Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1057: Who wins and who loses?

Ji Tianxing sneered in his heart, and his murderous intent was suddenly.

However, due to the presence of the Tianman Demon Commander, he could only suppress his anger and no longer entangle the matter.

If things are going to make a big mess, it will definitely attract the attention of the Demon Tianman, and he may be identified by the Demon Tianman.

He bowed his hand expressionlessly, and said to Baishan City Master: "City Master, I have no intention of sabotaging the Arena, please continue."

Baishan City Lord and General Grie looked at each other, and both showed a knowing sneer.

Anyu also showed a playful look, and the sound transmission sneered at Ji Tianxing: "Hahaha...Xiaoshi, you are too naive, this Baishan city is the world of the generals and the lord of the city.

And you, a humble reptile, can only be slaughtered by others, and you will definitely die! "

Ji Tianxing stared at him blankly, a pity flashed in his eyes, "Stupid and poor fellow."

In the northwest corner of the square, Arnold was surrounded by four guards and sneered happily.

"Hahahaha... the screen blade is on the court, that guy is obviously scared, he has been scared!

He is so ignorant and ignorant that he wants to expose the identity of the blade in public. It is ridiculous!

This turtle from the poor country doesn't even know the identity and power of this young master. This Baishan City is the site of our General Mansion! "

The four guards also sneered with gleeful misfortune, and slapped their beards quickly to flatter Arnold.

On the ring, Baishan City Lord and General Grie retreated to the corner.

Bidou began.

"Small things, let this seat squeeze you up!"

Anyu sneered with a hideous face, and his body turned into a black air, rushing towards Ji Tianxing like a streamer.

Without using the epee, he stretched out a pair of palms with big palms, carrying the billowing devil energy, and slapped Ji Tianxing fiercely.

Ji Tianxing stood there unmoved, staring at him with sorrowful eyes, turbulent demon energy was being accumulated in his body.

There were Baishan City Lord and General Grie present, and on the high tower on the edge of the square, there was also the Demon Commander Tianman sitting in town.

He can't exert all his strength, and he can't even use the power of the eight or nine layers of the Heavenly Origin Realm, otherwise it will be doubtful.

He can only play about 30% of his strength and control his strength at the third level of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

When Anyu rushed in front of him and slammed his palms at him unscrupulously, he finally moved.

"Blood dragon ascends to heaven!"

He deliberately yelled, the dark red blood gushing from his palms, condensed into a ten-meter-long blood dragon, and slammed into Anyu fiercely.

Anyu didn't pay attention to his attack at all, as soon as his figure dodged, he continued to pat his palms towards Ji Tianxing.

However, a strange scene appeared.

The blood dragon was so fast that it cleverly passed through Anyu's palms and hit Anyu's chest with a bang.

In everyone's eyes, Ji Tianxing's strength is not stronger than Anyu, he only found Anyu's flaws in order to hit Anyu!

In the muffled sound, Anyu's figure was wrapped in blood and flew out in embarrassment.

He rolled more than a dozen times in mid-air, spraying dark purple blood from his mouth and nose, falling ten feet away, and smashing into the ring.

Fortunately, he was wearing black armor, but he was seriously injured by the blood dragon.

Without the protection of the armor, he would have been stunned by the blood dragon.

Suddenly, the audience was shocked.

Tens of thousands of people showed their shocked faces, looking at Ji Tianxing incredulously, exclaiming in exclamations.

Baishan City Lord and General Grie were also stunned, both showing thick stunned eyes, and couldn't believe it was true.

Arnold in the crowd was originally full of excitement, but at this time the smile on his face also stiffened.

He was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, his face became extremely ugly, and he roared angrily: "This is impossible! He must have tried his luck and happened to hit the flaw in the curtain edge!"

At this time, Anyu on the ring struggled to get up.

The dark purple blood constantly overflowed from his helmet, looking particularly embarrassed.

He was stunned by Ji Tianxing, staring at Ji Tianxing incredulously, his eyes were filled with anger, and he muttered silently: "How could he hurt this seat? This seat is too careless!"

He was more cautious, drew out the heavy sword behind him, held the heavy sword in both hands, and rushed towards Ji Tianxing again.

"Devil Dragon Cuts the Sky!"

This time, Anyu became smarter, and no longer rushed to Ji Tianxing. After ten feet away, he raised his heavy sword and severely cleaved a ten-foot-long black giant sword.


The overwhelming demonic energy condensed into a ten-foot-long dragon, carrying a violent and unparalleled power, and blasted towards Ji Tianxing.

Suddenly, the devilish energy on the ring was raging, and the black mist was overwhelming, and a violent hurricane was rolled up.

Ji Tianxing was prepared for a long time, and also took out a dark epee.

This is an ordinary Heavenly Origin Realm Sword, a standard Demon Clan weapon, he prepared in advance.

When the Devil Dragon Broken Heaven Slash came, he held the scabbard in his left hand and the hilt in his right hand, and pulled out the magic sword with a ‘clang’.

There is no doubt that the sword is drawn!

"call out!"

The magic sword was unsheathed, and a ten-foot-long dark red blood light cut through the sky like thunder and lightning, tearing open the black fog that obscured the sky and the sun.

In the horrified eyes of countless people, the sharp and unparalleled blood-colored sword light slashed out from the bottom to face the magic dragon and Anyu.

The incredible scene appeared!

Scarlet Jianguang avoided Devil Dragon Heaven Breaking Slash at an extremely tricky angle, and struck Anyu with lightning speed.


There was a crisp cracking sound.

Anyu's armor shattered on the spot, and his legs were severed by the blood-red sword light, and a dark purple magic blood splashed out.

His body was cut into two pieces on the spot, his upper body was intact, but his legs flew out, sprayed with blood, and then fell heavily on the ring.

Until then, the Devil Dragon Duantian Slash cut down suddenly, covering Ji Tianxing's figure.


Amid the deafening loud noise, the ten-foot-long dragon hit the ground with a bang, shaking the whole ring.

The monstrous black mist rose into the sky ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and swept all around, filling the ring.

The tens of thousands of demons in the square all stared at the ring in horror, and even forgot to exclaim and talk.

Everyone understands that such an earth-shaking movement cannot be caused by a master of Yuan Dan.

Oolong and Anyu in the ring are obviously strong in the Tianyuan realm!

But who will win this battle?

Anyu's legs were severed. Although he could save his life, he also lost his combat effectiveness and became a waste.

What about Oolong?

Did Devil Dragon Broken Sky kill him into scum?

This question popped up in the hearts of tens of thousands of people, anxiously and expectantly waiting for the results to appear.

Even Arnold in the crowd was clutching tightly, staring at the ring intently.

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