Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 758: Initiative

The elves rushed down the mountain and left the shelter following the figures of Grofindale and Tverdo. ?一~www.wuxiaspot.com~Book·???··They are silent when they move, and their brisk footsteps leave no trace on the ground. There will be no traces of elves on the ice, snow, frost and mud, but the horses will reveal their direction of action.

"La Riando, you stay, clean up the traces behind you, and then find a chance to return to Rivendell. Your mission with me is over." Grofindale said to the elf beside him. This time it was Larion, and after a while it was Estes or Elgang. When these elves left the team, they all knew that they might be trapped, but they did not hesitate to work hard to cover the others.

They set off from noon until it was late now, and they did not see human mercenaries and orcs all the way forcibly, and couldn't help feeling very strange. Even in normal times, the orcs will have a patrol to the south to guard, and will not easily allow the elves to break through so far. This cannot be explained simply by luck. It must be done something right to produce this effect. Everyone looked at Tverdo, because it was he who guided the direction in front, and through several "unexplainable" turns, he embarked on this relaxed and broad road.

"On the hill about three miles east of us, there are four small hills of tall white poplars." Xiaohua stretched out her thick little fingers and shook Zhao Mai's ears: "Behind that there is an orc camp. Four strong orcs are cooking. As long as they don't climb to the top of the hill, they won't see us."

"How far are we from our original base?"

"It's close to a hundred miles." Xiaohua lowered her voice and said to Zhao Mai: "The elves are about to approach the limit. Read the book?????????????????? I noticed that they are all looking at you, An Anhe You are fighting. But the situation is different. Even if you carry me and the food reserves, your physical fitness is much higher than them. If you continue like this, they will be exhausted."

Zhao Mai nodded and said to Grofindale: "The distance is almost the same. At least we have a rest period. I suggest stopping, checking the equipment, and letting the horse slow down."

Grofindale no longer wanted to speak, and nodded vigorously while wiping his sweat. He turned his right hand three times in the air, then leaned on his waist and started to slow down.

Zhao Mai put down the gardener dragon and the reserve food, and said, "Aliang, it's time for you to play. You also heard Xiaohua's words, there are strong orcs behind the hills over there. Go, make the illusion of a beast attack."

The grain reserve nodded, grinds his claws on the ground, revealing his hideous teeth, and ran out with a hum. I saw a cloud of blue smoke rising, and he had teleported to the hill, flying towards the strong orcs.

Shouts of surprise and howls of pain faintly came from a distance. Zhao Mai heard it more clearly, and there were sounds of pulling out weapons and claws hitting the shield. However, the traditional fighting method of the strong orc is of little significance to the reserves that can be used to transmit attacks. It can cause the attack effect of the wolf pack with a single dog. About three minutes later, the reserve of grain appeared from the hill, wagging his tail and ran back.

"There is an enemy over there? It has been resolved, hasn't it?" Griffindell adjusted his breath, and said to Zhao Mai: "If it is possible, I would also like to raise a dog like that! It's great."

"Of course, there is one in the whole world." Zhao Mai said with a smile: "We can rest for up to half an hour. I suggest not to let the body cool down completely. If there is a wound, we can quickly deal with it and we will resume normal walking. By dawn tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I also thought of this. I was about to tell you." Griffindale said: "Do you have clairvoyance or something like the ability to survey a wide area and find all hidden enemies?"

"Almost. What, do you have any plans?"

"No, I just think about it. Forget it, even if we hit the Eusanker Tower, we can't get in without the key."

"Do you want to trouble Saruman?" Zhao Mai and Grofindale walked side by side. "Let's talk about it, anyway, it doesn't matter now, just treat it as a good story."

"I participated in many battles, faced various powerful enemies, and summed up a truth: only by causing trouble to the enemy can we win. I mean, if Saruman does not find that he has been cheated, then we will continue to cheat. But he Once we see through, we have to immediately change from attraction to attack, and try to provide cover to the ring team." Grofindale said: "You can detect the surrounding situation, so we can continue to fight against Saruman's weak points. In and out of his defensive circle, he even advanced to his lair."

"Although it is somewhat difficult, it is not impossible. At least the strong orcs can't stop the two of us, right?"

"I am not as strong as you, and I will eventually be worn down and exhausted. And Saruman is a powerful wizard, this should never be underestimated. However, I am not dead, the only request, but It was more heroic when he died on the battlefield again."

"More? Back then, in order to protect the tribesmen~www.wuxiaspot.com~, you used a mortal body to fight the Balrog, and you used a dagger to kill the Balrog before you died together. What do you want? Even a spoon?"

"Spoon? The spoon will be melted by the Balrog. I still have to use the wizard's weapon... Oh, I see, are you telling a joke? How did you come up with killing the Balrog with a spoon?"

Zhao Mai smiled and said, "It's not your turn to kill the Balrog. And before you come up with a more heroic scene, I don't think you will die. Continue the topic just now, if we really kill Osanke In front of the tower, why can't we get in there?"

"The magic of the ancient Numanor people protects it. The entire tower is indestructible. There is no weapon that can leave a trace on it, not even the most powerful siege equipment. When the gate is closed, you can only use Osan Ketar’s key can open it. Saruman has lived there for many years and his power is deeply rooted. When he closes the doors and windows, the entire tower will be sealed off. That is his domain and territory, and no one can break through. ."

"When the time is right, I will try it." Zhao Mai nodded his finger: "When you said that the power is deeply rooted and the domain, I have made up my mind. If you want to try the sword is sharp or not, the best way is to find A good shield."

"It is very important at the right time. We still have to complete the task of luring the enemy." Grofindale hurriedly persuaded: "Don't forget, we are at the junction of Gondor, Rohan, and Isengard, and we are close to the coastline controlled by pirates Not far away. At this time, can you know who is your friend and who is your enemy?"

"Don't think about it so much. A friend of mine told me that when I can't distinguish clearly, he will all hit the ground. The enemy will lose, and the friend will forgive me because I finally win. This is the most foolproof way. Isn't it?" (To be continued...)

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