Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 399: Branch

"Hurry up, hurry up, new classmates are coming today!" Barbara dragged her good friend, Susie Quill from Ravenclaw, and ran into the auditorium quickly. It has been refurbished here, and the long tables of the four colleges are full of flowers, golden plates and goblets. Now these cups and plates are empty, but when the banquet begins, they will be filled with food and drinks with a pop.


   There are countless lit candles floating above the hall, brightening the lights shining here. The flags of the four academies were hung on both walls. The champion academy last semester was Slytherin, so the edge of Slytherin's green serpentine flag was decorated with golden corollas.


  The senior students sat near the gate, vacating the part of the table near the podium at the other end. There will be a place for new students, and it also means that every college will welcome new family members. On the rostrum, the principal, professors, teachers, and faculty were seated separately, looking at the students with a smile. In front of them there was a high platform with a greasy, tattered pointed hat on it. This is the famous sorting hat, a treasure left by Gryffindor, one of the founders of Hogwarts. This is a wise hat that can judge a person's character and potential, and then assign it to one of the four colleges.


   The four colleges are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.


   Newly enrolled students have to come by boat from the Great Lake outside Hogwarts Castle, climb the steps, enter the hall, put on the sorting hat, enter a college, receive a warm welcome, and then start eating. This has been the case every year. But this year is a little different. There are two more tables on both sides of the rostrum, and the tuition students who have passed the exam sit here. They will also participate in the Sorting Ceremony, but the boat ride is eliminated.


   "Barbara, why are you running to the front? This place will be next to the new students, and it will be messy." Susie ran panting all the way, her white face climbing into the crimson color, looking very cute and cute. She took Barbara to sit down, and reached out to help her friend tidy up the rolled collar. "Why are you still not paying attention to image? Do you remember what happened when you were sorted?"


"Remember, remember, I knocked the syrup over and turned your hair into sugar cubes." Barbara smiled and said, "Hey, I'm not here to see new students, but tutors. You see that Do you have an eastern face, right next to the big man Addo?"


   "Who didn't know that it was Mike Longhou, the wizard who passed all the exams in less than four months, the first eighth grade in history." Susie stroked her chest, letting her breathing smooth. "Sure enough, he is the same as the rumors, he looks so weird!"


"It's time for you to take a good workout. Just run so little and then you pant like this. What should you do if you are in danger?" Barbara looked at her good friend and felt that Mike was not wrong at all. Most wizards were too physical. Worse. After experiencing distress in the Forbidden Forest and being put on a balloon, she began to consciously strengthen her running exercises. In addition to better "cardiopulmonary function", she found that her magic power had actually increased. This unexpected joy made her pay attention to every word he said, and even found a special book to record Zhao Mai's words and deeds in the Forbidden Forest. Of course, she promised to keep it secret, so there is no name in the book, just simply "him".


"We haven't won the championship for eight consecutive years, and the last four years have been Slytherin, don't you find it a bit boring?" Barbara exhaled gently into Susie's ear: "As long as Mike joins in, let's The college is set to win!"


"Ah? Is he so good?" Susie gently pushed Barbara's face away a little so that she could turn her head to face her and speak: "He is very good in the exam, but it doesn't mean that he can The college gets more points. Is he a good Quidditch player?"


   "No, although the Quidditch player is handsome, that's not his style." Barbara found that she could not share the story of the forbidden forest with others, or she had violated her oath. So she just shook her head and said vigorously: "Ah! I can't say, but in short he is very powerful!"


   Susie looked at Barbara suspiciously, then at Zhao Mai, and reached out to touch Barbara's forehead. "No fever?"


   "Of course, I'm very awake." Barbara grabbed Susie and swayed back and forth, "You have to believe me. If you want to win the championship, the only possible way is to let Mike come to our college!


   "Well, I believe you. An eighth grader is always good." Susie said quickly, reaching out to hold the glasses that were about to fall. "Just study hard, is it so important for a branch championship?"


"Of course, if I didn't win a championship at Hogwarts in seven years, I would be sad. Susie, you won't make me sad, right?" Barbara said frankly, "So let us Let's pray together and let the Sorting Hat assign Mike to Ravenclaw."


   When they prayed, Zhao Mai, the person involved, was unaware of it. He sat beside Ado, who was nervous and excited, and closed his eyes to rest. He didn't open his eyes until the first-year freshmen lined up to enter the hall. After the principal Dippet gave a brief speech, Professor Dumbledore put on a sorting hat for each student, and then the crumpled hat would call out the name of the college and allocate the new students.


   Colleges are not evenly distributed, but each college has an upper limit of carrying capacity. Hogwarts dormitories and classrooms can accommodate up to 1,000 students, but the current teachers and teaching resources can only maintain the maximum number of students of 400~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is why all tuition students can’t stay. Some need to continue to study and wait until next year to join the first grade with the next class of students.


   Of course, there are some tuition students who will join the first grade this year. They teased themselves and said that they were all "the last lucky ones." Immediately after the eleven or twelve-year-old children, these people also started the sorting ceremony.


   Some of them are seventeen or eighteen years old, the older ones are in their early twenties. They were tall and big and looked out of place among a group of children, which caused some laughter. Zhao Mai looked around, stabbed Ado with his elbow, and then began to clap rhythmically. Soon, all the tuition students joined in, like the applause of drums overwhelming laughter. All tuition students are a whole, no matter which college they are assigned to, they all share the time of studying together and will always carry the title of "tuition student".


   The tallest of all is Addo, and Professor Dumbledore threw the Sorting Hat on his head after standing on his toes. The hat hesitated for a while, then suddenly shouted: "Ado! Uh, I mean Hufflepuff!"


   "Ado." Amidst applause, Ado reached the Hufflepuff table. Hufflepuff is unknown among the four academies, and looks the most ordinary, but in fact provides the most pillars and masonry for the wizarding world.


   Tolkien was assigned to Gryffindor, which satisfied him. Tolkien said more than once that he hoped he could enter Gryffindor. The brave lion is actually the griffon, his favorite animal. Considering the British love of lions, such a choice is justified.

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