Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 751: Free travel

"They are squeezing you out. Read the book?" After hearing the news, Xiaohua was a little aggrieved, "What an honor and legendary place the Fellowship Team is, but they won't let you go, so they just use you as a bait. . I'm not happy, very unhappy!"

"At least you make up as Frodo, you must be much better-looking than halflings." Zhao Mai said to Xiaohua: "Don't have a temper. Let me tell you this. If you don't have me, can the ring team take the Lord of the Rings? Send it to the Doomsday Volcano?"

Through Dojian, Xiaohua also understands what Arda's world looks like, so she said: "It is possible."

"Then if it is not for me, can the action to confuse the enemy be completed?" Zhao Mai stared at Xiao Hua, carefully observing her expression. Xiao Hua snorted, although she was a little unconvinced, she still told the truth: "With the strength of the elves, Saruman will never be believed. It won't work without you, okay? But I still feel that you are a bit lost. "

"Loss? Because you can't follow the Supreme Lord of the Rings?" Zhao Mai frowned. If there was a sense of joking in his tone before, it has disappeared now. "The Supreme Lord Ring is a troublesome thing, it’s no good to be so close to it. If you continue to look at the Supreme Lord Ring, hope you will always follow the Supreme Lord Ring, and don’t worry about the idea of ​​others holding it, I I think you may have been affected!"

"No!?" Xiao Hua was stunned, looked up at Zhao Mai in a daze, and said after a while: "Maybe a little bit, but I will definitely follow you and won't go anywhere else. I just think You have encountered unfair treatment."

"You! Don't you worry about following the supreme Lord of the Rings for a long time. With a twitch of food reserves, you bite the Lord of the Ring and teleport to the Evil Black Pagoda, and go to Sauron?"

The reserve food immediately covered his eyes with two paws, as if his mind was embarrassed by Zhao Mai. ?Yao~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yao?·??Book·Xiaohua thought about it, and finally laughed out loud. "Okay, I understand what you mean. If you can't trust your companions, then the ring team will be meaningless. Too many distracting thoughts are more likely to cause problems, right?"

"Almost." Zhao Mai said: "Gandalf's return in time shows that the world's inertia is still great. He should have escaped from Saruman's hands before the meeting, but was dragged to the present. Pay attention to him. The point is that after Saruman left the meeting, he was furiously locked to the top of Osank Tower, and he had a chance to escape. Before that, Saruman had two apprentices beside him. Yes. I suspect that among them there is a traverser, some method has affected Saruman, and then affects Gandalf. Once Saruman acts alone, things start to change like a spring."

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot, our opponent is the traverser, not Sauron..." Xiaohua stroked her cheek with one hand, and narrowed her big eyes: "How did I forget such an important thing? Am I really affected by the Supreme Lord of the Rings?"

"The possibility is very high, and the impact must happen before the Worm Heart Ring is built, because after that I can protect you." Zhao Mai said: "The power of the Lord of the Rings is always acting silently, who I don’t know when it will be affected. I have been tempted by the Lord of the Rings many times, so I cast the Worm Heart Ring to prevent the impact from intensifying. However, how to remove the influence of the previous Lord of the Rings requires myself Thinking and working hard."

"Wang!" The reserve grain bit the gardener dragon's tail and pulled gently. Knowing what the big dog meant, Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Zhao Mai, since you have made a decision, we must follow you. Besides, after leaving the Fellowship Team, we will act more freely, right?"

"You are right to think like this." Zhao Mai petted and touched Xiaohua's hair: "Okay, let Elrond do you makeup. I will also learn by the way to see how I can make you so beautiful. The little face became like Frodo."

Elrond is worthy of being versatile and ingenious. He only made a mask that could change her appearance and put it on Xiao Hua, and then wrapped her in an elf cloak. Unless you lie down and take a closer look, it's really hard to tell Xiao Hua and Frodo. He called his son Erradan, the older of the twin brothers, and they also had a sister, Arwen. Erradan’s task is to dress up as Gandalf and set off with Zhao Mai. Since he also has a twin brother, it is difficult for everyone to find out the truth that he has left as long as he changes his clothes a few more times, so he is another excellent candidate to perform deception.

Elrond looked at the crowd in silence, Gandalf and Frodo were there, and they did not speak, everything was terribly quiet. In the gloomy room, there are only packing, weapons inspection, and heavy breathing. This atmosphere is too depressing, it seems that the power of the Lord of the Rings has begun to silently affect everyone. Zhao Mai suddenly laughed out loud, and then said to Gandalf and Frodo: "When we go, you two should find a place to hide, like hide and seek. I wonder if Rivendell is so beautiful. Place, is there a small dark room that can lock you two together?"

"Rivendell does not have a dark cabin, but there is a wine cellar." Elrond said: "Due to the war, the wine cellar has been closed, but it is fine to open it for the two of them."

"Then don't get drunk. If you put the Lord of the Rings in a daze, my strategic cover will be meaningless." Zhao Mai took a deep breath and said to Frodo, "Little guy , Your duty is to take the Lord of the Rings to the Doomsday Volcano and throw it in, not to take the entire team. This team is for you, you must remember this. When you are in Mordor, don’t know what to do What to do, or when you’re hungry and thirsty and need help~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I’ll look for a large mushroom that is almost two meters high. It doesn’t taste good, but it’s edible, and it can protect you Rain, remember?"

Frodo nodded.

"There is a secret passage that avoids enemy surveillance and enters Mordor. It is just south of the Minas Demon Cave, along the Shadow Mountains, looking for a piece of land with hundreds of mushrooms. There is the entrance to the cave and the opposite is Mordor. If you choose this path, I will arrange someone to pick you up and take you to the Doomsday Volcano. This decision needs to be made by yourself, because since we are about to separate, you don’t know what will happen to me and neither I know what will happen to you. But I can assure you that if I notice that Saruman sees through our plan, I will immediately launch a full attack on him and continue to cover your actions."

"Thank you," Frodo said.

"You should be careful along the way. Don't take the lives of others easily, especially Frodo. That will always have a dark influence on your soul. The stronger the person, the more the Lord of the Rings will exert its influence, so you You have to believe in yourself and continue to strengthen your beliefs."

"The sky is about to dawn, you should set off." Elrond said: "I really want to get together with you more, but time is not waiting. The horse is ready, and you are not going to be noticeable now. , Can also be eye-catching and have the best effect."

Zhao Mai picked up Xiao Hua and placed it in front of him, and the two shared a horse. The food reserve looked at them with some envy, but now they can only run with the horse. At least when there are few people, it will jump up and let Zhao Mai hold it together. The fake Gandalf jumped onto another horse with agility, was reprimanded by Elrond, and obediently pretended to be injured and tired. The group of people stepped on their horses, kicked into the morning mist under Elrond's gaze, and left Rivendell. (To be continued...)

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