Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 786: I prepare for the enemy

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I heard that there is a fight to fight, and there are no contradictions in the Hei ethnic settlement, and all other things can be put aside. War is the most important. In this article, the    starter orcs were so passionate that they immediately dispersed and conveyed the good news of preparation to everyone.

It takes about two days to mobilize the entire settlement, but Zhao Mai naturally has a way to extend this time longer. The most famous of the Heizu settlement is the Arena, which is used to hold a massive selection. One thousand orc warriors are selected, armed with the best equipment, and become the invincible iron boots for the black foot to step down the enemy. .

Having made up his mind, Zhao Mai was about to throw the matter to Darryl, but saw him swaying, seeming to be a little unstable. Zhao Mai quickly leaned over and held him quietly. The natural force turned around in Darryl's body, and Zhao Mai's brows frowned: "Who poisoned him?"

"I was poisoned? I thought I was just sick and not getting enough rest." The breath out of Darryl's mouth was hot. Zhao Mai hurriedly helped him back into the tower, and Xiaohua, the tooth-fried rat and the invisible gardener dragon followed, and the food reserve lay at the door as always.

It is not difficult for Zhao Mai to get rid of toxins. After a few druid spells, Daryl immediately felt that his body was much easier. The Force of Nature wrapped the toxins, and Zhao Mai threw them into a bowl. Green and black unidentified substances are mixed together, and it looks dangerous.

"You can't fight for these two days. You need a good rest. From now on, everything you eat and drink every day will be taken from me, and don't put anything else in your mouth." Zhao Mai pointed to the venom in the cup and said, "I am concerned about toxins. There is not much research and I can't tell the specific type, but what is clear is that this toxin will kill you. And if you die, the black race will be messed up."

"No." Darryl had a different view: "During your absence, although I was in charge of it, I actually relied on the supply of Legion Bread and Jumping Dog's control of the border. You left it. These two things are more important than the strength of any individual's combat power, which maintains the Hei race settlement. I know in my heart that as long as you come back, you can pull up a black foot settlement at any time. This is the same with me or me."

This sentence fell into the ears of Fangfang Mouse, and he summarized it as the truth of "you must have food and soldiers." His dream has always been to build the strongest fighter aircraft. Recently, he has gradually realized one thing. When the war machine leaves the user, it can only smoke, shake, and scream to scare people. Under the influence of Zhao Mai, especially the Gardener Dragon, Fang Fang made some amendments to his dream, he wanted to build an army with the strongest combat equipment.

The big eyeballs rolled around, and the Tooth-Fried Mouse walked up to Zhao Mai and said, "Boss, I have a good idea. I need the alchemy explosive formula from the boss in front of the white robe. Can you give it to me?"

"Let me think about it." Zhao Mai sat down and bowed his head in thought. He had read Saruman's research notes for nearly a month, and he had already memorized it by heart, and he knew exactly what kind of lethality the alchemy material had. In terms of explosive capability, this kind of alchemical gunpowder is much smaller than the explosives on the earth, and even weaker than many engineering materials, not to mention the power of military and strategic deterrent weapons. However, this alchemical gunpowder can instantly form the power of "destroying the realm", and it has targeted destruction characteristics for the environment that relies on the will of the world and the reinforcement of all fields and consciousness methods.

Such as the protective shield of the magician, the protection of the priest's holy light, the armor of the Alliance of the Rings, and even Zhao Mai's psychic shield. Even if you don't consider these, the purpose of this formula for the Explosive Tooth Mouse must be to arm the orcs of the Black Race settlement, and their opponents are likely to be outside humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings.

"Fried Tooth Mouse, let me talk about my thoughts." Zhao Mai considered it for a while, and said: "This alchemy formula was invented by Saruman, neither you nor me. This formula is very easy to use. It can be used, no matter which world you can use the method inside. Whether it is a goblin or an orc, in this world, it is transformed by the elves, and I am one of the leaders. And now the changes you produce are even more by me One-handedly contributed. I mean, it’s important to learn about the strengths of other races and other people. If you see Saruman and immediately slap him to death, then you will not be able to learn the recipe. Because Saruman has no chance to create a recipe, right."

The Tooth-Fried Mouse opened his mouth wide, his eyes aimed at the left and right, and then nodded vigorously: "Yes! You have to wait until the wheat grows first, the fish gain weight, and the sheep grow fat before you can grab it!"

"Uh... the meaning is similar." Zhao Mai said, "Take you as an example. I can kill you with one punch now, but if I kill you now, I won't be able to see the powerful machine you will create in the future. How boring then?"

"I understand, boss. But if you don't fight--don't hit me first--if you don't, I'm bored too. What should I do?"

"You can control the intensity of the war. The easiest way is to use whatever weapon the enemy uses. They rushed over with bamboo spears. You blasted it with alchemical gunpowder and it ended with a bang. Isn’t it more boring after that?” Zhao Mai said, “It’s like children playing with children, youth playing with youth, powerful guys playing with powerful guys, so that you can keep playing and have fun.”

"Wow, boss, you are so smart, this idea is really great!" Fang Fang rattled his hands in excitement. "We have good things, but we also have to see if others have good things. Fighting for fun is perfect!"

"Well, fighting is for fun." Zhao Mai took out Saruman's research notes to Fang Fang, and said: "We have to prepare in advance, but we use whatever the enemy uses. It is always evenly matched to have fun. Son. If you feel pressured, you have to be stronger to fight the pressure. If there is no pressure at all, create pressure for yourself so that you can continue to make progress. This is how zworms are, and you should be the same."

"It's ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boss!" The Fangfang Mouse ran away while holding the book.

Darryl stood aside, unable to intervene. He had a vague feeling in his heart, as if he had witnessed something remarkable, but he couldn't tell what it was. For a long time, goblins have been a subsidiary race of orcs, a version that was not successful in torturing and transforming elves. But just now, it seemed that the Explosive Tooth Mouse was no longer a separate goblin, but had become the pioneer of a race. Darryl shook his head, threw out his "illusion", and refocused his thoughts on the upcoming battle.

"Commander, who shall we fight first? Goblin Beast Fang or Talyon?"

"My idea is to control the general south of Mordor in my hands and become the most powerful orc leader under Sauron." Zhao Mai said: "Therefore, my target is Talion."

"But Talion is to the north!"

"Yes, let Animal Fang think so too. Make them think I'm going to the Evil Black Tower."

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