Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 730: People from 4 sides and 8 parties

Elrond would definitely introduce the participants at the beginning of the meeting, and Zhao Mai hoped that Aragorn would clarify everyone's identities to him before the meeting, so he seemed a little impatient. But Zhao Mai is also helpless. He has been doing "underground work" in the orc territory, and he is not familiar with the big bosses on the right side. Even if it was known about who would be attending Elrond's meeting, it was not right.

Especially the absence of Gandalf and Saruman's appearance are things that shouldn't happen in Zhao Mai's plan. Therefore, the real effect of the performance depends on the actual performance. Judging from the distribution of those who have already arrived, Aragorn, which has been incognito and active in the name of "northern ranger", is not the focus of everyone. Except for Elrond and Glovendale, there seemed to be only one young elf from the dark forest looking at Aragorn with concern.

"The elf in green and brown clothes is Legolas. He comes from the dark forest. He is the son of the elf king Thrandui there and the king's messenger." Aragorn really started with someone he knew better.

In addition to the local lords, the elf side also has several elf elders under his command. Behind Grofindale, there is also the wizard Galdor from the shore of Grey Harbor. He was also a messenger and was ordered by Cirdan the "Shipbuilder". Although Cirdan's nickname is not very loud, the ship he made can lead to Velino, and he is also the elf who gave Gandalf one of the three ring of elves, the "Fire Ring".

There were two larger seats on the dwarf side, but one of them was empty, and the other was seated under the **** by the dwarf Groyin. He took his son Jinli, a strong young man who was a little nervous sitting in the back row, his eyes kept shooting out from under his helmet, like diamonds shining in a coal pile.

A little farther away from everyone is a human group, headed by a tall man with handsome features, revealing aristocratic aura, and a very serious expression.

He arrived in a hurry only this morning, still wearing a cloak of the journey, covered with the wind and frost of the journey everywhere. He noticed the gazes of Aragorn and Zhao Mai, nodded slightly, then unfastened the jewel buckle on the neckline and took off the cloak. He hung the ribbon diagonally, and underneath was a horn with a silver tip, which was now resting on his knees. "That's Borromir from Gondor, the eldest son of Regent Dinese"

When Elrond and Saruman entered the game, everyone stood up to greet him, including the panicked Frodo. He and the leaders of several groups have seats in the front row. Sam can only sit behind him and eat the elf honey cake under the cover of the back of the chair. Everyone stood up together, and he jumped up too, and the tray on his knee fell. But before he could say "Ah!", Zhao Mai had already supported the plate with his psychic powers, let it float steadily in the air, and made a "hush" gesture with his finger on his lips.

Saruman was followed by two young men in blue robes, possibly his apprentices, and it was the first time Aragorn saw him. Aragorn cannot be expected to know everyone, but from the current situation, he does have a wide range of contacts. Aragorn also has his own seat and cannot always accompany Zhao Mai. He wailed his apologies, then hurriedly entered the table, sitting across from Frodo.

"Actually I wish he could sit next to me." Frodo said.

"Don't be nervous, Frodo." Zhao Mai stood behind his shoulders and said, "As long as you have the courage in your heart, I will protect you. This is my promise."

Frodo smiled reluctantly. He breathed in hard to calm himself down. At the same time, Elrond started the meeting.

No matter where they came from, they were talking about Sauron's threat. The dwarf Groin brought the news that the Mordor messenger had reached the Lonely Mountain. Sauron offered to form an alliance and was willing to exchange three dwarf rings with the permanent rule of the Moria Mine for news of a thief. "A thief who stole a trivial ring, a halfling who once took an adventure with a dwarf." Groyin learned the voice of the messenger and described it as a "distorted, evil and gloomy voice."

"We don't need to listen to the depraved voice, and we don't believe that Mordor will change to good. But our chief is worried, not only for ourselves, but also for all the kind and peace-loving races in Middle-earth, even the elves. Therefore, we are here to warn Bilbo that the darkness is inquiring about him and may be hunting him down. The messenger not only came to us, but also visited King Brand in the valley. It can be said that the surrounding human countries and towns are all There are their evil figures. Our biggest worry is the dark forest. We have seen darkness covering it."

"Mordor's messenger was shot at the gate of the dark forest, using the arrow shot from my bow!" Legolas responded immediately. "We will never allow evil messengers to enter the gates and pollute our golden home with profanity. As for the dark power you are talking about, it is not Mordor, but a spider! The evil offspring of Ugoliant. Once sucked up the double The monster of the sacred tree sap, her descendants are eyeing our forest again. Because Ugoliant once restrained and wanted to kill the first demon king, it won't work for anyone, nor can Sauron command them."

"But they may form an alliance." Saruman said. When he spoke, everyone else was quiet. "We must face up to the threats we are facing. Even in my Isengard, there are evil forces peeping out. Demon Lord Sauron's orcs sneaked over from the border of Rohan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I want to pass my door. Continue to the west, which aroused my alarm. When did they have such courage!!"

"I can guess some of their purpose." Elderron said: "Everyone, this is the halfling Frodo Baggins, son of Drogó, nephew and adopted son of Bilbo Baggins, he has gone through hardships and dangers. , The danger and the urgency of the task are unprecedented."

"A halfling. Is even the peaceful life of halflings disturbed?" Boromir said: "I once heard my father say about halflings. It is a group of people living in remote areas, Xia...Charles , It seems to be the name, he mentioned it recently. But everyone, if even halflings are hurt by the darkness, you can imagine the predicament that Gondor is facing now. We Gondor are outside the gate of Mordor, frontal Directly to the evil army of Mordor. Every day, every second, such as now, there are heroic fighters from Gondor who are blocking the enemy for the creatures of Middle-earth! Our blood has been flowing..."

"Yes, evil threatens every one of us, and Gondor knows it best." Elderron continued: "And all this does not happen in a vacuum, and it will not end without a reason. This is why I called you here. ."

(About how the ring came from, how it was lost, where it went, who took it... I have almost interspersed it before, so I won’t repeat it...)

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