Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 353: Have to make progress

"Ado, do you want to be a wizard?"

Ado nodded vigorously, "Ado", he raised his wand and shook it, and smiled happily at the same time. [Full Text Reading] Xiao Hua sat on Addo's shoulders, holding the giant's head in her hand, and said to Zhao Mai: "Addo said that he likes to use magic, but he doesn't know how to pass the exam."

"You and mine are in a different situation. I can speak spells, and at the same time use simulation methods to forge magical effects, and there is a certain possibility of being confused. But Addo can only say the word Addo and cannot pronounce the spell. Zhao Mai opened his hand: "Even if you pass the spell class that Addo is best at, what about the other courses? As far as I know, the pen used for the exam has a cheating prevention spell cast on it."

"I have a way. I am also improving, and I am also growing!" Xiaohua smiled and said to Zhao Mai: "Let me show you our new skills."

After speaking, she got into Addo's body, but it was Addo still controlling the body. "Try to cast a spell on Addo!"

"Don't get hurt!" Zhao Mai summoned a cloud of cold air and threw it towards Addo, but the cold air broke before touching the giant's body. "What's going on?" Zhao Mai used psychic powers to create shocks and gradually strengthened his power. It wasn't until he raised his power to the level of a siege hammer that Addo finally felt something.

Xiaohua laughed and flew out of Addo's body and sat on his shoulders again. Zhao Mai saw some sweat on Xiao Hua's forehead, which showed that she had consumed a lot of energy mentally. "How can you reduce the effects of magic and psychic powers?"

"Mike, you forgot, I ate the Heartwood Spear!" Xiaohua gave a proud thumbs up: "I have grown up a lot recently, so I can imitate the power of Heartwood Spear! Now Addo and I are not afraid Magic and psychic powers."

Zhao Mai shook his head: "Don't get overwhelmed, there are still many ways to hurt you, such as this." Zhao Mai used psychic powers to grab a stone from the ground, then used the power to accelerate it, and finally launched it spirally. "I found that you can only block a certain amount of power, and what you offset is the process of psychic powers and magic, not the result. As long as I find the right medium, I can still transmit the power of magic."

"Ah, those problems will be solved slowly!" Xiaohua is still very excited: "But in this way, can I suppress the power of the anti-cheat pen? Hehehe, this will always solve the problem of the written test, right?"

Zhao Mai squeezed his chin and thought about it, then nodded: "It's indeed true."

"Ado!" "Oye!" Xiaohua and Addo high-five each other, but Addo's big hands passed directly through Xiaohua's arm. "You can cheat! We'll copy your answers then!"

When Zhao Mai heard such cheers, he really didn't know what expression to face. "It's okay to copy my answer, but..." Zhao Mai decided to frighten them and said deliberately: "Can you guarantee that the papers for the two of us are the same?"

Xiao Hua's eyes widened: "Huh? Can you still be like this?!"

"Since Ado is determined to be a wizard, then what should be learned is to learn so as not to encounter any danger in the future." Zhao Mai said to Xiaohua: "You understand things better than Ado, so this matter is left to You, can you urge him?"

Xiao Hua put up **** and compared a V, which she learned from Zhao Mai recently. "Leave it to me, we will work hard!"

Not only Xiaohua and Ado have to work hard, but Zhao Mai has to do so. If he wants to explore the world, he must have the ability to explore, and if he wants to find more destiny coins from the Gringotts, he must first be a wizard. Using psychic powers and natural forces to imitate the effects of the spell is the only way for him to pass the exam, which requires a lot of practice and practice.

Floating spell or sparking spell, Zhao Mai can find similar spells from the power he has mastered, but there are many others that cannot be directly realized. Zhao Mai's magic is based on the force of nature. Although I hope it can simulate the effects of spells as much as possible, this is equivalent to teaching the new ability of the force of nature, which is too difficult.

Psionic powers are slightly better, at least it does not require negotiation, it is completely free of mind. At this point, Zhao Mai admired Ado very much. His mind was quite pure and would not have any messy thoughts, so he was much quicker than Zhao Mai when learning the spell. Using the word "Ado" to replace all the mantra language, only he can do this kind of thing.

Ado and Xiao Hua were frightened by Zhao Mai, and hurriedly went back to read, leaving only Zhao Mai and the grain reserves. The two of them walked along the edge of the forbidden forest, immersing themselves in the comfortable environment of the natural force. In this place, Zhao Mai can be very relaxed, even ignoring the difference between the natural forces of the two environments inside and outside. Without one thing that requires distraction, Zhao Mai can focus all his attention on psychic powers.

If you want to pass the spell test, you must strengthen the manifestation effect of psychic powers. For a long time, Zhao Mai puts caution and self-protection in the first place, and always uses spiritual barriers to protect his mind. This good habit allows him to avoid a lot of harm, but it also limits the development of psychic powers.

In terms of power, Zhao Mai is qualified as a psychic, but in terms of the variety of effects of psychic powers, Zhao Mai is unqualified. He had to completely free his mind once, remove the shackles set on his imagination, and let the psychic powers expand freely once.

He slowly walked to the edge of the school, then turned to the forbidden forest, and used the natural force to transform himself into a spiritual element. Two arms stretched out from the white ball of light, constantly condensing the spiritual crystal that stores spiritual energy. According to the Witch King’s record, the process of spiritual release is very expensive, and it is best to strip off most of your own psychic powers and store them in case of emergency.

Reserve grain wagging his tail~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wang Wang" twice, indicating that there are no spectators around. Zhao Mai dismantled the mental defenses in his mind, then closed his eyes, and then released his supernatural powers. His senses follow the abnormalities. It can continue to extend outward, covering itself, covering the grain reserves, covering the surrounding 100-meter forbidden forest.

Everything is clearly visible, as small as the beetle hiding in the gravel, and the last dewdrop hidden under the leaf, all entered Zhao Mai's mind. The sound, smell, and vibration were all inadequate, which quickly made him dizzy. Through Artas' psionic training experience, he knew that this would definitely happen. Every creature builds its own function from the perspective of efficiency, just like a dog can't distinguish colors and humans can't see infrared rays.

Magic doesn't care about these things, and even less psychic powers, so it will carry too much information into the mind until it takes up all perception and thinking. Before that, the psychic needs to let go of the mind, get rid of the five senses endowed by the body, and let the psychic powers become a new sense of the body.

The ultimate goal is to transform the psychic powers from tools to limbs, gradually reaching the level of "like arms making fingers". This training method has a high success rate, but it is not without risk: this training must be carried out in the widest and complex outdoors as much as possible, and when the familiar five senses are filled, the Psion will be unprepared.

Zhao Mai wholeheartedly believed that the grain reserve would protect him. (To be continued.)

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