Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 770: There are good and bad

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Hu En formed a mighty army, with branches and leaves, tree trunks and countless roots swaying, moving towards the south under the management of the tree people. From a distance, the novel www.しwxs520.com, they are like a big green, moving lake, about to extinguish the enthusiasm of the Saruman orc war.

Zhao Mai and the elves stood on the shoulders of the treants and began to climb westward across the Misty Mountains. The tall treemen stretched out their hands, and their fingers climbed into the cracks in the rocks; when they lifted their feet, their roots plunged deep into the mountain. You must have seen trees growing on cliffs. Although twisted but tenacious, they can withstand the test of wind, frost, rain and snow, and treants are stronger than those trees.

"There is good sunlight on the top of the mountain, but the wind is too strong and the rocks are too hard. If I choose, I still like soft and moist depressions, preferably by the stream, where there is always an endless view." Shuhu While climbing the mountain, he said to Zhao Mai: "It's just that the creek is changeable and the mountain can last longer, so there are always good things and bad things in everything."

Zhao Mai nodded. Although he didn't have to hurry, he didn't idle, he was using magic techniques to strengthen the mountain, so that the rock and soil could better bear the weight of the treeman.

"Thank you for the magic Myron, you have allowed our tree humans to exist longer." Shuhu said in a dull and thick voice: "Although we have an endless life span and nature is our friend, there are still many things that can be done. Take our lives. If there is no tree wife, if there is no tree baby, we will eventually pass away."

"What do you think about working with the gardener dragon?"

"Hum Hum, we haven't fully decided yet, because the gardener dragon is a creature we have never seen before, and we can't form an opinion when time is too short. Moreover, she is soft, how can she survive the test of time, wind and rain? "Shuhu glanced at Zhao Mai, and then said: "However, the gardener dragon is very good at taking care of plants and animals, and it is a favorite from the heart. We can see this. Therefore, we are willing to try to accept the gardener dragon and observe and observe. they."

"They can help you, you will like that cute little creature." Zhao Mai raised his head and looked at the majestic and steep Misty Mountains. The grain reserves that had been delivered to the top of the mountain long ago stood on the edge of the cliff, poking his head out to look down. The gust of wind blows, and it blows its deliberately dripping saliva where it goes. So the dog licked his nose and gave up his plan to bomb Zhao Mai.

It took them two days to ascend the first mountain, and another five days to ascend the highest mountain in the southern end of the Misty Mountains. They didn't make it to the top of the mountain, after all, that wasted time and unnecessary. They only need to look south from the hillside, and they can already see Isengard's huge black tower, the Osank Tower where Saruman lives.

The deep valley was shining with red fire, and the ground was shrouded in layers of gray smoke. The Asanker Tower was like an iron rod inserted in the coal fire, and his figure was vague and indistinct. Shuhu squinted his eyes, then furiously, his fist smashed the rock beside him. "Saruman, how can a white-robed wizard be like this?! You should love this world instead of hurting it with iron and fire! Look at the evil you have done, and see what you have turned into a good forest! You want Destruction and death, then destruction and death will knock on your door!"

The tree people called in unison, and then began to descend. Zhao Mai recites the mantra to attract the mist in the mountains, covering the hillside, and covering the actions of the tree man. They quickly found the source of the Eisen River in the mountains, so they stopped and stretched their feet into it to drink well.

Grofindale was the commander of this operation, condescending to see the defense of Asankerta clearly. Since all the surrounding forests have been cut down, the surrounding area of ​​Osancta is bare and very open, without any shade. Originally, a stone fence was built, but it was only three meters high, and the treemen could easily climb over it. Moreover, many parts of the wall have been demolished, and the big stones are used as building materials by the orcs and goblins.

As Zhao Mai had expected before, Saruman was unable to take care of all directions in a hurry, especially the north side, which he thought was not threatening. The camp of the strong orcs of Saruman is on the south side of Asanker Tower, where there used to be a beautiful lake, but now it is almost flat land filled with garbage. Saruman built dams and various transmissions along the hillside, huge waterwheels, gears and conveyor belts, which continuously transmitted power to the goblin's workshop, driving elevators, cranes and various conveyor belts there.

"The key to this battle is to destroy the dam, and then the flood from the mountains will eliminate most of the enemies." Grofindale said: "When we appeared, Saruman would have been aware of it and attacked with spells. Tverdo, how about you and the four treemen, make sure to destroy the dam?"

"Ok, promise to complete the task."

"Then, the rest of the elves and treants got up and down the mountain. Did you see the wall on the east side of the Asanker Tower? There are more complete, but there are two gaps. As long as the place is sealed, the water will flow better. Lean to the south and west where the orcs gather. If we want to choose the direction of attack, then the east is the choice. Don’t concentrate too much, so as not to be hit by Saruman’s spells. As for the orcs and goblins, I think everyone No one is afraid, right?"

Whether it was a tree or an elf, everyone laughed. Zhao Mai set up a pergola and looked into the distance, and then said to Grofindale: "I saw a few movable catapults in the camp of the orcs to the south, most likely they were prepared to attack a certain place. Although the tree human body Tall and strong, but you should also pay attention to the threat of trebuchets."

"Speaking of this, I think of an old thing." Shuhu said: "In the Misty Mountains, there are stone giants. They are creatures on the ground that are bigger than us and can reach more than 2o meters high. They usually do not move, as if they are part of a mountain. But I can call them."

"Will it be heard by Saruman?" Griffindale said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Oh, unless that person is lying on the ground, with his ears against the rocks and mud, can he hear the sound of the earth. "Shuhu said: "No, Saruman always straightens his back, he won't hear it." I just don't know if the stone giant in the mountain is still there and if I can hear it. They can easily throw tons of large stones thousands of meters away, which is extremely helpful to us. "

"There are never too many helpers." Grofindale agreed. He looked at the sky, after the sun was slowly sinking into the mountain peak, he said: "We can wait for the night, attack at dawn, destroy the dam, and then occupy the east wall and let the sun shine behind us. Hope night Time can make Stone Giant arrive in time."

"Speaking of the stone giant, I remember something." Zhao Mai took out a huge horn: "Blow it hard, and you can summon the phantom of the giant. Those giants can't fight, but they are good at building things. You can let They go to close the gap in the wall and turn it into a temporary retaining wall."

Grofindale took the heavy horn and nodded.

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