Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 368: Serious man

Lord Snow Eagle, Legend of Dragon King, Super Soldier King, Cultivation of Rain and Clouds, Supreme Martial Arts, King Evernight, My Neighbor is Banshee, Legend of Fairy Wood

"Pharmaceuticals do exist, but I have encountered some problems now." Because this cold medicine threatened Tolkien, Zhao Mai would no longer hide behind the scenes at this time. Relying on Tolkien's British identity to better promote medicine is one thing, but attracting enemies is another. Zhao Mai stood up and said: "I developed the medicine, as are all the materials and preparation methods. I can cooperate with you, but I have a requirement that I must find a way to protect the safety of Tolkien and his family."

"What about yourself?" Trevor said: "Why don't you go to the United States, where there are the best pharmaceutical laboratories, and it is safer to stay away from the European battlefield."

"No, I don't need the protection of the United States or the United Kingdom." Zhao Mai said: "I have developed a more effective type II drug and have begun to study new formulations with simpler materials and large-scale industrial preparation. I hope You spread the news. No matter who is behind the scenes, they will come to me. I want to pinch them to death one by one!"

"Count me!" "Me too!" Logan and Diana rarely said in unison.

"You are too dangerous!" James only felt sweaty, and he couldn't wipe it clean with his handkerchief. "The British Empire will protect you, whether it's a royal knight or a brave soldier. To tell you the truth, there are members of the royal family who are sick, so we take this matter very seriously."

"Yeah..." Zhao Mai pondered for a while and said after thinking about it: "The medicine is currently facing two problems. The first is that it has not been sufficiently verified, and the second is that several materials in the medicine are not available on the market. If only a few people are to be treated, I can do it."

"Thank you so much." James said: "It shouldn't be too late. It's better to set off now. Let's go to London together and meet my chief to discuss this matter. In this way, you can also receive the best protection from the War Department."

"We have to bury Ms. Valen." Edith's eyes were red, and she whispered, "We can't just leave her here."

"Well, I called the local funeral home and asked them to prepare with the best specifications. It is impossible to hold a funeral tomorrow, I believe you will go back and forth to London, there is no time."

Zhao Mai looked at Edith. After all, Ms. Waren was her godmother, and she was the one who had the most say in this group. Edith grabbed her husband's arm and nodded: "It's okay to do this. Do I need to pack my luggage?"

"I'm going to call, let them arrange everything, and call a few more cars by the way, I'm afraid my car can't hold so many people."

"Go and call, the car won't be needed. My car can fit everyone and it's absolutely safe." Zhao Mai knew that unless he was going to use Tolkien as a shield, he would definitely have to stand at the front desk. Show it generously. However, apart from making potions and knowing magic, he will never reveal that he is a traverser, let alone that he can take others through.

Even if the old man promised that other detached people would not notice Zhao Mai now, there are some things that are better to be careful.

James went to call, Edith went back to the room to find suitable clothes and changed Ms. Warren. The more Logan thought about it, the more angry he got. He suddenly had an idea, so he said to Zhao Mai: "Can you revive others, can you revive the wizard outside? Don't figure out the whole thing, don't find the enemy. , I will never give up."

"Resurrect him and ask for information?" Zhao Mai thought for a while: "Although this is a bit inhumane, but... let me try."

The wizard's body was put in a sack just outside the house. Wolverine went out, dragged the bag all the way in, and then fell to the ground. Zhao Mai frowned: "A lot of materials must be prepared for each resurrection. The cost is not small. If you act lightly, the success rate can be higher."

"Resurrection is a very difficult magical technique. Can you do it?" Diana was a little disbelieved and said: "Only Hades, who is in charge of death, can do this."

"I can only say that I will try it. By the way, I am curious, have you seen Hades? I mean I have seen it with my own eyes."

Diana shook her head: "I lived with my mother on Paradise Island since I was born, and I have never seen Hades. Even my father Zeus, I have only seen phantoms. Trevor is the first time I have ever seen Hades. A man."

"Wow, then you are really closed. But if you can go to Paradise Island, it would be great." Zhao Mai rubbed his hands: "Well, let's not say, I will try to revive this bastard."

This time the reincarnation technique is more troublesome. Before trying to resurrect Mrs. Valen, Zhao Mai exhausted the natural force, so he now needs to arrange rituals to assist his power. Xiao Hua Fei came in to help, she did not expect that she would be seen directly by Diana.

"Where did such a cute spirit child come from?" Diana stretched out her hand, grabbed Xiao Hua directly, and rubbed her face with her hand: "The natural force of her body is so comfortable, and she is still a kind, good boy. . Is this a flower fairy? How did you find her?"

"Let go of me, let me go." Xiao Hua realized that she couldn't get rid of it at all, nor could she fly away with the ability to penetrate objects normally. She didn't want to be rubbed by people—except Zhao Mai—but she found that she couldn't even disperse her body and regroup in the distance. There was a strange power in Diana's palm that prevented her ability to change. This power is very similar to the one on the shell of "THE·CHE". Xiao Hua could not penetrate the shell of the taxi, nor could she escape Diana's grasp.

"Don't panic, I have no ill intentions." Diana lowered her head and kissed Xiao Hua's face, and took a breath, and everyone could see the pink little girl with red hair.

"Wow, how could this happen?" Xiaohua broke free several times, and found that there was no way, so she could only be held in Diana's arms like a plush toy.

"Don't bully her." Zhao Mai said.

"No, I just played with her for a while. She always hides, which is bad for growth. It is for this reason that my mother asked me to contact the humans outside on behalf of Paradise Island." Diana smiled and said .

"If she asks you to let go of her again, you will let her go, otherwise you will be bullying her. I will not be soft." Zhao Mai did not laugh, but continued to prepare for her own spell-casting ceremony. Diana heard a firm meaning in his tone, knowing that she had touched a soft nail. She has rarely seen anyone who speaks to her like this, and she turned her head to look at Zhao Mai. He still focused on the work he was doing at hand, with a solemn expression on his face like the mother of the chief priest at the high ceremony. Diana thought Zhao Mai was very interesting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After looking at him for a while, she blinked, looked away, shook the little flower in her hand, and teased her: "Don't be angry, play with me for a while. Great?"

Xiao Hua thought for a while, worried that she would cause a conflict between Zhao Mai and Diana. And considering that Diana was not malicious, she stopped struggling, stayed in her arms, and directed Zhao Mai to arrange the ceremony with her small hand.

After spending a long time, this reincarnation failed again. "No way, this soul is unwilling to be resurrected." Zhao Mai shrugged his shoulders with a helpless expression: "I can only provide a chance for the soul to return to the body, but the resurrection must be voluntary. The wizard is very Smart, saying that he knew that to resurrect him was to torture him, and he was worried that even if he survived the torture, he would be killed again, or even tortured to death, so he didn't want to be resurrected."

"I'll take his corpse to eight pieces!" Logan roared bitterly.

"But I didn't get nothing." Zhao Mai said: "After death, the soul of a person will take the most familiar appearance, and the robe on the chest of the wizard has the school badge of Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and he speaks French. I guess he didn't pay attention to these details himself-but you can't demand too much from the ghost that just died." To be continued.

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