, don’t miss it. I will teach you. The classroom is in the spells classroom on the fourth floor. I think the spells are the most important place for you to learn. Compared to the children here, you are all adults. I think you can understand the virtue of self-discipline." (To be continued.)

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