Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1414: Daigo initiation

Ye Huang, Xiao Wentian and Shui Ruoyu all took out the space ring and handed them to the palace lord.

In their space ring, the wealth they have accumulated for thousands of years is stored, which is unimaginable.

Among them are not only hundreds of millions of spiritual stones, but also tens of millions of pills, various alchemy, refining, and formation materials, as well as various powerful Horcrux magic weapons.

Such a terrifying amount of training resources is enough to support hundreds of strong soul-refining realms for decades of cultivation.

However, these cultivation resources were put into the ancient **** array by the palace owner to maintain the operation of the secret chamber.

According to the estimation of the palace lord, such a large amount of training resources can only be used for the operation of the **** formation for two months.

The ancient **** array in the secret room can change the flow of time and has an incredible effect.

In the past two months, Ji Tianxing has been able to practice in the secret room for twenty months!

After the palace lord put the cultivation resources into the **** formation, he opened the **** formation and changed the flow of time in the secret room.

Then, he took Ye Huang, Xiao Wentian and Shui Ruoyu, walked to Ji Tianxing's side, and sat cross-legged.

The four of them were sitting in the north, southeast and northwest of Ji Tianxing. They all closed their eyes calmly, pinched the tactics with their palms and began to perform the Dafa initiation.

They all seemed to wave their palms slowly but quickly, and their fingertips were surging with splendid mana brilliance, condensing a mysterious seal.

An invisible powerful force spread from the four people and gradually gathered together to form a colorful light mask, covering them and Ji Tianxing.

Then, the four of them used Taigu to initiate Dafa, released their own power, turned into a trickle, and poured it into the heavenly spirit cover of Ji Tianxing's head.

Those four hair-like streams entered his body, quickly merged into his meridians, and circulated throughout his body.

As a result, his mana grew rapidly invisibly, which led to the strength of the soul and the sword of the soul.

Ji Tianxing didn't feel the slightest discomfort. The four people's skill and his mana did not repel, and they merged smoothly.

This magic trick taught by the Sword God is a very mysterious and mysterious holy level technique.

It has only one function, which is to transmit gong.

It can help the passer to pass the life skills to the target without reservation.

Moreover, it will not cause any damage to the target, and it will not affect the target's future martial arts practice!

On the Profound Sky Continent, it is not uncommon for warriors to pass on strength to each other, and it often happens.

Especially in the major sects and families, if the elders want to let the younger generation succeed to the throne or pass on the martial arts, they will pass on gong to improve their strength.

But this way of improving strength by passing gong will damage the foundation of martial arts for those who accept gong. It will be very difficult to improve strength in the future.

After all, it is not advisable to encourage growth.

But the Dafa Enlightenment Dafa is different. It is a holy-level exercise method that allows Ji Tianxing to fully absorb the power of the palace master and others without affecting the foundation of martial arts.

This is its magical and heavenly defense!

With the passage of time, Ji Tianxing's strength is steadily and rapidly growing, gradually moving towards the limit of the Soul Refining Realm.

After just one month, his strength reached the limit of soul refining.

With the help of the Palace Lord and Ye Huang, he began to fully attack the shackles of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

As everyone knows, there is a gulf between Tianyuan and Soul Refining Realm, that is the boundary between transcendent and mortal, and it is insurmountable.

And between Soul Refining and Yuanshen, there is also a great moat, which is even more difficult to cross.

On the Profound Sky Continent, there are over a hundred known soul refining realm experts, but there are only a few strong soul refining realms.

This shows how difficult it is for a strong soul refiner to break through the shackles and reach the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Even if the Palace Master and Ye Huang four used divine spirits to initiate Dafa to help Ji Tianxing pass the exercises, it would take him several months to break through to the Primordial God Realm.

Moreover, in the process of assaulting the shackles of the Primordial Spirit Realm, he would have to endure great pain and torture.

It was a very difficult and arduous process, requiring inhuman willpower to persevere.

The two aspects of perseverance and endurance are precisely Ji Tianxing's strengths.


More than a month has passed in the secret room of the imperial palace, and only three and a half days have passed from the outside world.

At the same time, a million miles north of Zhongzhou.

The ancient and majestic Dingbei Mountain Range is still lying prone on the ground like a dragon, blocking the cold wind blowing from the northern border.

Tianlong Pass, as the ancient Xiongguan Pass, is a different sight at this moment.

A few days ago, the huge canyon pass was still shrouded by a golden shield with a radius of two hundred miles.

But now, after more than a month of operation of the Ancient God Array, it finally ran out of power and shut down completely.

The huge golden light shield disappeared and Tianlongguan lost its strongest defense.

Only a colorful mask with a radius of hundreds of miles still protects this level.

This large defensive formation with a radius of 100 li was arranged by the emperor and several human commanders.

This is also a primordial-level large array, composed of six magic arrays superimposed, possessing powerful defensive power.

The half a million soldiers under Long Yunxiao's command still guarded the Tianlong Pass, protected by the great formation.

However, the faces and eyes of many soldiers are full of tension, anxiety and worry.

Everyone knows that no matter how powerful the formations arranged by the emperors and commanders are, it will not be stronger than the ancient gods formation.

Once the Demon Sovereign leads an army to attack Tianlong Pass, this defensive formation will certainly not last long before it will be broken by the Demon Sovereign.

It's not that the soldiers underestimated the emperor's strength and did not have confidence in the emperor.

It is really a powerful demon, the strength of the demon emperor is too terrifying, so that hundreds of thousands of soldiers feel deep hatred and fear!

At this time it was the evening, and a round of setting sun was hanging diagonally in the sky, slowly falling.

The dark red afterglow of the setting sun, like a layer of blood, spilled into the Tianlong Pass, making the atmosphere in the pass more depressing and killing.

Long Yunxiao and Xiao Han ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ stood side by side in the sky above Tianlongguan.

Facing the harsh north wind, the two of them looked at the Demon Clan Camp hundreds of miles away, observing with expressionless faces.

I saw that the black energy and the demon cloud above the demon clan camp became more and more solid.

Even if they were hundreds of miles away, the two of them could clearly sense the soaring devilish energy and killing intent emanating from the demon clan camp.

Moreover, in the dark brown mountains, dazzling blood lights from time to time, cutting through the dark sky.

The two were silent for a moment, and Xiao Han said solemnly: "Since the previous battle, the demon camp has been quiet for ten days, and the demon army has not launched an attack.

However, in the past three days, the demon aura in the Demon Clan Camp has become stronger, with blood shining from time to time, and the sound of sacrificial demon comes from midnight every day.

If this seat is expected to be good, I am afraid that the Demon Emperor has already led his army back to the magic camp.

Moreover, the Mozu had already noticed that the ancient gods had been closed, and they must be ready to move, and could not wait to attack Tianlong Pass. "

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