Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1420: completely annihilated

"My primordial spirit is so wonderful?!"

Seeing the constant changes in the primordial spirit in his mind, Ji Tianxing was immediately shocked, only feeling incredible.

When he cultivated the True Self, he just allowed the Fa to naturally condense according to his original mind, according to his natural aptitude and characteristics of the practice.

He didn't know what form he would form until he successfully condensed the primordial spirit element.

Now that the Fa-xiang has successfully condensed, he has discovered that his Primordial Soul Fa-xiang is completely different from others'!

"The truth of the truth taught by the palace lord is really a magical technique, and it can allow me to condense such a strange and weird method.

With a single thought, I can change it at will. It can become a golden villain, or a golden sword, and it can split into eighty-one swords.

Then I can use the Eighty-one Golden Sword as the foundation to make the domain more powerful when I use the Divine Thunder Sword Domain in the future? "

Thinking of this, he carefully checked the eighty-one golden swords, and he found that the golden sword contained the purple light of the gods.

Moreover, the power of filling the dzi is also flooded in the golden sword, possessing mysterious power.

This discovery made Ji Tianxing excited and full of expectations.

"Great! Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Mian Tianzhu are both powers that can restrain the powerful of the Demon Race.

Now these two powers are integrated in my golden sword of the soul, and in the future, I will deal with the powerful demon clan more efficiently! "

When he broke through to the Yuanshen Realm, his strength had increased several times, and his mana had also made a qualitative leap.

The Nine Heavens God Thunder and the Mending Sky Bead have also caused a wonderful change in his soul, making his combat effectiveness even stronger.

If he encounters Venerable Devil Blood and Chaxue again, he is 100% sure that he can kill them.

After a long time, the vision of heaven and earth shining on the entire imperial mansion dissipated.

Ji Tianxing condensed his thoughts, and continued to accept the four of the palace lord's transmissions.

Just breaking through the Primordial God Realm, this is far from enough, and it can't compete with the Demon Emperor.

Only about 30% of the skills taught to him by the Palace Lord and Ye Huang four, of course, must continue to teach.

Their goal is to pass on the skill of his life to Ji Tianxing, so that he can kill the Demon King!

Ji Tianxing continued to practice exercises, quickly refining the skills of the four palace masters.

He had only the strength of the Soul Refining Realm before, and the speed of receiving the transfer was very slow, and it took a long time to refine.

Now it's different. After he reaches the Primordial God Realm, it is like an abyss vortex, constantly devouring the skills of the four people, and it can be quickly refined.

With the passage of time, after his martial arts foundation was firmly established, his strength began to grow rapidly, and he moved towards the dual stage of the Primordial God Realm.


One month has passed in the secret room of the imperial palace, but only three days have passed by the outside world.

That evening, the setting sun was like blood.

The dark red afterglow fell on the inside and outside of Tianlong Pass, reflecting the battlefield hundreds of miles in radius.

The war lasted for three days, and finally came to an end and was about to end.

The blood cloud filled the sky, even if the north wind whistled.

The blood-colored light beam that reached the sky, the huge shadow of the demon god, still stood high in the sky.

On the battlefield below, there was an extremely tragic scene.

The huge Tianlong Pass was destroyed in the war and turned into a huge pit.

The mountains hundreds of miles around were turned into mounds and ruins.

The earth cracked densely with cracks, scattered with many sunken pits.

The corpses of countless human soldiers and demons were piled up on the ground, buried in deep pits or ruins.

The vast majority of the corpses were mutilated, and their flesh and blood had been rotten, leaving only a single bone.

More than five million corpses of blood, spirits, and spirits have all turned into monstrous blood clouds and blood fog, converging toward the shadow of the demon **** like a tide.

The ancestor Demon God wants to go through the sky for three days and condense the Dharmakaya with countless blood, spirit and soul.

Whether it is the blood of a human soldier or the soul of a demon soldier, it is the raw material for condensing the law body, and there is not much difference.

This is the plan and conspiracy of the Demon Sovereign. In order to regenerate the ancestor Demon God, even if he sacrifices millions of Demon Clan soldiers, he will not hesitate.

The most terrifying thing about the demons is that they are not only vicious to foreigners, but also vicious to their own people!

The battle is finally over.

Tianlong Pass was completely destroyed.

The fight between the emperor and the demon emperor was already over.

The killing sound that resounded through the clouds lasted for three days and three nights, and finally dissipated.

Almost all of the human race's more than two million soldiers were slaughtered, and the entire army was wiped out.

Only six commanders, dozens of imperial court guards, more than two hundred human generals and thousands of celebrity masters are left, and they can still leave Tianlongguan alive.

But all of them were seriously injured, covered in blood, and their injuries were very miserable.

Everyone didn't have time to deal with the injuries. After retreating according to the order, they quickly gathered under the oath in the middle of the camp.

On the broad and sacred stage of the oath, two emperor and emperor stood.

Both of them were covered in blood, their robes were torn and ragged, and they looked very tragic with their disheveled appearance.

The atmosphere was extremely heavy and depressing, and the more than 1,000 people who survived by chance were all heartbroken and desperate.

Everyone was downcast and his eyes were dull.

The Emperor held the Human Emperor Sword in his left hand, raised his right hand to wipe off the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and ordered with a hoarse voice: "Soldiers, the war is over, and Tianlong Pass has been lost.

This is a long-destined result! Everyone's task has been completed, blocking the demon army for three days!

From now on, everyone will rush back to Zhongzhou City as soon as possible!

The emperor has already made preparations and arrangements. Our Terran soldiers will gather there for the final battle with the demons! "

The deep and majestic voice spread around the oaths.

More than a thousand celebrities and soldiers all slowly raised their heads to look at the emperor, the fire of hope rekindled in their eyes.

After that, the emperor took the emperor and the others, and took the lead to leave the swearing platform and hurried back towards the southern Zhongzhou.

The six commanders also rushed back to Zhongzhou with the surviving more than 1,000 people.


At the same time, in the demon camp outside Tianlongguan.

Eighteen million demon soldiers, divided into twenty armies, lined up near the peaks.

Everyone was full of excitement and excitement ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, with earth-shattering cheers and shouts, celebrating the victory of the war.

"My clan will win!"

"Kill all the races!"

"The Tianlong Pass has been destroyed. We will soon enter Zhongzhou and rule the entire Profound Sky Continent!"

"His Majesty the Demon Emperor is a wise martial artist!"

The cheers came one after another, converging into a torrent of sound waves, echoing over the demon camp.

The Demon Emperor stood proudly high in the sky, looking at the demon army who cheered excitedly below, a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After a long time, he withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the shadow of the devil in the sky.

The shadow of the demon **** has been through the sky for three days, absorbing the blood and spirit of millions of soldiers.

At this moment, that figure is no longer illusory, it has become solid, forming a blood magic body!

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