Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1408: 1 step late

Judging from the reaction of the emperor, the strength of the demon emperor has been restored and can compete with the palace lord.

Everyone in the hall didn't expect this result, but felt it incredible.

After all, the Demon Emperor was sealed for thousands of years, and his strength was extremely weak.

It only broke the seal, returned to the North Desert for about two and a half years, and returned to such a state. This is simply too bad!

The four gods looked solemn and whispered to each other.

"The Demon Sovereign is so powerful, with two venerables and an army of tens of millions of demon races, the palace lord and others must not be able to resist it!"

"It's over! The half-million defenders in Dongyang Valley can't squeeze their teeth between the teeth of the demon army. The palace lord and the priests are in danger!"

"Not only the palace masters and the priests, but also the dozens of emperors from the imperial mansion have also gone to Dongyang Valley to help in the fight. They will definitely suffer heavy casualties!"

"What should we do? We can't hold the Tianlong Pass anymore, and Dongyang Valley will fall too. We can't rescue it at all!"

The four gods and generals were anxious, but they were all in a hurry.

In the sky outside the main hall, there are constantly brightening lights, and there are muffled noises, making everyone's mood more and more tense.

The emperor's expression was also very solemn, and he frowned for a moment before he said: "This place is a hundred thousand miles away from Dongyang Valley. It is impossible for us to send a large army to help.

One is that there is not enough manpower, and the other is that the distance is too far, far water cannot save the near fire, and time is too late.

For the present plan, the emperor can only send one person to Dongyang Valley to check the situation and assist the palace master and the priests. "

When he said this, the four gods all turned to look at Ji Tianxing.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing is recognized as the nemesis of the Demon Emperor, and he is a strong man second only to the palace master and the emperor.

If only one person can be sent to Dongyang Valley, he is the best candidate, without a doubt.

The emperor did not say the result, but he looked at Ji Tianxing with solemn eyes.

Ji Tianxing did not shirk, and quickly bowed his hands and said: "Emperor, I will go to Dongyang Valley to find the Palace Lord, if I have a chance, I will help him deal with the Demon Emperor."

The emperor nodded, and solemnly warned: "Go! But you must be careful, don't be aggressive, and come back alive anyway."

"Understood!" Ji Tianxing nodded solemnly, turned around and left the hall.

He sacrificed a sacred soul sword, stepped on a three-foot-long white lightsaber, and flew to Dongyang Valley quickly.

The speed of his Royal Sword flying is comparable to that of a triple power in the Primordial God Realm, like a stream of light piercing the sky, disappearing into the horizon in the blink of an eye.

It is one hundred thousand miles from Tianlong Pass to Dongyang Valley, and with his flying speed, he can reach it in four hours at most.

On the way to the flight, his eyes kept watching the sky ahead.

All kinds of brilliant lights and shadows continue to appear in the high sky, and there are bursts of collisions and explosions.

He knew very well that the palace lord and the demon emperor were still fighting fiercely, performing various primordial skills in the fight.

He secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that Palace Lord could defeat the Demon Emperor and defeat the Demon Emperor as soon as possible.

Even if the Palace Lord cannot defeat the Demon Emperor, he must never lose to the Demon Emperor, at least it must be a tie.

Otherwise, no one can deal with the Demon Sovereign, and the human race will be completely finished.

As time passed, Ji Tianxing got closer and closer to Dongyang Valley, and his mood became more and more urgent.

After about an hour, the magic light and shadow in the sky in front became increasingly rare.

After two hours, there was no ray of light, and even the muffled noise stopped.

"Could it be that the fight between the Demon Emperor and the Palace Master is over? Between them, who wins and who loses?"

Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly, his eyes flashed with doubts and worries.

Although he believed in the strength of the Palace Lord, as the recognized number one on the mainland, he would definitely be able to defeat the Demon Emperor.

But for some reason, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and quietly gave birth to a bad feeling.

"No! Palace Master can freely travel between the two continents, Tianxuan and Shenwu. He has vast magical powers and is the most respected disciple of the Sword God. He will never lose to the Demon Emperor!"

He muttered these words silently, trying his best to dispel the thoughts in his mind.

Finally, four hours passed.

He leaped over 100,000 miles of mountains and rivers at the fastest speed and finally reached Dongyang Valley.

A few hundred miles away, he saw the Dongyang Valley between the mountains.

It was a deep and narrow grand canyon, more than two hundred miles long, sandwiched between two thousand-zhang peaks.

The surrounding mountains are very steep and steep to the extreme.

No matter how you look at it, Dongyang Valley is a steep place, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

With 500,000 soldiers and soldiers guarding the Grand Canyon, they can block the attack of millions of demons.

It was the evening, and the sunset was about to fall below the horizon.

The afterglow of the setting sun is scattered among the mountains, covering the entire Dongyang Valley.

Ji Tianxing clearly saw that the sky around Dongyang Valley for hundreds of miles was shrouded in dark red mist.

That was definitely not the reflection of the sunset, nor the fog between the mountains, but the blood fog formed by the condensation of blood and devil energy!

The blood mist was spreading around the sky, gradually becoming thinner and weaker.

But even so, the world is still full of strong blood, even if the north wind roars, it can't go away.

The mountains and rivers shrouded in blood mist are full of fragmented scenes.

The peaks of thousands of meters, collapsed and collapsed, turned into messy ruins.

One after another, deep pits with a radius of tens of miles were scattered on the ground.

The wide and deep ravines criss-cross like spider webs.

The area of ​​thousands of miles has been affected by the fighting, and it has become devastated.

As for the ancient Xiongguan Dongyang Valley, it was devastated and turned into piles of earth and stone ruins.

Vaguely, many messy corpses and bones can be seen, scattered among the ruins, buried under the loess.

When he saw this scene, Ji Tianxing's pupils shrank and his face changed immediately.

"Broken! Tianlong Pass has been lost, I am late!"

His heart tightened in an instant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and quickly flew to Dongyang Valley.

After ten breaths, he came to the sky above Dongyang Valley, overlooking the scenery in the valley.

I saw that the broken and messy valley was full of cracks and pits, and there were gravel and scorched earth everywhere.

The soil on the ground has long been stained red with blood, and there are still undried blood in the many sunken pits.

Densely dense human corpses, like shavings, scattered in the ruins.

The vast majority of corpses had no flesh and blood, only incomplete bones, which looked miserable death.

More than 30 young powerhouses in the Tianyuan realm are shuttled back and forth among the ruins, sweeping the battlefield, searching and rescuing the soldiers who have not yet died.

About 20,000 soldiers and soldiers in armor huddled in the corner of the ruins, silently dealing with their injuries.

There are also a few strong soul refiners wearing black robes, crowded into a big pit a hundred miles away, cast anxious spells, as if to heal the wounded.

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