Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 775: supplement

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The grand banquet was held under the Osnk Tower. Saruman was the purchaser, Zhao Mai was the chef, and the florets, reserve grains and rats were diners. Saruman uses magic to preserve his food, and now it's all cheaper for others. Using natural flames and psychic powers, Zhao Mai quickly cooked all the several tons of various stocks in the Saruman storage room, and then sat down to enjoy this gluttonous feast with everyone.

Fang Fang·Mouse ate happily with tears in his eyes. He was full soon, and then sat crying across from Zhao Mai. "My lord, I thought of my wish."

"Oh, can you always eat so much food?"

"No," he said firmly: "Originally I had two wishes, but one of them has been fulfilled today, so only the other one is left." The mouse said, "I want to make the largest and strongest machine, better than everyone else. Both are strong."

Zhao Mai swallowed the contents of his mouth hard, staring at the face of the goblin carefully. "Okay, very ambitious, I am willing to help you. However, I don't know what the strongest machine is, but it must be more complicated than that dam and transmission. Come on, take a drink."

A transparent glass bottle with a strange purple liquid inside is exactly the eternal medicine of Terrasque. "Can I become smart after drinking it?" the mouse asked.

"Of course not. If there is a potion to enhance intelligence, I will definitely drink it and I won't leave it to you." Zhao Mai said: "This thing is very useful anyway, you can drink it."

The mouse took the medicine, pulled the cap firmly, closed his eyes and raised his head and poured it down. Almost immediately, he fell to the ground in a circle, convulsing and fainting. The rat's heart stopped beating only when he heard the yelling of "quack".

The Gardener Dragon came over and poked his chest with his tail, crackling and releasing a burst of electricity. "Okay, it's okay. He will wake up when Yaojin is over." Xiaohua looked at Zhao Mai: "Are you doing this right? Cultivating an immortal goblin?"

"From now on, he is not a goblin, but a new creature, called a kid!" Zhao Mai continued to eat. The mouse came alive, but kept talking in dreams due to the power of the medicine. His voice is ambiguous, but he can barely understand some words, such as the strong, King Kong, I think.

Saruman watched coldly from the window, and Zhao Mai ate fiercely under the tower. His appetite is a bottomless pit, not to mention there is huge room for psychic powers. At first I looked at the food still piled up in mountains, and in the end only the remains of the spices were left. Zhao Mai lay comfortably on the ground, with his limbs spread out in large fonts. The white robe wizard's fingers trembled, and the ring of fire shimmered, as if urging him to tackle the enemy. But... does that make sense? So Saruman just grunted and put away the magic.

"Your patience is very good, so you don't take any action." Zhao Mai turned over and jumped up from the ground, not seeming to become clumsy because of overeating. Saruman shook his head, as expected. Tverduo definitely wanted to find the gap in the protective barrier and rush in when he cast spells along the direction of Asankerta. If he can do it, the situation is bound to become very disadvantaged.

Saruman no longer watched the situation outside, and gave up his plan to attack people close to Zhao Mai. With this time, he might as well think about how to increase the power of the Elf Ring, fortunately, when the orc army returns, he will attack from the tower inside and outside.

Seeing that Saruman couldn't get Saruman to take a shot by deliberately revealing flaws, Zhao Mai walked directly towards the tower. From a distance, this is just a tall stone tower, which looks unremarkable, not a particularly strong building. However, even if Golem used several tons of ammunition to attack, it could not leave scars on its surface. The tree people have tried it, and they knocked with their hands and kicked with their feet to no avail. Their root system can take root in the cliffs, but they can't grasp the outer wall of Asanker Tower.

The clues can only be seen very close to the Osancta. This tall tower is deeply rooted in the earth of Isengard, and it continuously gathers the power of the surrounding fields, just like the Great Wall of Despair to the North, and the Doomsday Volcano to Mordor. For this type of thing, it is not impossible to demolish it with brute force with the help of Insect Heart Ring, but this kind of action will eventually evolve into a huge annihilation explosion.

That obviously outweighs the gain. Zhao Mai can survive, even without injury, but all valuable things will be wiped out. Encountered this kind of situation now, will encounter this kind of situation again in the future, should it end with a field explosion every time? Zhao Mai knocked on the wall of the Wizard Tower, and then got an idea.

"Xiaohua, it's time to eat and drink enough to work." Zhao Mai said: "Cultivate the soil, release the insects and the gardener dragon, I will dig up the entire Osancta!"

Xiao Hua squinted her eyes, hiccuped "Oh, it's terrible", then kicked the grain reserves and dragged her to work. With sufficient physical strength, Zhao Mai has enough energy to continuously mobilize the natural force to promote the reproduction of soil and insects.

As a result, a horrifying scene appeared around the Asanker Tower: Tentacles were born from the mud, which opened the original land, and then digging down. Numerous weird-looking bugs burrowed around in the wet soil, looking everywhere for usable organic matter. The reserve grain barked and pointed to the south.

Zhao Mai patted his head, yes! Saruman’s orcs and goblins suffered a devastating blow in the flood. Coupled with the subsequent clearing of the treants and elves, except for the very few lucky ones who escaped the flood and escaped in time, the other orcs and goblins all changed. Became a dead body. The treants threw these corpses into the rift of Saruman's workshop. The treants had some headaches before, after all, the corpse would rot and smell bad after all, and after being completely soaked, it would not be able to be burned by fire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ unless you can find enough kerosene. Both Shuhu and Grofindale worried about whether it would cause the disease.

Insects are not picky about these, the soil can quickly decompose the body, so that the substance enters a new cycle. So Zhao Mai and Xiaohua cooperated and covered the corpse in the pit with soil.

"Eat, combine with the corpse of the goblin to generate new life power." Zhao Mai manipulates the ecology of the insects like a god, helping them to expand quickly. There is water, soil, suitable temperature and nutrients. Therefore, it only took a few hours to establish the breeding nest of the first insect, and the larvae that came out of it were no longer larvae, but workers.

The tree man looked at this cut curiously. The soil under your feet is changing, and it is not getting worse, but it is easier to absorb nutrients and water from it. This is really a magical thing. Moreover, the original creatures such as earthworms and beetles can still survive in this new soil without any rejection.

Even the comatose goblin, oh, should be called "boy", was "eaten" by the constantly turning soil. The Treant could feel that he was still alive, like a huge seed, so he ignored him.

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