Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 746: My ring

When Zhao Mai put away the little chaotic clock and appeared in front of Xiaohua and the reserve grain again, thirty-six days had passed. The two closest friends looked at Zhao Mai's fingers, their eyes widened, and they saw nothing. However, based on what they know about Zhao Mai, that "smiling smile" can only mean that everything goes smoothly and the goal is accomplished, it won't mean anything else.

Zhao Mai naturally wanted to satisfy the curiosity of the two guys and stretched out his fingers to show the Lord of the Rings. "Wow, the shape looks very beautiful, and there are colors that change constantly." The little flower is about to lie on the ring, and the stored grain is also visible and smelling. "Is there any use for this ring?"

"Adapt to the environment and ensure that it is me and the Z Worm adapting to the world forever, rather than being forcibly transformed by the world, that is to avoid the influence of the world will and the gods on me. Therefore, I will never be able to use the divine power like a priest It's a spell." Zhao Mai said: "Then, the spirit of the Zworm is protected. They are either free or managed by me. It mainly depends on whether I and them are in the same world, but no other existence can control the Zworm. I...I don’t know if this ring is useful for the detached. After all, I have not studied and dissected the detached. Finally, the more Z bugs, the more believers, and I can use the ring to do some magical things , Such as strengthening my material transformation and spiritual powers."

"What about the Force of Nature?" Xiaohua still cares most about this aspect.

"The Force of Nature is too extensive, too involved, and too strong. I can't incorporate it into the Lord of the Rings." Zhao Mai smiled to Xiao Hua and said, "I am not so arrogant that I think I am beyond nature. I still have the awe of nature and the world. However, the power of my druid spells can be increased a bit, as long as there are enough Zworms."

"Like a god?"

"Almost." Zhao Mai raised the ring high, and then said in an exaggerated tone: "Give me strength, myself!"

The light flashed, and there was a psychic long sword with red light in his hand. Zhao Mai laughed loudly, but Xiaohua and the reserve grain didn't know where the laugh was at all, and they tilted their heads with confused expressions. Zhao Mai felt embarrassed and removed the long sword and made the ring invisible again. "Well, what happened these days?"

"It's very calm," Xiaohua said. "I used the body of a gardener dragon to walk around with food reserves, harvesting all kinds of elven snacks and inquiring about the surrounding situation. Elrond sent more than 30 teams of scouts to investigate the surrounding situation. He also sent a team. Twenty soldiers marched northwest, making signs that they were pretending to go to Grey Harbor."

Zhao Mai nodded: "Well, this is a good move. Saruman became a traitor. We know that Saruman also knows that we know, so everyone understands that the road to the southeast will be difficult. If we It is reasonable to choose to take the Lord of the Rings overseas, even to Villino. Whether it is Saruman or Sauron, they will guard against this. I think the team going to the west was attacked, right?"

"Yes, a group of hired human bandits attacked the elven reconnaissance team, and some signs of evil demon beasts were found in it. In addition to them, many teams have fought, and the enemy really spared no effort to capture the Supreme Lord of the Rings. Fortunately, Rivendell’s defenses are quite good, and evil forces cannot penetrate."

"It won't last too much time. Elrond's power is also limited. He can't stop all evil. Don't forget that the Supreme Lord of the Rings will also cause trouble within Rivendell." Zhao Mai said. "The Lord of the Rings hasn't caused trouble recently, right?"

"I heard Frodo say that since you who turned blue you have beaten a hammer, the Supreme Lord of the Rings is much more honest. He has slept well for a long time. But I still worry that he will be the Supreme Demon. The ring slowly eroded and hurt. It seems that after he knew that it was the Supreme Lord Ring and its power, he began to become more and more frightened. This is not enough. By the way, if you pick up the Supreme Lord Ring now, what will happen Will your new ring protect you?"

"I am confident that the Lord of the Rings can no longer affect my thinking, but my Lord of the Rings can't offset the power of the Lord of the Rings itself, so there is bound to be a battle. Crackling and crackling, Rivendell must be over. And moreover. The Lord of the Ring’s ability to influence others is still there. In order to protect Rivendell, some people may be deceived.” Zhao Mai said, “I’m not sure what will happen in the future, maybe this, maybe that, but for now, it’s up to the Buddha Rhodo took the Supreme Lord of the Rings to the Doomsday Volcano for destruction, which is still the best choice.

"I just think Frodo is pitiful." Xiaohua said to her finger.

"Yes, I agree with you. But again, everyone will encounter bad things in their lives. In addition to being pitiful, sometimes they will be miserable. But it is precisely when they are miserable and pitiful. Only by making a choice can we truly see the strength of this person’s heart. What we can do is to help him after he makes a choice. He is very pitiful, so he doesn’t need you to provide pity, but to help, right? I’m helping him. The two of us work together to do one thing; if I take the Lord of the Rings, I will be pitiful, and becoming me doing one thing by myself will reduce my strength."

The gardener dragon opened his mouth wide, and said after a long time, "Is it possible to explain this way? Isn't this...Isn't it a shame?"

"The truth is, my strength is limited, I can't really treat myself as an omnipotent **** to do things." Zhao Mai patted his stomach and said, "No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm hungry. This time I take everything. I ate all the stock, and even the scum of the blue crystal. I have to find something to eat, even the elves’ leaf vegetables.”

"Oh, Brie was attacked by snatches, the granary was burned, and a lot of meat was robbed. Even Rivendell began to get a little nervous here, so there may not be as much surplus food in the kitchen as you thought. You can reduce your appetite." Xiaohua said: "When you get close to Mordor, there will be enough legionnaires!"

"You mean, the current state of expansion of the soil is very good?" Zhao Mai put the ring on his temple, and an itchy feeling flashed through the gardener dragon's brain. "Well, you have done a lot of work. The soil is very good for expansion, and it is correct to avoid towns and villages. When you are still, you can't see much. You can still find the difference between soil and soil when you turn over ."

Xiao Hua covered her head with her hands and blinked at Zhao Mai: "What did you do just now? Is it the power of the Lord of the Rings?"

"Yes. I can quickly scan the status of the Z bug. Of course, I have to rely on the neural network that has been rolled out." Zhao Mai smiled and said to Xiaohua: "As long as you pray to me with your heart, I can hear it. "

"Hmph, I can just ask you to say no, why use this system to deliver letters?"

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