Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 732: Stubborn temper

Zhao Mai's hostile attitude towards Saruman is quite firm, and he seems to have no idea what a compromise is, which is beyond everyone's expectations. But everyone couldn't lift the energy to comfort or support the wizard's head, and their eyes were all attracted by the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

"In other words, this is the nemesis of Essidor? A ring of such a small size for a halfling to carry?" Boromir said: "My father, Regent King Dinese II, used great power to make it. It is predicted that if the nemesis of Essidor appears, if you are not careful, it will lead to the end of the day. If the demon king Sauron gets the supreme ring, there is no doubt that this will be the end of the day! Mr. Halfling, I admire your courage. But Elrond, the Elf King, and Gandalf who was not present, I want to criticize your recklessness. If it weren’t for luck, Sauron would have taken his weapon back at this time! And it will be our people who die, just Duo's people!"

"The warrior of Gondor is right. In this matter, Gandalf the Grey's choice is indeed unwise." Saruman said: "So, I will take over this matter to ensure that the Supreme Lord of the Rings will not fall. Into the hand of Sauron. And one thing Boromir said is right, this is indeed a weapon, a weapon Sauron uses to hurt good people. Don’t forget, it is with its power that Sauron can fight Gilgalad, the last king of the Noldor elves, and Elendil, the king of the human race, fought and won!"

Saruman used his voice to focus everyone's attention on himself, and brought everyone's thoughts back to the battlefield of the last alliance between humans and elves. It seemed that the screams were still going on, and the fate of the world had reached the most critical moment. He saw the dwarf clenched his fists, he saw the halfling holding his breath, he saw the human being drop his eyelids in grief, and he saw the elf crying. He was very satisfied with the effect, and then changed the conversation and said, "However, the power of the Lord of the Rings also has its limits. The life of humans and elf kings is its limit! Esidor, the son of Elandil picked up his father and dropped it. The fallen holy sword never gave up resisting! Even though this sword was smashed by Sauron, the hope was still there, and the belief in victory was still there. The power of the Lord of the Rings was overwhelmed, and Esidor took it from Sauron's hand Cut it down! So we can all sit here today."

"Hurray! Cheers for Esiduo!" Many people shouted involuntarily.

"That day, Elrond was also on the scene, experiencing and witnessing all this with his own eyes. Sauron can be defeated, and the Lord of the Rings can be defeated too! Isn't it?" Saruman asked.

The elf king nodded. "That battle proved one thing. When we are united, the power of the Demon King can be overthrown. But it also shows that the Lord of the Rings is very dangerous, and no one can control and resist him alone. ."

"But it seems that there is nothing wrong with the halfling. Is this magic ring fake?" said an elf from the dark forest.

"There is only one way to tell everyone the authenticity of this treasure, and an inexplicable elf used force to stop this incident." Saruman pointed the finger at Zhao Mai: "If you can't convince everyone, how can Is everyone really united?"

A series of echoes sounded around. "Which kind of elves are you? Why have you never seen you?" The dark elves said, and then the elves everywhere began to wonder. "Using the power of ice? There has never been an elf like this." They also asked Glorfindel, "Lord Golden Flower, what is the origin of this elf?"

Grofindale frowned, he didn't know how to answer. Tverdau is obviously just a disguised identity, and the phantom of the ring-caster Kellebripon. They are all disguise. According to the requirements of reason, he should point out these immediately, but there is a very firm voice in his heart. Telling him that Tverdo is his own person and is here to help them. The sound came from far away, even farther than Verinor.

Where is it farther than Verino? Grofindale was shocked: There were only two powerhouses farther from the Middle-earth Continent than Velino, one was Iluvita and the other was Mirko who was exiled from the void. Grofindale closed his eyes and asked himself, is it good or evil?

"I think the introduction by others is never as clear as what I said." Griffindell looked at Zhao Mai: "Can Tverdo make a self-introduction?" No matter what he says, he doesn't deny it. The instructions made such a decision.

"I have many identities, but I know what you mean. I actually want to know the identity of this ring. If you can only choose one of the two, you will not choose me." ("I will." Buddha Rhodo and Sam cut in to tear down the road)

"It only takes the power of fire to make the Lord of the Ring change, and it will show words in the flame. Mr. Frodo, can you tell us what is written on it?"

"Uh..." Although it was strange why Tverdo knew about this, Frodo said it. "Gandalf once asked me to throw the ring into the fire, and some words appeared on it, which looked like elves, but after I came to Rivendell, I knew that they were not elves. Gandalf once said that it said It is that the Lord of the Rings belong to the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Lord guides the Lords of the Ring, the Supreme Lord of the Rings summons the Rings, and the All Rings are united in the darkness."

After Frodo finished speaking, he nodded to everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhao Mai looked at Saruman, "Is this the same as the record? Does the White-robed Mage agree with the conclusion of the Gray-robed Mage's research, or have other opinions? "

"I never said that this is not the Supreme Lord of the Rings." Saruman slowly shook his head and said: "I'm just saying that your actions have caused everyone's tension, and what we need most at this time is unity, and then Start saving ourselves. It's not just about saving ourselves. We have to figure out a way to defeat Sauron. I think humans, elves or dwarves agree on this point, right?"

"Yes, agree! We must overcome the threat of evil and the darkness of Sauron!" Everyone uses different words, but the meaning is the same.

"It's a pity that Gandalf is not here, and Rohan's people have no call for a meeting."

Saruman nodded: "In Rohan, there are rumors that they paid tribute to Mordor horses. It is really sad. And Gandalf has his own responsibility. He has been paying attention to and studying the Supreme Lord of the Rings for a long time. Give him a task and think of a way to resist the temptation of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. He came to Oshankta to seek my wisdom and knowledge, and then embarked on the path of continuing to pursue the truth. But we all think that although it is difficult, the Supreme Lord of the Rings is not Can't be controlled."

"False. The Lord of the Rings must be destroyed." Zhao Mai said.

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