Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1061: Heavenly Devil Palace, Bridge of Life and Death

The night passed quickly.

There is peace in Baishan City, and there is a lively scene in the city lord’s mansion.

Accompanied by the Baishan City Lord, the Demon Commander Tianman enjoyed eating and drinking all night, and did not leave until dawn.

He left Baishan City alone and hurried back to the Heavenly Demon Palace to report the news.

The one-hundred guards, including Ji Tianxing, left Baishan City with the two guard leaders and rushed to the Tianma Palace in the north.

The two guard leaders were brought by the Demon Commander of the Heavenly Barbarian, possessing the strength of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

They were originally the guard leaders of the Celestial Demon Palace, and their status and status were noble. Even the White Mountain City Lord, respected them.

The group of people left Baishan City mightily and headed north in the wind and snow.

The two guards walked in the forefront, and a hundred guards followed them.

Everyone rushed silently and ran wildly on the snowy field.

Although there are several strong men in the Tianyuan realm in the guards, they can fly in the air.

But the other more than ninety guards, all with the strength of the eight or nine layers of the Yuan Dan realm, could not fly.

Therefore, everyone can only drive on foot and climb over the mountains.

With Ji Tianxing's flying speed, he could reach the Demon Palace in a few days.

However, the speed of the Guards was too slow, and it would take at least ten days.

Because of this, the Tianman Demon Commander took the first step and did not go with the guards.

Soon, eight days passed.

Everyone has crossed countless ice fields and mountains and rivers, passed many demon tribes, and are constantly advancing towards the Heavenly Demon Palace.


In the peaceful and calm Baishan City, riots finally appeared.

Eight days passed, General Grie and Master Arnold never appeared, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

The people in the General's Mansion began to be anxious, searching everywhere for the whereabouts of General Grie and his son.

Ten days later, everyone searched the General's Mansion and Baishan City, but failed to find General Grie and Arnold.

This incident quickly alarmed the City Lord's Mansion.

Baishan City Lord learned that General Grie and Anuo were missing, and quickly sent a large number of guards to find them.

Twelve days later, Baishan City Lord synthesized all kinds of news and clues and finally reached a conclusion.

General Grie and Arnold were probably killed.

This is a sensational event in Baishan City!

General Grie is the demon general who guards Baishan City, with a lofty status and equal to the leader of Baishan City.

In order not to divulge the news, so as not to cause panic among the people, Baishan City Lord can only control the spread of the news and investigate the matter intensively.

However, he tried his best to find out the cause of death of General Grie and Arnold.

He only investigated one useful clue, and that was-the valley in the snow-capped mountains outside the city was the place where General Grie and his son were buried.

But he still couldn't find out, who was the murderer who killed General Grie and his son?

Until late at night on the sixteenth day, he suddenly remembered something very important.

He remembered that in the ring competition, General Grie said that after the competition was over, he would personally kill the Oolong of the Blood Crystal Tribe to avenge Anuo.

The Baishan City Lord didn't know whether General Grie had started with Oolong.

All he knew was that Oolong left Baishan City with the personal guards safe and sound.

But General Grie and his son disappeared out of thin air, and they did not know who was killed.

Thinking of this, Baishan City Master pointed his suspicion at Oolong.

Although, he did not believe that Oolong had the strength to kill General Grie.

But he has enough reasons to believe that Oolong's identity must be problematic.

The White Mountain City Master hesitated, after thinking about it all day before he made up his mind to report the matter to the Demon Commander Tianman.

He wrote the whole story and clues in a letter.

Then, he sent two confidantes, personally took this letter, and went to the Heavenly Demon Palace to find the Heavenly Demon Commander.


At the same time, Ji Tianxing and his personal guards rushed for 18 consecutive days, and finally arrived in the hinterland of the North Desert, the devil's lair.

In the evening, the sky was gloomy and gloomy.

The two guards led the guards of a hundred people, climbed over a large snow-capped mountain, and arrived at a vast ice field.

Ji Tianxing looked forward and saw a huge iceberg with a height of 10,000 meters on the ice sheet hundreds of miles away.

The iceberg stands alone on the ice sheet, surrounded by a wide dark red river.

Even though it was hundreds of miles away, Ji Tianxing could also smell it, and the dark red river continued to emit a strong blood.

He knew that the dark red blood river was the holy river of the demons.

And that iceberg with a height of 10,000 meters is the holy mountain of the demons.

The devil’s lair, the legendary Heavenly Demon Palace, stands on top of the iceberg.

Hundreds of guards slowed down, with a pilgrimage-like mood, crossing the vast ice field with solemn expressions and walking towards the huge iceberg.

After half an hour, everyone arrived at the blood river and stopped.

The blood-colored river flowing slowly, constantly surging with blood-red blisters and blood mist, seemed very strange.

Ji Tianxing looked at the iceberg ahead and observed the surroundings.

From stepping into the ice field, he has been observing the surrounding terrain and preparing for future escape.

Hundreds of guards knelt down on the ice field by the blood river, bowed their heads to worship the holy mountain, still chanting words.

Before long, at the foot of the iceberg on the opposite bank of the Blood River, a team of demon guards in black armor walked out.

More than twenty guards came to the other side of the blood river, across the blood river ten feet wide, salute the two guard leaders.

"Welcome the return of the commander!"

The two guards nodded slightly, and ordered in a deep voice: "Open the bridge of life and death!"

The guards immediately obeyed their orders and walked towards an ice room on the bank of the river.

There were several large formations in the secret room, which was built entirely of solid ice.

Several guards joined forces to open a large formation, and the sky above the blood river immediately lit up with a dark red brilliance, condensing into a blood bridge ten feet long.

The blood bridge formed by this formation is the so-called bridge of life and death, connecting the two banks of the blood river.

The Blood River is the natural barrier and line of defense of the Heavenly Demon Palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ contains mysterious and unpredictable power.

Regardless of the master of the Yuan Dan realm or the strong of the Tian Yuan realm, if they want to cross the blood river or fly over the blood river, they will be swallowed by the blood river and corroded into dark red blood water.

Ji Tianxing once read in historical books and ancient books that in ancient times, an army of people and demons joined forces to kill the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Tens of thousands of masters and powerhouses tried to cross the river of blood to attack the iceberg, but they were all swallowed by the river of blood, turned into a billowing **** water, which flows to this day.

He kept this in mind, and secretly observed the formation in the ice chamber, speculating on the way to open the bridge of life and death.

After a while, the two guards led the guards, stepped on the bridge of life and death, crossed the river of blood, and came to the foot of the iceberg.

Everyone is about to board the iceberg.

The Ice Crystal Palace on the top of the mountain is the Heavenly Demon Palace.

The Palace of the Saintess, where the Saintess lives, is halfway up the iceberg.

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