Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 703: Officially named

"No, it's not a good name. I would rather call it a cute charging loli than a Sarah Conner's name. Isn't this kind of fungus guardian going to appear in large numbers, is it appropriate to call them names? We should not think about it. Should it be the name of a species?"

"Then it's called the dull demon, the dull tree demon." Xiaohua said casually.

Seeing the tears in the eyes of "Stupid Demon", he did not dare to shed, let alone refute, and silently greeted the irresistible terrible fate. Zhao Mai sighed, still softened. "She is intellectual and conscious, let her speak for herself."

"Dai Yao (quasi flicked his tail and stuck it on Zhao Mai's thigh with a snap, and then a burst of electricity passed. Zhao Mai twitched his whole body for a while, and then said: "Do you want to be called the Gardener Dragon of Xiaohua's house? It's better to call it the Gardener Dragon. That name is fine? So be it. Also, next time you speak directly, don't use nerves. Electric signal transmission, especially when you stabbed the tail on me! I am not a fungus blanket!"

In order to teach the gardener dragon a little lesson, Zhao Mai passed back some current. Unexpectedly, the gardener dragon trembled, turned his eyes, then opened his mouth wide, and black smoke came out of his throat.

"Be careful, she's going to explode! Don't discharge it anymore!" Xiaohua hurriedly stopped Zhao Mai and said, "In order to show you, this one is just full of energy! It will explode when overloaded!"

"Oh my god, it's too dangerous! Do not carry a fully charged gardener on the plane-I mean the Chimera spacecraft. If it blows up while jumping in outer space or hyperspace, it may cause disaster of!"

The gardener dragon slowed down for a while, then smoked for a while, and finally returned to normal slowly. She immediately held the still smoking tail in both hands and put it in front of her mouth to blow hard, and then looked at Zhao Mai with fear. Seeing Zhao Mai staring at her, she immediately hid her tail behind her back, her lips tightly pressed, full of tears that would never drip.

Zhao Mai clutched his forehead and finally remembered that the business was coming. He snapped his fingers and greeted the worker insects and jumping dogs who were working in the Z Worm underground base to come over, standing next to the gardener dragon on the left and right. "Look, do you see anything?"

"Beauty and the Beast?"

"Yes, the style of painting is not uniform! The Z worm is hard shell, fangs and claws, how fierce and evil it is. You are good, soft and fleshy, and there are always tears. How awkward it looks!"

"This is called the beauty of contrast. Besides, I don't dislike your bald head or the image of an orc, and the food reserve didn't say anything when I looked at it, right?" Xiaohua always has a reason. "Moreover, even if there is a problem, the Z bug is not good-looking, not my gardener dragon! In terms of ability, they are completely up to the standard!"

"They? Have they begun to appear in batches?"

"Yeah, didn't you say that you want to spread the fungus blanket? After changing to the sap soil, the workload is so heavy, it can't be done without the gardener dragon. By the way, they are the natural enemies of all fungus blankets, so they can easily pick the legion. You can rest assured in the future."

"Little mushroom picking girl... well, so be it, I have to calm down..." Zhao Mai's shoulder collapsed suddenly, as if he had been severely hit.

"By the way, there is actually another function!" Xiao Hua floated to Zhao Mai with a sigh of relief: "If the flowerpot is in the neural network, then I can use the gardener dragon's physical activity! Her brain is already complex enough and capable of sensing. Yes. In other words, wherever the fungus blanket goes, wherever the gardener dragon goes, I can go there!"

Zhao Mai's eyes lit up, "Well, this is good news. But will you blew yourself up? Especially when I pinch your face?"

"I will try my best to endure it." Xiao Hua giggled.

Zhao Mai is already imagining: on the brown earth constructed by the soil, various plants are luxuriantly growing, and the green ocean extends to the end of his vision. Everything is lively, insects and beasts cry one after another, accompanied by the sound of wind and water. Among the cotton candy-like clouds, flocks of big birds fly by, and there are balloon-like monitor insects rising and falling. The army of Z insects rushed past, and the little animals hid. Only a group of cute blue-eyed little loli stood watching, and they sent "telegram signals" with their tails crackling.

Zhao Mai can connect herself to the neural network, and then can direct these gardener dragons, use their sound wave control system to sing, and even play background music uniformly. Whether it's a passionate "Hell March" or "Gee Sweep", it can either boost your morale or hit the enemy. You can also play the wake-up signal and the light-off signal every day...Forget it, can't think about it anymore, Zhao Mai feels that he has gone a little confused.

This style of painting must be adapted, but there is a saying that makes sense, "The value of the face is also the combat effectiveness." In many film and television works, the cute ones generally get good results. If you consider that all works may be some kind of projection of the will of each world, then this rule may be applicable to the entire universe. There must be a representative of Z Worm here, Xiao Hua and Gardener Dragon are pretty good, at least much better than Z Worm and Zhao Mai.

If you think so, then Zhao Mai feels much better. If the style is not unified, it is not unified. Anyway, this is a world where everything can happen. Now that the long-awaited siran and the gardener dragon have been completed, you can let go of your hands and feet and do a great job!

Zhao Mai returned to the ground and looked at the crowded settlement. After several months of development, around the arena and the Legion Luncheon Meat Hotel, it has the potential to become a "Mordor Entertainment Center". What is lacking now is actually the territorial power brought by the will of the world. The negative impact of Gulu's detention has become more and more serious, and it has even crossed Zhao Mai and began to affect Daryl and Dushat. The two most important managers in the blackfoot territories have a tendency to indulge in gambling and drinking. Zhao Mai took them to the path of strong orcs, and he couldn’t watch them fall down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition, the hidden dangers of diseases are getting bigger and bigger in the settlements, and there are foreign orcs to the locals. The contradictions buried under the slave injury, and other settlements' exploration of the Legion's lunch meat came from the pressure of the Ring Spirit and Sauron. Zhao Mai has discovered several waves of spies, some are from the orc war chiefs, and some are from goblins. All aspects of this problem are more or less affected by the will of the world.

Through these things, he truly saw the "complexity of society." Whether in Arda, returning to Earth, or going to any world, world will, the realm of gods, or custom rules, as long as he wants to do things, he must deal with them. This kind of force is called boost when it is used well, and it is called resistance if it is not used well or not knowing how to use it.

This principle has been known for a long time, but it does not mean that it can be understood, and it does not mean that it can be applied, controlled, and transformed. But Zhao Mai now feels a new force rising. Just when he gave the order to formally lay the soil, and at the same time sent the gardener dragon to infiltrate the ecosystem, the power representing the will of the Z insect was added to Arda's world and was reflected in Zhao Mai.

He suddenly realized that the Z insect was originally created by him in the world of Arda, and of course it can have its own place like elves, humans, dwarves and orcs. Here is the foundation of Z Worm, which is his "root and feet" of Zhao Mai.

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