Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 748: Start as soon as possible

Elrond sat anxiously on the throne, with a map of Rivendell spread out on his knees. He summoned everyone to come, it seems that it is certainly not for good things.

He has learned the news of Tverdo’s re-emergence through the guards, which is undoubtedly a boost to his confidence, especially since Tverdo has shown the frontal fighting power not to lose to Saruman, for the next action It definitely helps a lot. His gaze had been staring at the entrance of the venue, and when Zhao Mai walked in, he obviously felt that Tverdo looked more mysterious, as if there was invisible power protecting him, and the surrounding wind could not bring any news.

The power of the Ring of Wind was blocked by Zhao Mai's Worm Heart Ring, or it dodged smoothly. If Elrond blocked other senses and only used the Ring of Wind, he would not be able to discover Zhao Mai's existence at all. Adapting to and blending into the environment are native creatures everywhere, and the will of the world cannot be detected.

"It's been a long time. I recovered, but you look bad. Has something happened?"

"I will get better only if the evil no longer threatens Rivendell. However, I will wait for everyone to talk about the specific situation." Elrond rolled up the map on his knees and asked everyone to sit down. In addition to the Fellowship Team, several elven generals from Rivendell and Groyin, the dwarf who had not left, were also there.

"I received a message from Grofindale, which is not good news." Elrond's opening remarks set the tone of the entire meeting, and everyone listened. "Grofindale went to the south, followed the Xiangshui River downstream, and then turned to the North-South Avenue, trying to go all the way south to Gondor. This is my most optimistic line, because it is the most smooth and easy to walk, and can be as fast as possible Gondor was accepted. But what I thought of, Saruman also thought of."

"Saruman’s spies are flying in the sky, and the ravens keep spreading the news on the road to the Asanker Tower, and then there will be elite orcs to attack. This is a new kind of orc, stronger, more stamina, the most The scary thing is that they are not afraid of the sun and can act during the day." Elrond said: "The armor of this group of orcs has the emblem of the white palm, which is the mark of Saruman, but it looks more evil and twisted now. The number of them is increasing. I am afraid to say that unless Gondor can send cavalry on the western border to respond, you will not be able to reach Gondor."

Borromir closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and then shook his head: "I'm sorry, but I can't make a promise. The main pressure we face is in the east. It is really impossible to draw soldiers to go to the western frontier. If you can let Master Grofindale I don’t think it's useful to separate dozens of soldiers. But Gondor is already unable to mobilize the army to join the battle."

"Grofindale had the same idea, so he sent a messenger to Rohan to ask King Haydon for help. But like all the messengers before, they were gone forever and there was no answer." Elrond shook He shook his head and said, "Isinger and Saruman are on the border of Rohan. We have reason to believe that Rohan is very likely to become an accomplice of the dark forces like Saruman."

"The situation may not be as bad as imagined." Aragorn said: "I used to fight with the knights of Rohan. They are also strong men with a sense of honor and justice. Maybe Rohan is in trouble, just like all of us. They have encountered misfortune, but I believe they will not completely throw themselves into the Dark Lord."

"I hope your words will come true, then we really have hope." Elrond said: "But according to the current situation, Saruman's power has already taken advantage of the weakness of Gondor to cut the north-south connection, and perhaps even more Go to Rohan in an unknown condition. And I said that the condition is unknown, the actual situation is even worse."

"Westward and northward are just strategic deceptions. We all know that those two directions are meaningless. Therefore, in the current situation, we actually have only one way to go, which is to climb eastward over the precipitous Sith Aigril (Mist Mountains), and then head to Losloren, controlled by the elves, and from there head south, looking for a chance to go to Gondor."

"Go to the elf's site? Go..." Jin Li wanted to speak, but Groyin knocked on the helmet. Although he didn't like elves, Groyin knew that things were urgent, and it was definitely not the time to stir up conflicts. He had already tolerated that Legolas, the elf of the Black Forest, was also in the Fellowship Team, and the golden forest elf Shinnin, who had relatively little enemies, passed away.

"Things you can think of, Saruman can also think of." Zhao Mai said: "Saruman attended half of the meeting and knew our situation too well. He knew that we were going to Mordor, so the steps he could take So many, he can set traps one by one and wait for us to be hooked."

"You are right. As time goes by, the difficulties faced by each road will become greater and greater, and we can no longer wait." Elrond sighed and said: "We must Imagine the worst case. Saruman is already an enemy. If Rohan also surrenders to the enemy, then starting from Mordoh Gate, the north side is open. Sauron can pass through Rohan’s northern border all the way to the west and merge Saruman’s power bypassed the southern end of the Misty Mountains, crossed the Rohan Pass to the north, and then besieged Rivendell. Although this was a difficult long-distance march for Sauron, with his madness and evil, With his dedication to the Supreme Lord of the Rings, it is possible to do it."

"If there is such a sign, I will immediately cut off Sauron's logistics. Even if the orcs looted all the way, at least it can greatly weaken their strength."

"But Rohan and Isengard will supplement the orcs' food and grass-when they have become allies." Elrond said: "I just want to say that Rivendell cannot protect everyone forever. Now the only one The opportunity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to take advantage of Saruman's power has not reached its peak, and all eyes are on the south, to climb east as soon as possible over the misty mountains! In this season of dripping ice, I know it is very difficult, yes It’s unimaginable. But because it’s unimaginable, there is such a possibility of success. We are originally looking for light from the dark, and this road will not be easy."

"Although it is very risky, it can explain the past tactically." Boromir said: "Saruman has always been regarded as a person full of wisdom. Only when we work hard like warriors to make the impossible possible, can we be with the wise. Ability to confront. I agree with this plan."

Aragorn also nodded, it seems that he also agreed. But before he speaks, he asked the halfling's opinion: "Frodo, you are a preceptor, what do you think? It is not easy to climb the snowy mountains this season."

"I..." Frodo thought for a while and replied: "I believe your opinions, and you are all thoughtful and intelligent people. If there is no other choice, then we will set off and cross the misty mountains!"

"Then it's settled. I will let the elves prepare your outfits and make more preparations for climbing the mountains." Elrond said: "Next, there are things about the Nasir holy sword and the Supreme Lord of the Rings. Ask Frodo, Aragon and Tverdo to come with me, and everyone else please come back."

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