Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 789: Step by step

If everything must be done by himself, then a blackfoot settlement can exhaust Zhao Mai alive, let alone manage a race. Reading a book???·??????·?? Even if most of the zworms only have the intelligence of insects, the rest of the gardeners chattering is scary enough.

Therefore, Zhao Mai positioned himself as a "mascot and killer", brushing up on his presence, encouraging others, and then turning the tide in a critical moment. As for whether he can be sure to turn the tide, Zhao Mai actually dare not say that. Temporarily set your life right, and then work hard in that direction.

Looking for poisoners, there are naturally jumping dogs, workers and gardeners to worry about. They looked around and locked a few "slave workers." Judging from the knowledge and abilities of these people, if they are equipped with poison, I am afraid they are not strong enough, but it is already certain that they put the poison in the food of several generals.

"I'm not a torturer. Just let Darryl decide on this kind of thing, or there will be Dushat. But according to Dushat's temper, he probably doesn't have much patience for the interrogation. It will be a matter of a few shots." Zhao Mai fully delegated power. There is only one thing to do, that is, to choose his own thousand "elite orcs". He soaked in the arena every day, watching the orcs crawling and rolling in the sand, and suddenly remembered the time in Artas. I am now like the Witch King of the past, sitting in the most noble position, looking down at all living beings, and controlling their lives and thoughts.

Then the Witch King was pierced by the Heartwood Spear, severely injured and he lost most of his fighting ability, and then he was taken away by himself. Read a book? What is the name of the Witch King? Oh, yes, it's called Karak. It seems to be a long, long time ago. Remember the day of the assassination, the people of Tyre gathered in the arena, shouting long live the Witch King. What are the orcs in the Blackfoot settlement shouting now, Blackfoot is the greatest?

Sounds very interesting! Zhao Mai couldn't help feeling a little airy. But after drifting for a long time, it's cool, but it's not at ease in the sky! The Blackfoot tribe itself built a prototype, provided enough food and force to deter, and it was Darryl who was really doing things, and he had been lazy everywhere. Zhao Mai reminded himself: There is still some shame, don't really end up as a Witch King.

Fortunately, this day of being cheered by thousands of people lasted for five days, and 1,000 elites were gathered. Z insect workshop provided them with excellent weapons and armor, and even the shoes made of insect shells were in place. This group of orcs dressed neatly, hitting the insect shell armor with their fists, feeling the impact of being dispersed and resolved, and immediately satisfied. As for those swords, there is no need to cut and hack each other to do experiments.

Arming these orcs is not the most important thing. In five days, Darryl and Dushat took the opportunity to clean up the settlement. Not surprisingly, the poisoners were all photographed into sludge, and the source of the poison was a wealthy outsider who was not named by everyone, so the clue was broken.

If this person is not found, then he may continue to engage in conspiracy. However, Tverdor Mordor Blackfoot appeared, and it would not make much sense to go to Darryl. I believe that the conspirator will focus on Zhao Mai. This is also Zhao Mai's hope. Therefore, when the "excellent army" of 1,000 people was organized, Zhao Mai led them northward.

Logistics supplies? The porter followed them, and the legionary bread was piled up like a hill. Ammunition and weapons? As long as it is within the scope of the soil, the construction of the refining room can be completed in three days, and then simple maintenance and processing can be carried out. If ore can be found around, then there is no problem with making swords in small batches.

Zhao Mai sat on a head that carried insects and walked at the forefront of the team. He didn't like to wear armor, so he was naked, holding the orc machete in one hand, and holding the black-footed banner in the other. It is as conspicuous as it is, and it is almost as if drawing a few circles on the chest as a target. The rest of the orcs followed Zhao Mai's distribution method after losing both feet in the guessing box and winning the sitting beetle. Although there were only a thousand orcs, they also walked out of the mighty feeling. The team pulled into a long line, went out from the north gate of the settlement, and marched all the way to the north.

"Commander, where are we going to fight?" asked an orc centurion nicknamed Scarey.

"It's going north anyway, and you will do it when you encounter the enemy, until you find that Gondor's ranger Talion." Zhao Mai snorted: "A Gondor human who was still uneasy after he died in the Battle of the Black Gate. The dark power resurrection counts him lucky, but the good luck that provokes me will end."

"Is it a human being?" Many orcs have only heard of Talion's name ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but don't know the secret. "Isn't that an orc? Can the orc under his command obey the orders of a human?"

"That's why they should be eradicated!" Zhao Mai made sure that his voice was heard by everyone: "Not only Gondor Ranger Talion, but also the Goblin Beast Tooth, who is not an orc but rides on the head of an orc. The Dark Lord summoned soldiers to fight, but they came to beat me. This is a traitor-like action! We grow wheat and mushrooms in the south of Mordor, but it does not mean that we are farmers. We are also fighters, and we are not bullied by them!"

"Bullying? No one can bully the orcs in the Blackfoot settlement!" The crowd was so passionate that they wanted to go to war right away.

However, the north is the plank road of Mingxiu after all, not the Chencang of secret crossing, and there is no need to pursue speed like the previous raid on Isinger. Zhao Mai made a big fanfare and moved forward slowly. Especially when he approached the edge of Siyang, he even stopped and ordered the orcs to send the challenge letter to the surrounding settlements. Previously, in order to reduce the complexity of management, Zhao Mai also allowed other orc settlements around. As long as they don't come to cause trouble, they can get supplies such as Legion Bread. But now he changed his attitude, either he obeyed and merged into the blackfoot settlement, or he was eliminated.

Most of the settlements responded to the call of the Demon King Sauron, and the soldiers took part in the battle and left. Therefore, there was not much fighting power left in the settlements. The total number of people in some villages was less than one thousand, and they were simply unable to compete against Zhao Mai. What's more, after General Zhao Mai stopped supplying bread, other settlements basically sat in the mountains, and the food reserves entered the countdown. Therefore, most of the settlements opened their gates, joined the banner of the Blackfoot settlement, and then headed south. The rest of the settlement, to put it bluntly, was for Zhao Mai's orcs to train soldiers. The fighting spirit and murderous orc elites, one by one, are still looking forward to the other side not surrendering.

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