Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1034: The first person under Shinto

When the divine sword was born, the light and shadow of the golden sword, which was as huge as a mountain, tore through the sky and rose into the sky.

Within a hundred miles, they were shrouded in dazzling golden light.

The world is full of violent sword aura, and the sacred majesty that defies the world.

When the Excalibur came out, who would fight for it?

Even the sun and the moon were covered by the edge of the divine sword, becoming bleak.

Standing in the sky, Ji Tianxing watched the divine sword fly into the sky with excitement, and clenched his fists excitedly and expectantly.

"Great! Funeral day is finally finished, the ten days of hard work and persistence are worth it!"

In these ten days, he has been casting spells day and night, stimulating the extreme sun fire and extreme yin cold fire, and assisting the sun-moon furnace to temper the divine sword.

Now he is already exhausted, his true essence is consumed a lot, and his spirit is a little sluggish.

However, seeing the scene of the divine sword being born and the earth-shaking light, he was extremely relieved, only feeling that all the efforts were worthwhile.

After a long time, the sacred golden light that covered the world gradually disappeared.

The melting pot of the sun and the moon gradually returned to calm, the golden fire and the silver moonlight gradually converged.


The divine sword flew from the sky and returned to Ji Tianxing.

On the surface, the Excalibur was still like before, a broken sword.

However, although the sword is broken, it is not broken and old.

The mottled rust and cracks on the sword body have all been repaired, and it has become black and bright, cold to the bone.

The gaps in the blades were also repaired, and there was a faint streamer flowing on the blades, which contained the spirit of splitting the world.

Of course, Broken Sword is still simple, gloomy and vicissitudes of life.

Ji Tianxing stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the sword, and with a wave of his hand, the divine sword uttered a trembling hum, bursting out a sharp and unparalleled sword energy.

That sword energy was invisible and innocent, and instantly fell into the ocean below.


The calm sea was cut out of a thousand-meter-long gully, revealing a seabed full of mud and sand, igniting huge waves 100 meters high.

The power of the sword aura was so amazing that Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes showing a deep shock.

"This... such a powerful power is definitely not comparable to a soul-level middle-grade magic weapon!"

As his voice fell, within Broken Sword, the voice of Funeral Sky was heard immediately.

"That's right! The ten days of tempering and repairing have been better than I expected.

The power of Broken Sword is comparable to a soul-level top-grade magic weapon, and the material is very close to the soul-level magic weapon. "

Hearing this sentence, Ji Tianxing suddenly showed a look of relief, nodded and said: "So, it's no wonder I feel that the power of Broken Sword has increased by about seven or eight times!"

Holding the broken sword in his hand, he looked at it with scorching eyes, and said with some emotion: "It took half a year to travel around half a continent, and now he has finally achieved his goal.

Funeral day, I am leaving Guixu and heading to North Desert. "

Funeral groaned for a while before he said in a deep voice: "Tianxing, it's okay to leave Guixu, but you can't go to the North Desert immediately.

Not long after you broke through the Soul Refining Realm, the foundation of martial arts is not stable enough, and there is no condensing magic eye of the soul, and there is no way to cultivate the sword soul.

I have been waiting for half a year, and I don't care about the delay of ten days and a half months. I hope you can practice the way of the sword soul first, and condense the magic eyes of the soul. "

Funeral's words were very pertinent. After Ji Tianxing listened to it, he thought about it in silence and nodded in agreement.

"Well, sharpening the knife and not chopping wood by mistake, I will first find a place to practice the way of the soul of the sword and condense the eyes of the soul.

When I get stronger, and then go to North Desert, I will be more hopeful to rescue Yaoyao! "

He made up his mind and prepared to find a place to practice retreat.

Funeral Tian reminded him at the right time, saying: "You don't have to go elsewhere, just practice here. With the help of the aura of heaven and earth gathered in the furnace of the sun and the moon, you will surely get twice the result with half the effort."

Ji Tianxing looked at the vortex at his feet, then looked to the top of the mountain on the left, and flew to the top of the mountain.

He landed on the top of the mountain, laid two defensive formations by the lake, then sat on a large bluestone and began to practice in retreat.

His soul passed through the pitch black vortex at the pubic area and entered the tomb of the sword god.


The brilliance flashed, and the Soul Golden Sword entered into the gray and cold space, transformed into his appearance.

He flew over the desolate and cold wasteland and arrived near the eighteen tombstones.

Since Funeral Heaven returned to the body of the Divine Sword, the thousand-meter-long Tongtian Sword Stele disappeared.

Today, there are only eighteen dark and cold tombstones left in the wasteland.

The nine tombstones on the left were empty, and the once-recorded Tao of Jianxin had long since disappeared.

He looked at the nine tombstones on the right and saw several lines of ancient seal characters engraved on the first tombstone.

Just hundreds of words, but mysterious, extraordinary, and mysterious, it is the first-level cultivation technique of the sword of the soul.

The other eight tombstones were all blank, and he had to practice the first level of the Tao of Sword Soul before he could see the following exercise formulas.

Ji Tianxing had already understood this, so he ignored the other eight tombstones, stared at the ancient characters on the first tombstone, and carefully watched the first level of the sword soul.

About half an hour later, he memorized the mantras of the hundreds of words by heart, and memorized them back and forth.

Then, his soul left the tomb of the sword god, returned to the body, and began to comprehend the mystery of the exercise formula.

With his talent and understanding, it will take about a month or so to gradually comprehend the first level of exercises.

However, Funeral took the initiative to help him explain the Tao of the Sword Soul and analyze the mystery of the exercise formula for him, so that he can understand the essence and profound meaning of the exercise faster.

"Tian Xing, the way of swordsmanship you used to cultivate was the martial art of self-cultivation and sword training. When you practice to the perfect degree, you can reach the realm of no sword in your hand and the sword in your heart.

This is the limit of ordinary martial arts, and your swordsmanship in the martial arts world can be called the master of swordsmanship.

However, the Tao of the Sword Soul is a more profound and mysterious Tao of the Soul, which has surpassed the ordinary martial arts.

This is the realm between martial art and Shinto. The emphasis is on soul-refining~www.wuxiaspot.com~The way of soul-sword, not only to condense the sword with the soul, but also to integrate the profound meaning of the sword into the soul .

If you can practice the way of the soul of the sword and reach the level of consummation, you can turn all things into swords, and all power in the world can be used for you.

By then, you will be the first person under the divine way, the soul of the sword will never die, the sword will travel through the void, and you will travel the galaxy..."

After listening to Funeral's explanation, Ji Tianxing has a deeper understanding of the sword soul, and his heart is full of shock and yearning.

He vaguely felt that the way of the soul of the sword is not only a more inscrutable sword way, but also a way of refining soul that has never been seen in ancient or modern times.

Once he has practiced the way of the soul of the sword, he will surely shock the world, invincible, possess the terrifying power of mastering ten thousand swords and breaking the galaxy!

With full of anticipation and longing, he began to practice in retreat.

According to the profound meaning of the first level of the sword of the soul, with the help and guidance of Funeral Sky, he began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, constantly temper the soul of the sword, and strengthen his soul power.

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