Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 382: Grade 8

Principal Dippet was silent for a while, then took out his magic wand. Under the action of his magic, all the teachers' desks were placed end to end in a circle, no longer distinguishing priority. He motioned to Dumbledore to sit down, and everyone gathered to discuss the matter.


"First of all, during the exam, Mike sat in front of me. He was the student closest to me." Principal Dippet said: "I watched him answer every paper, and I watched him stick to it. Finally. That kid’s stamina is much better than mine. I have to admit that. He can achieve this result, we must first be happy for him, because it is indeed his talent and hard work."


"According to the rules of this exam and the final results, Mike will enroll and graduate at the same time. This is a record of the school, but do you think this is appropriate?" Principal DiPet saw Dumbledore want to speak , First stretched out his hand to signal him to wait. "This test is a purely written test. There are no practical questions and it is not complete. And I also know Mike’s situation. He has a lot of trouble in releasing spells. If it is a spell practice test, he can’t Pass, this is also the actual situation. Right, Professor Dumbledore?"


"Michael can use spells, but the spell language he uses is different from ours. His companion Addo has similar troubles, and I think this is probably caused by cultural customs." Dumbledore did not mention Druid He just explained two sentences, but seeing the stern gaze of Principal Dippet, he also admitted: "According to the general test standard, his spell class will not pass."


"Failing the spell class will lead to a series of problems, such as divination, arithmetic, divination, potions and transformation classes, all of which require the participation of spells. So I think that according to the general test method, let alone the ultimate wizard level exam, It's the ordinary wizard rank exam, he probably couldn't pass it at all."


   "But the test plan is certain, and his results cannot be overturned." Dumbledore frowned.


"You're right, so my suggestion is that the school recognizes this score, so it should be reported to the Ministry of Magic according to his actual scores of passing all the exams." Principal Dippet's words were beyond Dumbledore's expectations, admitting that the results were indeed This is good news. The principal then said: "But in an attitude of being responsible to students, because Mike does have many defective courses, letting him leave Hogwarts in this way is a performance of our failure, so I am not going to let him graduate. "


  Professor Bins shook his head: "I don't understand. The school admitted that he was enough to graduate but not let him graduate. What's the matter?"


   Dumbledore stroked his beard. He had already figured out the strategy of Principal Dippet, so he sat down firmly and found a comfortable posture on his back. I have to say that although Dippet is a bit snobbish and likes to divide factions, he is indeed an experienced principal in how to use factions and forces.


"We just reported it, and the Ministry of Magic must have exploded! Who wants to go with me to see their expressions?" Principal Dippet laughed, then waved his hand: "It is estimated that the Ministry of Magic will raise a lot of objections. Come, and it is very likely to come up with a spot check method. Once Mike’s spell class is spot checked, it is likely to cause more trouble, such as questioning the validity of the exam, which may affect all Candidates."


   When the professors heard this, they all put away their smiles and sat up straight and listened carefully. Principal Dippet said: "If that happens, we will take the second place and admit his grades, but temporarily not allow him to graduate until Mike is willing to complete the practical exam. He is an excellent student and will only be more important in the future. Excellent. I think if Hogwarts only gave him less than four months of student time, it would be a loss to him and to the school. How about keeping him, even if it is to make the eighth grade?"


   The professors thought for a while, and then exchanged opinions with each other. After considering the possible situation, even Dumbledore felt that this was the safest solution. No objections were raised, and no one else had any opinions. Principal Dippet finally said: "As teachers at Hogwarts, at this time we must unite, for the students, for the school, to do this thing well. Mike passed the exam, there is no doubt. At the same time we Also be prepared in advance. He will feel emotional about not being able to graduate, so he should pay attention to the psychological counseling of students. Dumbledore, you can take time to reveal to Mike in advance, so that he has a certain degree of psychological preparation, by the way, ask him Are there any requirements? After the exam, we have many more students and we can no longer treat them differently."


   Dumbledore rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers and nodded, saying nothing. The matter was so settled.


Zhao Mai’s papers were reviewed several times, so they were slow to read. Others’ papers were not so cumbersome. A total of three days later, all the results have been released, but only the professors and the principal knew about it. Announced. The students have been eagerly looking forward to knowing the result, but they still don’t know anything after waiting for a whole week. They went to Professor Dumbledore to ask questions, and the response was only "Wait a while, everyone will know."


   Zhao Mai is actually the least anxious among all, especially after Professor Dumbledore talked to him in advance. Zhao Mai knew that he had either graduated directly or stayed for a while, after all, he would definitely be a wizard. So he went in and out of the library and the herb room every day, looking up information while preparing several medicines, which seemed very busy. He always followed Tolkien and Addo, and a dog with a heavy load. Zhao Mai believes that food reserves need to be exercised, and the training of basic physical fitness cannot be relaxed just because of the transfer. Every day, he would either tie a sandbag like a grain reserve, or he would continue to pressurize himself with psychic powers, and only relax when he was equipped with potions.


   After all, magic potions are for people to drink, and they need precise proportioning and preparation. Out of a responsible attitude, you should go all out at this time, and adding weight is not appropriate.


   "Mike, come with me." Professor Dumbledore found Zhao Mai at the door of the library. Looking at the relaxed expression on his face, it shouldn't be a bad thing.


Zhao Mai nodded, put the book he had just borrowed under his arm, and followed Dumbledore to his office~www.wuxiaspot.com~Principal Dippet just notified me not long ago that all the results can be reported. Announced outside. Your situation is the most special. In the end, the Ministry of Magic still doesn't want you to graduate directly and puts some pressure on the school. You know all of these things. In the final decision, you will become a Hogwarts student, regardless of the college, regardless of grade. You can take any course offered to students during school, and it doesn't matter whether you take the school test or not. However, the Ministry of Magic requires that you determine the time for yourself to take the practical exams for potions, spells, flying, and transfiguration. After passing the exams, you will be awarded a certificate of passing the ultimate wizard rank exam, which is considered as a formal graduation. "


   This was basically the same result as Principal Dippet expected at the time, except that there were three more practical exams. Potions, spells, and transformations are the foundation of all wizard abilities. Dumbledore also believes that these three exams will only promote rather than punish Mike, so there is no objection. And she also knew very well that Zhao Mai didn't know how to curse, but he didn't cast it in the same way everyone walked together. First stay, and then slowly strive to change the unreasonable restrictions in the grading, Mike passed these three exams without any problems.


   "What do you think?"


   "I'm very satisfied with this." Zhao Mai said: "May I ask if I have passed the ordinary wizard rank test?"


   "Yes, there is no problem with that one." Dumbledore asked, tilting his head, "Why do you care about this exam?"


"Mrs. Frank needs to confirm my test scores before letting me go to the advanced enchantment area." Zhao Mai replied, "I'm still studying the curse of the plague. Professor Dumbledore, has Grandwall still not responded? ?"

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