Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 348: Forbidden forest

Standing at the place where Ms. Elbela was attacked, Zhao Mai looked around. Bayi? Chinese?? 网㈠???? Along the steep and twisted spiral staircase, his room is above, but the door is just out of sight from this position. If he squatted down, Zhao Mai's eyes could just cross the handrails of the stairs to see Tolkien's room. Since the spell cast by the wand hardly turns, the position of the attacker will certainly not be lower than the floor where Tolkien lives.

There are three paintings on this short staircase. One is a clown who is blindfolded and tied to the turntable. The flying knife flies towards him and bangs on the turntable. He will struggle with his arms and legs, but he can't get away. The second painting is of a huge willow tree, with its thick body supporting the lush branches, and the green leaves dragging onto the green grass. The third painting is an old woman drinking tea at her portrait. She is always crying with a sad expression.

"Excuse me, did you see anything when things happened?"

The tea-drinking woman turned her head, removed the handkerchief that wiped her tears, and covered the fresh tea stains on the table. She shook her head and pointed to her throat, indicating that she could not speak. But she dipped her finger in the tea and wrote a line on the table. After mirror flipping, Zhao Mai knew that it was "I didn't see anything."

"Never see? Didn't you even see how Ms. Elbella got down?" This time without writing, the tea-drinking woman shook her head, continued to pour water from the teapot into the teacup, and then cried silently. Get up and drink. She will always repeat this action, in the past, and in the future.

The clown yelled: "Ah, I heard the bang, I thought there were more knives! But I was blindfolded, blindfolded! Can you untie it for me, at least I have to know who has been using the knife Lose me!"

"You didn't hear the sound of chanting?"

"I only heard the bang, and the bones rolled, like a ball, a solid ball!" The clown turned round and round: "Oh, I'm dizzy, dizzy, why don't I faint?"

Zhao Mai then called the reserve grain to come and smell it, whether there was any strange smell. A Liang was wagging his tail, patrolling the steps back and forth, and then ran up and down the stairs. Soon, it licked Zhao Mai's leg with its tongue, and then pointed it in the direction of the willow tree painting.

"Is there a problem with this painting?" Zhao Mai looked at it carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more weird the willow tree seemed to be. It seemed that there was something hidden under the lush foliage. He leaned closer, and the willow tree really changed. The pointed green leaves became claws, and the slender willow branches swelled into thick vines, wrapping the whole tree. The originally enchanting willow tree trunk became rough and twisted, and layered tree bumps and small holes secreting blood-like sap were piled on the trunk. Now the painting is not the willow tree, but the dragon claw vine and the jalapeno, the two most dangerous plants in the Hogwarts Forbidden Forest.

After the picture changed, Zhao Mai saw a dark figure jumping from between the branches, hiding behind the tree trunk, and running away. The reserve grain made a "barking" cry, pointing to the dark shadow to remind Zhao Mai to pay attention. How did the shadow enter the painting?

Zhao Mai stretched out his hand and could only touch the canvas, and stabbing with a magic wand was useless. He leaned close to the canvas and looked around the edge of the picture, barely seeing a crooked last quarter moon in the sky. And now the outer moon phase is the first quarter moon, which shows that the time in the picture is different from the outside.

"Can pictures be used to escape?" He felt a little strange. At this time, the food reserve put his front paws on the wall, scratching constantly, and tilted his head to look at the owner. Zhao Mai suddenly realized that he lifted up the painting of Dragon Claw Vine and Hempthorn, and there was a passage behind it!

Said it is a passage, it looks like it is just a door with a pull ring painted on the wall. Zhao Mai reached out and grabbed it, only touching the flat wall, but he could hook the raised door knocker with his wand. After pulling it hard, a narrow and dark passage appeared. This passage is not large, and Zhao Mai's body type can only barely squeeze in on his stomach. It seems that the tree landscape painting saw what happened, but it couldn't speak, so it used the method of image transformation to remind Zhao Mai, saying that the attacker hid behind him and ran away.

"I'm going to chase the murderer, don't worry about me." Zhao Mai said to Tolkien: "Take care of yourself, and take care of Addo and Dojian."

"I want to go too!" Xiaohua said floating in the air.

"Not this time. This passage is too much, and the food reserves are enough for themselves, let alone carrying flower pots. You are here to protect everyone. It is possible that there is not only one attacker, in case it is an organized gang. What about the action?"

"Okay..." Xiaohua has always been unhappy that she can't follow the adventure.

After speaking, Zhao Mai used natural force to transform into a giant python, swam up the wall, and then got into the passage. The food reserve stood up straight, and then tried to jump in with his head arched in the passage, but he tried several times without success. It looked at Tolkien with tears in his eyes, who put his **** in his hands and finally pushed it into the tunnel.

The wall of the faculty building was only as thick as a layer of stone, but the passage was quite long, and Zhao Mai crawled for half a mile. When he was halfway through the crawl, he heard a whimper from behind. It turned out that the food reserve was already very big, and he kept arching, and couldn't climb for a while. Zhao Mai turned back, wrapped his tail around it, and directly dragged it forward. The four paws of the food reserve stick out from the snake's winding, tilting his head and licking the snake skin with his tongue. Because he felt too cold, he sneezed at Zhao Mai.

The exit of the passage is a hole of a willow tree, facing the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts. Zhao Mai put down the stored grain, sniffed around the entrance of the cave, raised its paw and pointed in the direction of the forbidden forest.

"That person went inside?" Zhao Mai turned into a python, hissing only. The reserve grain barked twice ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as an answer. Hiss and Wangwang are two completely different animal languages, and they cannot communicate at all. Zhao Mai stopped talking nonsense, let the reserve grain run in front, and twisted his body behind to "swim" to catch up.

The Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts covers a large area, extending from herb gardens and plantations to the end of the horizon. Only a small part of this forest belongs to Hogwarts. There are simple paths built in this area, which are better than no signposts and several wildlife observation areas. However, following the occurrence of multiple attacks by monsters and dragons attacking wizards in various places, most schools have stopped the courses of field observation of animals, and all have changed to viewing pictures and written examinations. So there was no one in the Forbidden Forest for a while—except for trick-or-treating bags and adventurous idiots—so it seemed particularly lonely.

The part of the forbidden forest near the campus is not considered dangerous, but the deeper it is, the easier it will be. Known dangers include dragon claw vine and heterocarpus, both of which are man-eating plants, are good at hiding themselves, have great power, can resist magic to a certain extent, and will actively catch food. Other dangers include various poisonous plants and animals, a primitive centaur settlement, pests that can cause various deadly magic effects, and a mist of confusion that distracts people.

Legend has it that there are even undead haunt here.

Now there is a new danger: Zhao Mai. (To be continued.)

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