Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 719: The history of the old guy

With the strength to repair the world, the Z bug has never stopped the pace of engineering construction. They increase their numbers while working hard to dig. The tunnel worm started from the Blackfoot settlement and extended the tunnel network in all directions. One of them went all the way to the west, digging through the Shadow Mountains, secretly connecting the inner and outer sides of Mordor.

This is a living tunnel. The soil constitutes the outer wall structure of the pipeline, and the Z insect attaches to the soil to form a telescopic support column. In normal times, this passage is like mud, blending with the surrounding environment without any gaps at all. Only when needed, the soil will contract under the pressure of the support column to make way for it. This is considering that Sauron has cast many spells on the border of Mordor, monitoring every possible rift and tunnel. It is usually closed to cover people's eyes and ears, and opened whenever needed. Only living soil can do this.

Riding a dire wolf, a group of people quickly traversed this tunnel and came to the other end of the Shadow Mountain. The tunnel slowly closed behind them, and the surrounding soil and rocks continued to squirm like jelly, and soon they were completely closed, without any traces being visible. "If there are more channels like this, you can attack Sauron's core hinterland at any time, and there is no possibility of failure!"

"Don't be so optimistic, Zeratul. Geographical advantages are always only one of the factors that determine the outcome of a war." Zhao Mai took a deep breath and listened to the surrounding sounds. The time in Mordor is too long, and I really want to hear the cheerful birds and insects. But they weren't far enough away, Sauron's location still affected the surrounding environment.

"The air here is much better than on the other side, and I feel relieved all over." Zhao Mai spoke while returning to his original shape. The characteristics of the orc disappeared from his body, and the strong muscles were replaced by delicate skin. In a short while, he became an elf with green pupils and long golden hair.

Touch your face and body with your hands, then pull your ears. "How do you two feel, you should be able to get through it?"

Zeratul's eyes widened, and it took him a long time to close his mouth: "The appearance of the orcs before you changed?"

"Have you never wanted to understand? It's too slow." Zhao Mai adjusted his emotions. He is now an elegant elf, not the orc with the "WAAAGH!" sleeves. The movements should not rise and fall suddenly, and every change must have rhythm and rhythm, just like dancing. Also, when speaking, if it is not an emergency, you should also pay attention to the change of tone and speed. The accent is like a drumbeat, and the dragging is like a glide.

He slowly changed, from a sturdy back to a willow-leaf pierced cloud. After about three hours, even the picky Zeratul couldn't find anything wrong.

"I apologize for not trusting you before." Zeratul said sincerely: "I didn't believe my sister again. I'm so sorry that this stupidity has happened again and again."

"You are not stupid, just vigilance. Because of your vigilance, your sister has a safe environment to think quietly. And thinking, my friend..." Zhao Mai smiled and said, "Thinking is everything The foundation of wisdom."

"Oh my god, I can't remember what the Tverdor Mordor blackfoot was like before!" Zeratul said with an exaggerated expression, covering his forehead.

Dire wolves are not suitable to appear far away from Mordor, so they find an opportunity to switch to horses, so that no matter what race they are in, they will not appear abrupt. This is not the fastest way of action, but it can give Zhao Mai the opportunity to expand. He left Z insects, soil worms, and monitoring insects along the way, and Xiaohua made special markings so that after Mordor's gardener dragon came out, he could find these "base areas". When these base areas continued to expand and connected together, an area under the rule of Z bugs appeared.

Outside the western wall of Mordor are two human kingdoms, on the plain to the north is the kingdom of Rohan on horseback, and to the south is Gondor. They are separated by a continuous snow peak-Ered Ninglais , Also known as the White Mountains. In order to exchange warning messages, human skilled craftsmen have built a series of beacon towers on the White Mountains, which will be lit when support is needed.

The group of people went straight west, traversed the entire Gondor, and turned north when they reached the beach, keeping the continuous mountain range on the right, and they could reach the fairy Rivendell. It is also known as the "Valley". It is the territory of the half-elf Elrond (Elrond). It is one of the only remaining elven territories. It is also the place where the wisdom and inheritance of the elves are most complete in Middle-earth.

Elrond can be said to be a witness of the struggle between justice and evil. He was born in the blood of the three great tribes of elves, three tribes of humans, and the **** Maya. He was born in the First Age and is now 6,500 years old. In his life, he witnessed the fall of Morgoth, the rise of Sauron and the casting of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. After every battle he was unwilling to resign, and therefore cherished peace most. The valley was built by him into a quiet and peaceful place that can heal wounds. He prefers people to praise his medical skills rather than his ability to wield a long sword.

Sauron once came to the elves in the name of Anata, and wanted to pass down the art of ring casting. But Elrond had always doubted Anata's identity and motives, and eventually refused him to enter his territory. So Sauron turned to another elven realm and found Celebrity, who was more urgent to improve his skills. After that, I have already said it before, so I won't repeat it.

The star elves are currently under the shelter of Elrond, and most of them live in Rivendell. But here, there is a difference in the statements of Zeratul and Serantis. Zeratul said that the star elves have lived in Rivendell from beginning to end, and there has been no change, but Thrandis said that the star elves first lived in the southeast of the dark forest and built the tower~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and that At that time Mordor was just a huge lake, and Rivendell was not built.

Zeratul said that her sister was wrong because of practicing psychic powers. "After returning to Rivendell, you can ask any Star Elf, and they will prove that what I said is right." Zeratul doesn't argue with his sister, he is very confident of his correctness. "What kind of history is not important, what is important is that we are going home!"

Seeing his brother who had forgotten to "should listen to his sister" again, Cerandis was unwilling, but there was no other way, so he could only hum. However, the excitement is really hard to suppress when he thinks that he can finally go home after completing the task.

Zhao Mai felt a strange feeling in his heart as he listened to the conversation between the two brothers and sisters. According to the history of the origin world, what Cerlandis said is right. He was the one who moved with the star elves and took them to build the Tongtian Tower. How could he not remember this history? But for so long in Mordor, he also knew that there were no two Myrons in the legend of this world, only one Myron from beginning to end. Sauron has existed from the beginning, the apprentice of the craftsman and dwarf **** Auli, and the adjutant of Morgoth. In other words, there is nothing about Zhao Mai in the history of this world. As a parallel world, history will of course be corrected automatically, so Zeratul is really right.

But how did Thrandis know the history of the origin world?

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