Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 735: Return of Mathematics

Zhao Mai shook his head slightly. "Oh, Saruman, you seem to have deceived your mind by the Lord of the Rings. Greed and desire have taken the upper hand of your soul. You have begun to lose your wisdom. You seem to have forgotten that greed is selfish, but you want to rely on it. Is it to vote?"

"Are you sarcastic and responsible for us?"

"Oh, it's just you, no one." Zhao Mai put away the hammer, and then said: "You said before that even if you want to use the Lord of the Rings, you will eventually destroy it, right?"

"Yes, we all heard it." Jin Li said loudly. Also because of his loud voice, his helmet was knocked by his father Groyin, and it echoed.

"I think that regardless of the result of the vote, those who agree to destroy the Lord of the Rings immediately can participate in all subsequent actions, including the use of the Lord of the Rings, so as to play a supervisory role. Am I right?"

Everyone looked at each other, and even if they were selfish, they had to admit that such a statement was against everyone's interests, so they all agreed.

"But on the other hand, those who approve of the use have a certain desire for the Lord of the Rings. Such a person had better not participate in the action of destroying the Lord of the Rings." Zhao Mai accurately sent the voice to everyone's ears: " If the final vote is to destroy the Lord of the Rings, then all those who vote to use the Lord of the Rings must leave here immediately. We must not let the actions of destroying the Lord of the Rings leak out!"

"Why? Is it because you want to use the ring, so you can't be the one who destroys the ring?"

"Frodo, how did you feel when you used the Lord of the Rings?"

The halfling was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Zhao Mai for a few seconds without regaining his senses. He glanced at the Lord of the Rings in the remains of the stone platform, swallowed his saliva, and said: "I accidentally put it on. I felt eyes looking at me. Eyes made of flames were hidden behind dark clouds. It was terrible. feel."

"That's the Dark Lord Sauron." Zhao Mai said, "The halflings are lucky to have not been seen directly by the Flame Demon Eye. Their race has an ability. When they don't like to be discovered, they can always quietly stay away. Attention. This is also our luck, because any one of you, except halflings, will be known to Sauron after wearing the ring. I don’t know how long your will can resist, but it is likely to expose the importance The message. People who want to use the Lord of the Rings find it harder to suppress the temptation to use it, so it’s best to stay away from the Lord of the Rings and don’t mix it up."

Saruman's staff patted on the ground lightly. Just as he was about to speak, Elrond, the Elf King, said first: "That's fine. Since you want to vote, let's do it together. Decided to use the Lord of the Rings. Yes, write it down together with who will use it. If you want to write a few names, we can finally count them together."

"This method is very good, I understand!" Groyin pressed his son's helmet and said: "Does everyone present have a vote?"

"Yes! My attitude is the same, don't use the ring, destroy it." Zhao Mai said: "No matter how you want to destroy the ring, what difficulties and obstacles will be on the way, I will look at this evil creation. , Don’t let it harm the world!"

Saruman stared directly at Zhao Mai, his heart angry. As soon as I think about the current situation, I understand that more people will definitely choose to destroy the Lord of the Rings, even if they all want to get and use the ring in their hearts.

First of all, because of their own selfishness, it is certainly impossible to select a "commonly recognized" user of the Lord of the Rings. Saruman thinks he is the closest person to that position, but he dare not put his bet on it! Everyone will consider the information they have obtained and their own gains and losses. Everyone can think that if they choose to use the Lord of the Rings, but the Lord of the Rings cannot be used in their own hands, then there is no point. No one is confident that others will choose themselves. Choosing yourself is basically the limit.

Moreover, if the people who choose to destroy the Lord of the Rings are in the majority, then those who choose to use the Lord of the Rings will be eliminated, or eliminated, with no chance at all. It seems that the Lord of the Rings can only be destroyed by the Doomsday Volcano. It is more like a joke to say that it can be solved with a few more hammers! There may be a chance to stay with the Lord of the Rings, and this opportunity seems to be much greater than everyone who chooses to use the Lord of the Rings and the person who uses it is himself!

Those who chose to destroy the Lord of the Rings completed their votes early, while those who wanted to use the Lord of the Rings looked at each other and hesitated. This hesitation immediately enlarged the problem. They all realized that everything they could think of could be thought of by others! To obtain and use the Supreme Lord of the Rings, this kind of thing is difficult to discuss. You can never say: "We all choose to use the Lord of the Rings, you choose me, I use it first, how about you use it later?" No one can open this mouth. So everyone can only choose the way that is best for them.

Saruman closed his eyes, wondering how things got here? Use weapons to call the Supreme Lord of the Rings, step by step inducing everyone to bring the word "use" corresponding to the word "weapon" to heart, and at the same time make yourself the spiritual leader of everyone to gain the right to use the ring. Those researches on the Supreme Lord of the Rings, as well as his wise and knowledgeable image for a long time, should be able to help this matter, but why has the current situation suddenly changed?

He looked at Elrond, then shook his head. Even if he didn't add the phrase "select the users of the Lord of the Rings together", the result of this voting will not change. The most important thing is actually Tverdo’s phrase "Whoever chooses to use the ring should not participate in the action to destroy the ring." At first glance, destroying the ring has become more advanced, more popular, and more correct than using the ring. Options.

I have to admit, this hand is beautiful! Although glaring at Zhao Mai ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Saruman knew that he had no other choice but to agree to destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings! Zhao Mai met his gaze, and the corners of his mouth curled up: No matter how strong your language is, it's a pity that you don't understand the non-cooperative game of mathematician Nash!

Soon, everyone present came to a unanimous conclusion: destroy the Lord of the Rings. "This vote reflects everyone's wishes. But there is often a great distance between wishes and reality. The reality is that we can't go deep into Mordor, reach the Doomsday Volcano, and then throw this ring in!"

"Yes, I said it a long time ago, it's impossible to get in from Mordor!" Boromir slapped his thigh hard: "When you get to Gondor, you can verify what I said with your own eyes."

"It's not impossible, it's just difficult." Zhao Mai said: "If you can get out of Mordor, you can enter Mordor. And I came back from Mordor, and I returned with two Rivendell stars. Elves. They were on a reconnaissance mission in Mordor, and they lost their opponents. I brought them back from the seemingly impossible place."

"That Tverdo is right, I can confirm." Elrond said.

Saruman suddenly turned to face Zhao Mai: "I'll just say why this name is so familiar! Tverdo, isn't that the blackfoot of Mordor? You are Sauron's spy!"

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