Genius remembers the website URL in 3 seconds【】

Zhao Mai felt that the gardener dragons played well, but the gardener dragon thought otherwise. "Le" Wen "Fiction" through the inspection of insects found that after Zhao Mai returned to Mordor, the nearest gardener dragon ran over on the insects. The first one did not speak after seeing Zhao Mai, but cried.

Ooo, ooo, er er er, yapping, hum hum, always crying. Because the gardener dragon can replenish water and food through the soil, it has almost unlimited physical strength to cry, and the tears flow continuously. Zhao Mai couldn't help but think of the many kinds of decorations at the entrance of the store. A hip flask or teapot was held in the air, and the water flow continued, and then it was drawn back through the middle tube and circulated.

"Don't cry!" What Zhao Mai said was useless, and the gardener dragon wouldn't let Xiao Hua go in, making up his mind to cry happily. Soon, the second gardener dragon rushed over, but stopped crying, but instead looked at Zhao Mai with aggrieved eyes, and kept facing each other with two index fingers near his chin.

"I understand. You have to vent all your emotions before you can say business, right?" Zhao Mai could have given orders or used worms to stop this situation, but these little guys with pear flowers and rain It looked pitiful indeed, and he couldn't bear it anymore. I had no choice but to stare at Xiao Hua, who made the gardener dragon look like this!

"Don't be gloating, just take care of it. If this situation continues, there are only two possibilities: I get delayed, or I turn my head and leave, they will have to be sad."

As a result, Zhao Mai's voice fell, and the crying stopped, and the gardener Long whispered: "Don't go, someone is bullying us."

"Finally it's normal." Zhao Mai touched Gardener Long's head, "Do you say it slowly, or should I just look at it directly?"

Using psychic powers to read memory will be faster. Gardener Long thought for a while, and now things are not too anxious, so it is better to take it slowly, so he chooses to speak slowly, so that he can stay with Zhao Mai for a longer time. So a few gardener dragons talked and talked to each other, using a relay method to tell everything that happened in the Blackfoot Territory.

"Goblin Beast Tooth is not dead? It's impossible. I saw him fall into the Doomsday Volcano and burned to ashes. How could he lead his own settlement to hit us?" Zhao Mai frowned and asked : "Is it pretending or misunderstanding?"

"No. He is like a man in a cloak and armor, just a ghost." The gardener dragon negotiated with each other through his mind, and then determined the appropriate term: "It's like Xiaohua."

"Ghost?" Zhao Mai thought for a while, and then said: "It's possible. For example, Sauron reproduced his image to control the settlements in the East. However, the ghoul was almost dead last time, the wolf Dire wolves and the like are not Zerg’s opponents, shouldn't you fight so badly? Are there other enemies?"

"Yes, there is also Talion!" Gardener Long said the name and was furious. According to the gardener dragon's statement, Talion was originally an ally, but for some reason, he suddenly attacked from the side and took away a lot of land. White elves and ghosts beating everywhere, causing massive deaths in the soil.

Sauron's conspiracy seemed to have succeeded, whether it was Talion, Celebrepon, or Goblin Beastfang, slowly sinking into his dark power. Zhao Mai combined with the sudden turn of Talion and the time when Sauron strengthened the border defense. Now the difference between the two is within a few days, which shows that there must be a connection. Although he has not seen Talion's state with his own eyes, Zhao Mai speculates that the world will of the former Gondor Ranger and the former Elf Lord will be transferred to Sauron.

"Commander, after you come back, take us to beat them all down!" Gardener Long's idea is very simple: "You come back, we are not afraid!"

"No, you are wrong." Zhao Mai said: "I have delegated the command of this battle to you, and I will not take it back. In Mordor, you need to fight for your own survival and find a way by yourself. protect yourself……"

The gardener dragons gathered more and more, and there were dozens of them gathered around Zhao Mai. When they heard this, they all began to bow their heads to their fingers aggrievedly, pouting their little mouths vigorously, like an abandoned child. This kind of formation made Zhao Mai's scalp numb, but he didn't shrink from facing the situation of thousands of troops alone, and naturally he would not be scared at this time.

"You just look like children, but each of you has much stronger intelligence than children. You have the ability to solve problems. Moreover, you can also use your nerves to exchange opinions and greatly speed up your decision-making ability. I'm much stronger." Zhao Mai said: "When I left, I had prepared the worst for the blackfoot settlement to be leveled out, but the situation is much better than I thought, so it is good for you to continue. As for I, I can only guarantee that you will not lose, but it is up to you whether you can win."

After hearing this, the gardener dragons looked at each other. Zhao Mai could clearly feel that a large amount of telepathic communication suddenly burst out around him, wrapping all gardener dragons in it like a storm. Unexpectedly, they had strengthened to such an extent under the temper of the war. Even if Zhao Mai connects himself to the communication, he will always be dizzy and confused by the massive amount of information.

Xiaohua's gaze seemed to be in this communication. Yes, her body is a tree of comprehension, and her ability to bear the spirit is much higher than Zhao Mai. Thinking about the chattering and noisy scenes of a group of young girls in the spiritual world, Zhao Mai couldn't help but fight a cold war, and now he should set up another level above the gardener dragon to collect and filter information. Otherwise, as the gardener dragon increases, the nerve network of the soil will be filled with too many psychic signals, which will cause trouble for Zhao Mai.

"Zhao Mai, Gardener Dragon just asked me if I have a good idea to defeat the enemy to please you. Can I tell them?" Xiaohua blinked and asked, "If I told them all the tactics on earth, Will it cause any problems?"

"I don't know..." Zhao Mai was also very distressed: "I have never raised a and I have never been a teacher, and I don't know how to raise the next generation. Although I am a bug, the bug is I, but they are not humans after all. They are different in physical, cultural and ideological aspects. I don’t know what is suitable for them. However, what they think of themselves and has undergone practical tests must be correct. So let’s, Not to mention, let them wave it by themselves, I just support it."

"Okay, I will let them wave freely." Xiaohua thought for a while and asked: "Human things may not be suitable for them, so what about the knowledge and characteristics of colony organisms? I have some insights about cooperative organisms, such as ants and bees. This kind of. Some druids have done a lot of research on this, can this insight be taught to the gardener dragon?"

"Okay, these should be okay. But I have a request to make the gardener dragon quieter. The psychic signals in the nerve network are too noisy."

Almost immediately, Zhao Mai regretted it. The gardener dragon began to use his mouth to chat to exchange information, and the sound mixing was more terrifying than the psychic signal.

Educating children is indeed difficult.

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