Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 794: What determines the outcome is something that has no fighting power

Genius 3 seconds to remember the website of this site 【】The news that he was going to fight the Dark Lord Sauron spread throughout the Blackfoot settlement, and immediately some orcs expressed their dissatisfaction, reprimanding this as a very stupid behavior, and even the orcs thought it was betrayal. The thousand orcs who followed Zhao Mai back told what they had seen, including the dialogue with the Sauron messenger and afterwards Tverdo led the process of accepting the challenge. When they heard there was hope of victory, most of the orcs calmed down.

"The biggest settlement battle in Mordor's history" is a more acceptable title than "Overthrow Sauron", even though the two are essentially the same. Even if no orcs fled on a large scale, the Blackfoot settlement was still chaotic for a while. Knowing that he could not defeat Tverdor, the orcs challenged Darryl and others in battle, trying to control the middle level of the Blackfoot settlement.

This kind of battle takes more than a dozen battles every day, causing the blackfoot settlement to basically stagnate. If Zhao Mai has no worms, then he must have no soldiers available now, and he is in a dilemma. Challenges in accordance with the rules of the orcs were the legal basis for his declaration of war on Sauron. If he prohibits the orcs' rules in his own settlement, then he loses legitimacy. In the current situation, he is not easy to intervene directly, so he can only let Xiaohua sneak into the arena to impose healing spells on Darryl, Dushat and other orcs to ensure that they can win smoothly.

The orcs who leave the settlement and leave Zhao Mai to go to the north come every day, in twos and threes, or go on the road alone. By monitoring the insects, Zhao Mai can clearly know their location, number and direction. As long as he ordered, the jumping dogs spreading through the underground tunnels all over the territory could attack quickly and kill these orcs. But he could never give this order.

"I pay too little attention to the settlements. It is normal for them not to believe in me." Zhao Mai said to Xiaohua: "Even among the orcs, there is no such thing as the truth that I must be right as long as I am strong. "

"Most orcs still decide to challenge Sauron with you, which is great." Xiaohua always comforts Zhao Mai. She said: "As long as you don't fail, there will always be followers. As long as you win, you Will spread Mordor's reputation. After all, your opponent is Sauron."

"No, this has nothing to do with the opponent, it's just my problem." Zhao Mai scratched his head and said: "When I came to this world, I felt that I was invincible, so I didn't really concentrate on what I wanted to do. Only the time I sink my heart. , I’m just watching Saruman’s research results. After all, I’m not watching a movie, and I can’t wait for the end with the mentality of a game.”

"Then don't be half-hearted next time." Xiao Hua pinched her waist and stared at Zhao Mai with wide eyes, meaning: "Don't be half-hearted!"

"I intervene in all aspects of the forces, not to balance the influence of the will of the world. If I started with my whole heart, I am afraid that I am now a general of Sauron, leading the army to attack Gondor happily." Zhao Mai deliberately Turning off the topic, he smiled and shook his head: "The experience and lessons are summarized here, how are the preparations on the insect side?"

"It's time to attack."

While the Blackfoot settlement was still resolving its internal conflicts, the insects had already begun to take action. The incubation room, the refining room and the jumping dog pool appeared on the ground, and countless insects began the intense construction work. In order to expand, everything that can be used is needed, and when it runs at full capacity, the consumption of resources is also very huge.

The soil spreading on the ground showed its terrifying face. While continuing to maintain the normal operation of the ecosystem it maintains, it begins to eat the earth. The soil is constantly thickening, and it continues to drill into the depths of the earth, putting a Buddha sieve to filter the minerals of the earth. Iron, copper, and coal are very useful, but are ordinary stones and sand useless?

Using stones to make armors and shields, this method can also be completed. Grind it into powder and compress it, then dip it with an adhesive, and continue to compress and shape it. This is how the stone helmet shield comes out. In terms of hardness, it is definitely not as good as steel products, but this thing is easy to shape, and it is extremely cheap and easy to mass produce. Under Zhao Mai's prompt, the armor and shield imitated the carapace shape of some creatures in nature, and used the structure to increase the strength and reduce the weight, and it immediately became easy to use.

Anyway, they are all consumables. Zhao Mai directly gave these stone products an unlimited amount to the orcs in the Blackfoot settlement.

Constantly nibbling downwards and using everything as much as possible will inevitably cause ground subsidence. In this respect, Xiyang is like a huge beast, digging down to eat with its mouth open. As a result, earthquakes have become commonplace, with dozens of occurrences every day. However, the soil is "soft", and it can disperse and dissolve the impact both horizontally and vertically. Therefore, the earthquake intensity is very low and it is only slightly felt.

The army of Zerglings created directly attacked east under Zhao Mai's order, and first killed the forces of goblin beast teeth in this direction. When Zhao Mai was wandering in the north, the preparations for the eastward attack were being carried out in full swing. For the first large-scale offensive operation, Zhao Mai did not have any good plans, so he could just submerge it directly by relying on quantitative advantages. What kind of leapfrog tactics, what division and encirclement, what pincers outflank, these concepts have been taught, but it is hard to say what the gardener dragon will become when executed. Even Zhao Mai only knows his name and doesn't know the trick. Fortunately, there are opportunities for practice. As long as he is on the ground, Zhao Mai is not afraid of exhaustion.

"So, relieving soil is the key, isn't it?" The gardener dragon came to Zhao Mai for the third time before the attack, and it could be seen that they had no bottom in their hearts. "As long as Xiyang is spread over, it will be ours sooner or later?"

"It can be understood this way." Zhao Mai said: "You should be prepared in advance. Once the war starts, you must also take into account the front and rear ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will be very busy. Never think that the war reserves are sufficient, because once the fight starts , Consumption is difficult to control. But, fortunately, we can afford it."

Gardener Long wanted Zhao to go to the Eastern Front very much so that they would have the confidence to win. However, Zhao Mai still needs to control the Blackfoot settlement and arrange for the orcs to settle down as soon as possible. At the same time, news came from the monitor that Sauron was building a fortress in the north, which seemed to close the northern part of Mordor, blocking Zhao Mai's army with walls and fortresses, and also firmly locking the two halfling areas.

Sauron's power shrank, and his power became very concentrated. With the support of his will and magic power, mountains can change directions, the earth can change shape, and masonry and steel can be piled up and built at will. If Zhao Mai was at the scene, he would even feel that this scene was familiar. If using psionic powers and alchemy creation, Zhao Mai will build a fortress like Sauron.

Zhao Mai is also anxious about the upcoming battle, but it is not his inner thoughts that determines the time of the battle, but the expansion of the soil. Every day, a newly born gardener dragon comes out of the incubator and immediately engages in the work of cultivating the breeding ground and expanding the breeding ground. Worm's expansion rate exceeded Zhao Mai's expectations, so Sauron on the opposite side was even more unexpected!

There was no special sign, the gardener dragons felt that they could fight, and the war began.

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