Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1073: The fate of the soul lamp is off

Ji Tianxing's voice was gentle and deep, with a somewhat complicated tone.

In just a few words, there is too much sadness and emotion.

Only he knew that at this moment, he had waited too long.

For this moment, he rushed around most of the Profound Sky Continent and experienced countless life and death dangers.

Fortunately, with his extraordinary perseverance and strength, he resolved countless dangerous crises and finally waited for this day.

Yun Yao stared at him steadily, her lips pressed tightly, her clear eyes were filled with joy and excitement.

Then, her eyes were covered with mist and tears filled her eyes.

Two crystal teardrops quietly slipped from the eyes.

She was silent and said nothing, just stretched out her arms, plunged into Ji Tianxing's arms, and hugged his neck tightly.

Ji Tianxing was also very emotional and excited, and his face was full of relief.

He held Yun Yao tightly in his arms, closed his eyes, and gently rubbed her long hair and forehead with his cheeks, rubbing gently.

"Yaoyao, everything is over, you finally wake up!"

He gently patted Yun Yao's back, softly comforting Yun Yao who was crying silently.

At this moment, in the cold and dark cave, the cold and loneliness were no longer cold, and the atmosphere became warm.

Yun Yao lay quietly in his arms and sobbed silently for a long time before wiping away the tears on Qiao's face.

She raised her head to look at Ji Tianxing, staring into his eyes, and slowly stretched out her hands to cup his cheeks, and said softly, "Tianxing, over the past ten months, you have suffered."

Her voice was a little choked, and her eyes were still red.

Although, she didn't know what Ji Tianxing had experienced in the past ten months.

But it was already extremely dangerous for Ji Tianxing to break into the North Desert alone and rescue her from the Saintess Palace.

She could guess without asking, that Ji Tianxing was definitely more painful and more dangerous than her in the past few months.

Ji Tianxing raised his hands, held her weak little hand, and gently shook his head: "Yaoyao, as long as I can wake you up and see you again, I won't suffer, everything is worth it."

Yun Yao's heart was touched by his simple love words again, and a deep love and emotion was born in her heart.

The two embraced tightly again, whispering their missing, and inquiring about what had happened in the past ten months.


At the same time, the Devil Palace tens of thousands of miles away.

There was a strong murderous atmosphere above and below the iceberg, and even the river of blood at the foot of the mountain was more turbulent than before.

Thousands of demon guards left the iceberg in groups, rushing to all directions, searching in the ice fields and snow-capped mountains.

On the top of the iceberg, in the discussion hall of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

The ancient Devil Emperor with a burly body, two heads and silver hair, holding the Devil God's scepter in his hand, is sitting on the Devil Emperor's throne.

His face was cold, his body was filled with murderous intent, and his four eyes were bloody.

In the main hall, there are three burly and tall Demon Race experts, quietly standing by.

Two of them stood tall and straight, and a demon man covered in black armor was the great demon commander Ming Ye.

Another demon man was wearing a purple armor, a scarlet cloak, and a black iron mask, covering half of his face.

This person's strength is second only to the Great Demon Commander Mingye, and it is the Second Demon Commander Broken Soul, a mysterious powerhouse with a gloomy temperament and personality, like a ghost.

As for the third demon powerhouse, it is the Tianman Demon Commander.

But he was different from Mingye and Duanxun. He didn't dare to stand. Instead, he knelt on the hall, buried his head deeply in front of his chest, and looked like he had confessed his guilt and died.

The atmosphere in the hall was very depressing, and the dozen or so guards standing in the corner did not even dare to take a breath.

Holding the scepter, the Demon Emperor Yougu stared at the Demon Commander with cold eyes, and said in a cold tone: "Although Yun Yao is not a citizen of my clan, she will become the Son of Blood God, controlled by this emperor.

In the future, she will be a sharp blade under the emperor's command, and her role and power will far exceed you!

Moreover, she was carrying the Azure Sea God Pearl, the reincarnation of the remnant soul of the Goddess Yaoguang.

When the emperor executed the plan of the Blood God Child, he warned you not to despise her and never let her go on any business trips!

The results of it? This emperor has only been in retreat for a month, and such a big thing happened! "

The Demon Sovereign's tone was very cold, containing a strong anger and hatred, making everyone cold and fearful from the soul.

"Tianman, the emperor trusts you before appointing you to select guards.

And you haven't done your job loyally, let alone screened and investigated candidates for guards.

Now the saint is missing and robbed by a guard!

Who can use secret methods to lift the curse of blood for my people? Who can baptize and reinvent the people?

How can the emperor bear such a huge loss? ! "

The Tianman Demon Commander suddenly shook his body and repeatedly confessed his guilt.

"His Majesty, the subordinate's negligence of duty led to this result. Everything is the subordinate's fault.

Please punish your majesty, and your subordinates would rather apologize with death! "

The Demon Sovereign frowned, and said in a cold tone: "Even if you kowtow and confess your guilt, what's the use of yourself even if you are in front of the emperor?

The most urgent task is to get the saint back immediately! Investigate clearly who the Oolong is! "

The Demon Commander Tianman quickly nodded and said: "Your Majesty, the subordinates personally rushed to the Youyong Tribe on the night of the accident to investigate clues.

The subordinates can be sure that the saint was robbed by Oolong and most likely fled to the south.

In the past few days, the subordinates have sent more than 12,000 guards, divided into thousands of teams, and conducted searches within hundreds of thousands of miles.

In addition, the subordinates also issued orders to mobilize elite guards from dozens of tribes and conduct searches around..."

Before he could finish speaking, a guard leader hurried into the hall and rushed into the hall in a panic.

"Your Majesty the Devil, the big thing is not good!"

Hearing this sound, everyone immediately turned their heads and looked at him.

Several marshals recognized immediately, the guard leader was guarding the life soul palace and guarding the life soul lamp.

At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the guard leader rushed into the main hall, and immediately bowed on one knee to salute, and said in fear, "His Majesty the Demon Emperor, the Holy Maiden's Life Soul Lamp, unexpectedly...extinguished!"

This sudden news immediately shocked everyone's body, revealing horrified eyes.

The three marshals all had a foreboding that something bad happened, and their hearts were full of panic and despair.

The Demon Sovereign's complexion changed drastically, and his figure rushed out of the hall in a flash, turned into a black mist and devilish energy, and rushed towards the Palace of Life Soul.

The three marshals did not dare to hesitate, turned around and exited the hall, and rushed towards the Fate Soul Palace.

When everyone arrived at the Life Soul Palace, they saw the Demon Emperor standing in the hall.

Several rows of ice crystal cabinets were placed on both sides of the main hall, on which hundreds of peculiarly shaped life soul lamps were placed.

Every fate and soul lamp was shining with a blue soul fire.

Only on the highest shelf on the left, that fateful soul lamp went out!

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