Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 754: Gold baby

After crossing the pack of wolves, the road ahead is temporarily unblocked. But Zhao Maisi didn't dare to take it lightly, because Saruman would definitely not give up, and Sauron would not. There might be greater and more evil waiting for them in the front.

Therefore, seeing Grofindale and his one hundred elven warriors gave everyone a sigh of relief. It can be seen that the elves have endured many fierce battles, with blood stains on their armor and weapons, and fatigue and sadness between their eyebrows. Even if they face the orcs, even if they are fighting evil, they will be sad for the passing of their lives.

"You didn't have any trouble along the way, did you?" Griffindale looked up and down the knights on the two horses. "A team of wolves passed through our northeast two days ago. Our horses were basically lost, so we couldn't catch up. We can only pray in my heart that you are safe."

"The wolves did not cause us much trouble, Gandalf used light to drive them back." Zhao Mai replied.

Griffindale glanced at "Gandalf", and the smile raised at the corner of his mouth was more of relief and approval. Although El Laden is more than two thousand years old, in the eyes of Lord Jinhua, he is still a young child. "Come on, come to the camp to rest first, after all, you have traveled a long distance for a long time."

The elf’s camp is on a hill with a clear spring on the top of the hill. Although the water is not much, it tastes sweet and still spews slowly in the cold winter wind. The spring water flew away from the cliff on the side of the mountain along the cracks in the stone, and turned into a faint ice mist in the air. I don't know who built a circle of stone pillars on the top of the mountain. I guess I wanted to build a pavilion here, or there was indeed a pavilion here, or even a warning stone tower. It's just that time passed slowly, taking away the secrets here, leaving only the mottled pillars. This place is protected by the magic of Grofindale, and from a distance, only ruins or clouds can be seen. Even if a crow flies by in the sky, the real situation cannot be seen.

The elves arranged several tents at the foot of the mountain for rest. This is not for them, the elves only need to meditate to rest, not like humans need to fall to sleep. Grofindale is an excellent general, and he naturally knows the importance of maintaining good relations with the surrounding villages. He showed the orcs he had destroyed to the villagers, so he got the help of humans. Some villages and towns will send them food and medicine, more importantly, wooden poles, feathers, glue and metal arrows. With the help of tools, the elves can maintain combat consumption. These tents are prepared for the human villagers who cannot rush back before dark after they arrive, so that they can also experience the feeling of resting under the protection of the elves.

The camp was well organized, and a few people found a shelter to sit down and rest. "I received news that Tverdo, Gandalf, and Frodo were coming, so I immediately sent a messenger to reply to Elrond, saying that this was a bad idea. But after seeing you, I knew what was going on. Although this is a decoy mission, we have to fight as real swords and guns.

Zhao Mai nodded: "You are right. What situation are we facing?"

There are two enemy camps in the south of us. One is a temporary assembly point for the strong orcs of Saruman. From the Rohan Pass in the southeast, a group of strong orcs have come one after another. They gathered in the camp to make the strong orcs relatively familiar with the terrain. The orcs led, looking for us...your traces. This camp has a growing trend. Since it is close to the Misty Mountains to the east, you must go west if you want to get around it, and you will bump into another camp. A group of human mercenaries, including bandits, horse thieves, and robbers, occupies the other side. Saruman used money to buy them, a group of mobs, but there were thousands of them, and they still had contact with the surrounding villages, which was really difficult to deal with. It is said that, further south, the Eisen River is blocking our way to Gondor, and several ferry crossings and bridges are said to have been haunted by orcs. "

"There will definitely be more in the future." Zhao Mai said: "What do you think we should do, is it better to be trapped here or to be trapped elsewhere?"

"Your statement is quite vivid." Grofindale smiled: "I suggest that we find a way to break through the two camps in front, reach the Essen River, and then pretend to be blocked. The Osancta is in Egypt. The upper reaches of the Sen River, this river never freezes. We also provide Saruman with some conveniences for troop transportation, increase his confidence, and allow him to exhaust his resources and devote all of his resources to our direction."

"You elves are really not afraid of death?"

"Death will only make us return to Villino early." Griffindell replied: "The elves of Middle-earth have been allowed to return to Villino and live happily next to Vera. Some elves like to return peacefully, some like to The justice of Middle-earth contributes again, and then returns heroically. So don't worry about this. We spirits are not afraid of death."

"Don't be afraid of death and you can't die in vain." Zhao Mai said: "You are in contact with the surrounding towns. I think someone will be able to contact the mercenary camp, right? You elves will all leave Middle Earth, leaving the gold treasures. It doesn't make sense. It's better to hire humans to fight and level the camp of the orcs together."

"Golden baby? Do we have dwarves and are not interested in gold or anything. The elves of the Black Forest like the Starlight Diamond. That is just a special case."

"For human beings, you are rich and beautiful. Naturally, you should have a lot of gold and gems." Zhao Mai took a handful from the ground and rubbed it hard in his palm. Soon, an uncomfortable smell of chest tightness emanated from his palm, and after spreading his hand, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ three golden beads rolled steadily.

Afterwards, Zhao Mai used psychic powers to directly press out the wizard words on the golden ball, "Always healthy", "Energetic" and "Moonlight Blessing". "Look, this is the treasure of your elves. It's best to buy human mercenaries. You can ask how much money will not block our way, and then try to ask how much money to attack the orc camp. Remember, we don't have it either. Don't agree to any price as much as you want."

"You know humans so well, how good are you going to talk about?" Griffindell took the gold beads from Zhao Mai's hands, placed them under his gaze, and digged them with his nails: "You really look like gold, it feels like gold. No problem with weight or gloss."

"That's gold, it's genuine. But I can give you this idea, but it's not easy to come forward. According to my Tverdo's character, I must find a way to do it directly instead of using this kind of strategy, right? Saruman saw the problem."

"Okay, you have a scapegoat." Griffindell pointed at Elladin: "Who told you to like to sell fireworks when you are walking around, and the business is doing well, you should be quite rich."

"Gandalf" nodded and stretched out his hand to squeeze his gray beard: "Okay, this is my idea. Let me implement it."

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