Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1412: You are a miracle

Hearing the word ‘we’, Ji Tianxing vaguely understood.

What the Palace Master will say and things must have been discussed by the four of "Gu Ye Xiaoshui", and they all agreed.

So, he opened the world of swords, let the palace master four return to the secret room, and everyone talked face to face.


A burst of brilliance flashed, and the Palace Lord, Ye Huang, Xiao Wentian and Shui Ruoyu appeared in the secret room in sequence.

The four of them sat side by side on the cold ice jade bed in the corner of the secret room, their expressions were very weak, their eyes were a little dim, and their injuries were still severe.

Ji Tianxing looked at the four people calmly, and asked, "Four brothers and sisters, just tell me if you have anything."

The palace lord, Ye Huang and others all stared at him with a slightly solemn and serious expression.

As the leader of the four, the palace owner took the lead and said: "Tian Xing, you also understand the current situation, the Demon Emperor has greatly increased in strength, and he also masters the divine tool of Taiyin Broken Soul Ruler.

Looking at the entire continent, almost no one is his opponent.

The Demon Sovereign took away my divine heart, and it is bound to condense a complete body for the Ancestor Demon God, allowing the Ancestor Demon God to be reborn as soon as possible.

In addition to the Demon Sovereign and the upcoming ancestor Demon God, the Demon Clan still has more than 20 million troops, and will soon send its troops south and enter Zhongzhou.

So far, how do you feel about Tianxing?

What methods and strategies can you think of to resolve this demons chaos and restore the situation on the mainland? "

The palace owner's expression and tone were very solemn, and Ye Huang, Xiao Wentian and Shui Ruoyu also looked at Ji Tianxing with solemn eyes.

Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly and considered it for a while before showing a helpless wry smile, shook his head and said: "In this situation, there is almost no solution.

With the strong and military strength of our clan, it is impossible to compete with the demons. Soon the demons will occupy Zhongzhou and then unify the entire Profound Sky Continent.

The methods and strategies I can think of are all unrealistic, almost delusional, and nothing to mention.

Unless there is a miracle,...Zhongzhou is bound to fall, and darkness must cover the entire continent. "

The palace lord nodded solemnly, and said in a low voice: "Yes, it is true."

His tone was full of pain and helplessness.

Long snow-white and scattered hair, pale face, and dull eyes... everything seemed desolate and helpless.

However, the palace lord was silent for a moment, then slowly raised his head, staring at Ji Tianxing.

His eyes gradually regained their brilliance and became shining. They were filled with hope and expectation, and then he said: "The current situation is an abyss of despair for everyone.

Even I can't break this abyss and cut through the coming darkness.

However, you can do it!

As you said, unless there is a miracle, Zhongzhou is bound to fall.

And you are the miracle that will appear!

Only you can create miracles, resolve the chaos of the demons, save Zhongzhou from danger, and save the people of the world from hanging upside down. "

The palace lord's voice was very solemn, and there was an unquestionable sense of sacredness.

Not only did Ye Huang, Xiao Wentian and Shui Ruoyu nod their heads in agreement, but even Ji Tianxing was infected by his demeanor and tone and almost believed it to be true.

But he still frowned and said in a complicated tone: "Palace Lord, thank you for raising me like this, but even if I have that determination and confidence, I don't have that strength!

I haven't even reached the Primordial Divine Realm now, and I can't even beat the Demon Emperor's mount, let alone deal with the Demon Emperor and the Ancestor Demon God.

Even if I try my best to break the bones, I will never be able to turn the tide and resolve the chaos of the demons! "

These words are from the bottom of the heart, and they are also Ji Tianxing's true thoughts.

But Palace Master, Ye Huang and others shook their heads when they heard this sentence.

Ye Huang said solemnly: "Tian Xing, don't be ignorant of yourself. Not only do you have high hopes for you, but we also believe that you can undoubtedly destroy the Demon Clan's plan and kill the Demon Emperor!

Looking at the past and present for thousands of years, the Profound Sky Continent has never appeared before, a genius like yours.

From the day you were born, you were destined to be the nemesis of the Demon King, and only you can kill the Demon King! "

Ji Tianxing shook his head repeatedly and said with a wry smile: "Emperor Ye, even the sword **** back then, can't completely kill the Demon Emperor, but can only seal him down.

How can I be on par with the sword god? I can't even suppress the Demon King, let alone beheaded? "

When he finished speaking, Shui Ruoyu waved his hand and explained: "Tian Xing, the four of us know you very well, and we have discussed and discussed carefully before many times.

We have high hopes for you and place all our hopes on you, but we are never blind.

Master couldn't kill the Demon Emperor, but could only seal it and suppress it. That's because the Demon Emperor was reincarnated from an ancient demon seed.

The ancient magic seed is the extremely filthy, filthy and devilish energy between heaven and earth. It has been conceived under extremely special conditions over thousands of years, and it is inherently immortal.

Only a few kinds of power can completely kill and purify it.

It's a pity that the master hadn't mastered those kinds of powers.

Now you have mastered two of them! "

Ji Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Senior Sister, are you talking about the Nine Heavens God Thunder?

But before I dealt with the two blood **** children of the original spirit realm, the nine heavens divine thunder completely failed and couldn't kill them! "

Shui Ruoyu squeezed out a smile and shook his head gently and said, "You only have the strength of the Soul Refining Realm.

However, after you reach the primordial spirit realm, the nine heavens divine thunder that you control will take a qualitative leap and become more powerful.

At that time, if you deal with the Blood God Child in the Primordial Divine Realm, you will have a chance to kill him. "

"So that's the case." Ji Tianxing suddenly realized it, nodding to show that he understood.

Shui Ruoyu added, "Not only the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, but also the Nine Heavens Divine Tool from the Upper Realm, which contains the most sacred and mighty divine power, and can kill the Demon Emperor!"

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and immediately thought of the Dzi Bead in his mind.

"That's right! The mysterious Sky Filling Bead in my mind is said to be the gods of ancient times, borrowed from a certain **** on the Nine Heavens to fill the sky.

Even if the Nine Heavens God Thunder can't kill the Demon Emperor, the Filling Dzi Bead should be able to restrain the Demon Emperor, right? "

At this time, the palace lord said with a solemn expression: "Tianxing, now you should understand why we have high hopes for you, right?"

Ji Tianxing nodded his head to express his understanding, and said helplessly: "But now I am stuck in the Ninth Level of Soul Refining Realm, and I am caught in shackles.

In my estimation, at least two or three years, or as long as several decades, I will be able to break through to the Primordial Spirit Realm.

By then, the Demon Race had already unified the Profound Sky Continent. "

The palace lord and Ye Huang had long expected him to say this, and they all showed meaningful smiles.

"There is no need for two or three years. The four of us will work together to ensure that you will break through the Primordial Divine Realm within a month!"

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