Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 396: Shot dead

Zhao Mai temporarily restrained the goblin and immediately began to execute the next step. What he kept shouting was not a meaningless roar, but the "water" in the ancient spell. Zhao Mai also taught Xiaohua a part when studying this language, so she could understand some of the words. Xiao Hua didn't hesitate anymore, and got into Addo's body: "Ado, it will rain soon, give Zhao Mai a lot of water!"


   Xiaohua can control Ado, but only when Ado is in control can he cast a spell. "Ado?" The giant stunned for a moment and took out his wand, but his hands kept shaking.


   "Come on, Addo." Xiaohua encouraged Addo: "You can do it! We just want to rain, we only need water!"


   "Ado!" The giant finally waved his wand. On top of Zhao Mai's head, a ball of water the size of a basketball appeared and poured it down with a crash. The flying ice hit the water, freezing the water immediately. The goblin's eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly understood what his opponent was going to do.


   When it came time to desperately, the goblin's two ears stood up suddenly, and the blood vessels swelled, like a red earthworm crawling on its green skin. The Mind Lightning turned into a strong pillar of energy, rushing towards Zhao Mai with a light comparable to the sun, and the lightsaber was another red pillar of light, which also stretched and pierced past. Zhao Mai opened his hands and moved to both sides. His right hand created a protective vortex, which attracted the mind lightning, trapped in the air a few centimeters from the palm of his palm. Although it was terrifying, it did not hurt anyone. His left hand released a supernatural tentacle, grasped and held the goblin's shoulder firmly, and kept the two of them in a relatively motionless position. The lightsaber stretched forward, but it just couldn't reach Zhao Mai.


   "Water! A lot of water!" Zhao Mai roared in lingua franca.


   "Ado!" The giant continuously waved his wand, creating water **** one after another. The little flower also flew out, performing druid tricks, and constantly creating water balls. Zhao Mai and the goblin looked at each other affectionately like lovers standing in the pouring rain. Although his face is a bit ugly, but it is indeed very affectionate. The shards of ice that rained on the ground immediately froze, and Zhao Mai condescendingly pressed the goblin tightly in the continuously "growing" ice.


   When the ice covered Zhao Mai's knees, it had already reached the goblin's waist. If the opponent was a tall guy, Zhao Mai would never use such a strenuous method. In the state of strange ghosts, he is not afraid of human and cold damage, while the short goblin is not so cold resistant. He has to retract the force and cover the surface of his body. The power of the Mind Lightning gradually decreases, and the lightsaber is the same. Finally, he begged for mercy: "I was wrong, don't kill me!"


   Zhao Mai nodded, and then continued to remain vigilant and act according to the original plan. The goblin cut the ice with a lightsaber, trying to free himself, and this just gave Zhao Mai a greater opportunity to attack. He used the saved power to accelerate the production of ice, and froze the goblin's arm first.


   The ice cubes got bigger and bigger, until it became a hockey puck, completely enclosing the goblin. He is not dead, the force of full contraction still protects him, and can even maintain his vitality even when he can't breathe. Unwilling to fail, he continued to use the original force to attack, and continued to burn with the heat of the lightsaber. Zhao Mai placed his palms on the ice hockey and continued to use the power of ice to offset it.


   "Duo Ji'an, come here!" Zhao Mai greeted, and Do Ji'an ran over immediately. Zhao Mai loosened a hand, drew out the hunter's blood spear and handed it to her: "Take it, go behind him. I will create a hole for you and stab him to death, understand?"


   Duojian nodded, and circled half a circle with his spear. Zhao Mai moved his hands back and forth on the hockey puck, casting the power of the ice while shaping it, a round hole slightly thicker than the hunter's blood spear appeared, pointing directly to the vest of the goblin Ronda. Duojian slowly passed the spear through the hole, deeper and deeper.


   Longda had a premonition of what was about to happen, struggling hard, but could not get rid of it. Duojian handed it abruptly, and the hunter's blood spear pierced the goblin's body. The wound opened, and the blood sprayed on the ice, frozen immediately, and dyed the surrounding red, like a crystal rose in bloom. The goblin seems to have the ability to regenerate, just like a troll, the wound is constantly trying to heal. However, the characteristic of the Hunter's Blood Spear is that it will continue to expand the damage of the wound, slowly exceeding the regeneration speed of the goblin. After giving out the last unwilling look, the goblin's light of life dimmed and finally stopped all activities.


   Zhao Maisi didn't dare to be careless, he didn't know if the goblin would have any other players. The safest way is to transform him into a ghoul and replace the energy in his body with the power of ice and death, no matter what type it was before. This process is much more troublesome and time-consuming than Zhao Mai imagined. An ordinary corpse can be transformed into a ghoul in a few seconds, but it took ten minutes to complete it on the goblin.


   Until then, the ice can finally be lifted, but Zhao Mai still only lifted the upper body of the goblin. After taking out the lightsaber, he froze the ghoul goblin again, leaving only his head outside. Only then did he really breathe a sigh of relief. The lightsaber was badly damaged by the ice, and there were several large cracks in the shell, and small electric sparks appeared from time to time. Zhao Mai will definitely try to fix it, but don't rush for a while.


   "Is he dead?" Barbara shouted from a distance. She managed to watch quietly and not mix up, so nothing happened. Zhao Mai nodded and asked Ado to carry the grain reserves. The big dog was numb all over, and his tongue couldn't help twitching, and he spit out white foam. Zhao Mai used psionic powers to draw away the still raging psychic lightning ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then cast a few healing spells, and the dog was alive and kicking again.


   Centaur tribes gathered, and supported each other around. Many strong men and horses have become disabled, but fortunately, with their four legs, two hands, two hearts and four lungs, they have more parts and less injury. Branverton came over and looked at the goblin trapped in the ice with only one head left, and said to Zhao Mai: "Can I kill him for revenge?"


   There is no way to explain the problem that ghouls are equal to dead bodies, and Zhao Mai does not want to explain either. He nodded, and let the centaur "hands on the enemy", it would definitely make them feel better. Branverton raised a large rock with one hand from the wreckage of the well, and then slammed it down. Goblin Ronda's head was smashed flat with a flutter.


"Mike, you are our eternal friend." Bran Wharton stretched out his hand to shook Zhao Mai: "You are always welcome to visit the Centaur tribe, and in the Forbidden Forest, as long as you need help, we It is incumbent to lend a helping hand."


"If you encounter anything, you can also come to me. It is estimated that I will be at Hogwarts for a while, and I will often come to the Forbidden Forest. After all, I still have to gather herbs." Zhao Mai said, "I It is estimated that there will be trolls wandering in the forbidden forest. Don't lose out this time. Remember to burn the bodies of the trolls and not leave the remains, so that they can be completely killed."


"We all remembered." Bran Walton nodded: "We will arrange the old and the young, and then we will clean up the forbidden forest with these brothers and wipe out the trolls. This place will definitely return to its original state. of!"

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