Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1423: Shenbing Pavilion

Palace Lord slowly retracted his palms and ended the spell.

The golden light that enveloped the whole body gradually dissipated.

He sat peacefully beside Ji Tianxing, watching Ji Tianxing faintly.

At this moment, he has white beard and hair, and his face is old and withered, no different from a mortal old man.

But his expression was calm and kind, and his eyes contained a deep sense of relief and relief.

He was silent for a long time before his body gradually became faint, and began to weather from bottom to top, turning into a little golden light, dissipating in the air.

It was not until his body disappeared and his head and white hair gradually dissipated that he sighed slightly melancholy.

"It's a pity that I can never drink the Canghai wine brewed by the master himself..."

No one knows why he uttered such a sentiment before the smoke disappeared.

He has lived for a thousand years, and what has he experienced?

From beginning to end, he is like a mystery, no one can understand.

Shui Ruoyu, Ye Hengchuan and Xiao Wentian didn't understand, and Ji Tianxing didn't understand even more.

But in any case, Gu Daoxuan, the first strongest in the Profound Sky Continent, and a generation of emperor palace masters, disappeared and returned to heaven and earth.


The lifelong skills of Palace Lord and Ye Huang and others were all refined by Ji Tianxing.

He successfully reached the fourth level of the Primordial God Realm, and his combat effectiveness was greatly enhanced again!

However, he did not end his cultivation and continued to comprehend the way of the sword god.

Although, the four palace masters have taught him all their life skills and secret techniques.

He has also practiced the **** of the four, condensing the primordial divine form and body.

But he never forgot that the way of the sword **** is his original martial art.

In the past, he only had the strength of the Soul Refining Realm, and he was cultivating the first and second levels of the sword soul.

Now that he has reached the primordial spirit realm, it is time to practice the third level of the sword soul.


His primordial spirit entered the tomb of the sword **** and appeared in the cold wasteland, standing near eighteen mysterious tombstones.

The nine tombstones on the left are still empty, but the nine tombstones on the right have undergone subtle changes.

The second tombstone was originally engraved with more than a hundred mysterious and ancient seal characters, which was the second-tier technique of the Tao of Sword Soul.

Now the seal characters on the tombstone have disappeared.

On the third tombstone, several lines of ancient seal characters appeared.

Ji Tian walked to the tombstone and stared at the text on the tombstone closely, carefully observing and identifying.

After a few hours, he clearly identified all the seal characters and kept it in his heart.

Afterwards, he looked at the second tombstone beside him, and a strange thought popped up in his heart.

"When I was cultivating the second level of the Soul of Sword Dao, I accidentally touched the first tombstone and was sucked in by the tombstone. I accidentally discovered an alien space with a Tianshu Pavilion inside.

Now that I have cultivated to the third level of Soul Sword Dao, I don't know if the second tombstone will be the same? "

Thinking of this, he stretched out his palm and touched the second tombstone.

When his palm touched the dark and cold tombstone, the tombstone really lit up with a faint golden light.


The mysterious golden light immediately enveloped him.

He only felt the primordial spirit trembled and was sucked into the tombstone by the golden light.

In the next moment, his primordial spirit entered the tombstone and came to an alien space.

This is a mysterious and vast space, with the sky in all directions, and the vast sea of ​​clouds below.

In the thick white clouds and fog ahead, there is a white jade bridge looming.

The white jade stone bridge is very old, with exquisite patterns and patterns carved on it, which has no meaning.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was shocked, with a smile on his face.

"Sure enough, this alien space is very similar to Tianshu Pavilion. I don't know where the stone bridge is connected?"

With full of doubts, he stepped across the Baiyu Stone Bridge and walked into the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.

After a while, he could see the scene ahead.

I saw ninety-nine white jade steps in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

At the end of the steps, stands a 100-meter-high golden pagoda.

The pagoda is divided into upper and lower three layers, in an octagonal shape, with crescent-like eaves spreading upwards, paved with glazed gold tiles, and looks very magnificent.

The octagonal cornices are carved with dragons and phoenixes, which are lifelike and want to fly.

The pagoda gate facing the white jade stone bridge was closed tightly, and the ten-foot-high gate was wide and solemn.

The black stone gate reveals a sense of mystery and heavyness, with a breath of quaint vicissitudes of life.

On both sides of the stone gate, nine statues stand respectively.

Each statue is a majestic human guard, wearing silver armor and a golden cloak, with a magical sword on his waist, and an ancient war halberd in his hand.

Although the faces of these statues are covered by armor, they exude a domineering and majestic aura.

This scene is almost the same as the scene of Tianshu Pavilion.

Ji Tianxing became more and more expectant, his eyes fell on the lintel of the door.

I saw that three ancient golden seal characters were engraved on the large black lintel.

He observed for a while before he recognized the three characters.

Shenbing Pavilion!

"Unexpectedly, there is an ancient Shenbing Pavilion hidden in the second tombstone.

The Tianshu Pavilion contains tens of thousands of books and exercise secrets. In this magical pavilion, is there a collection of various magical swords and magic weapons? "

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing was full of expectations, and his eyes became sharp.

He quickly crossed the sea of ​​clouds, walked under the gate of Shenbing Pavilion, and stretched out his hands to press on the heavy stone gate.

The two stone gates are carved with golden dragon and fire phoenix patterns, which are vivid and lifelike.

There is neither a knocker nor a mechanism to open the formation on the gate.

However, Ji Tianxing had the experience of entering the Tianshu Pavilion, so he pressed his palms on the golden dragon and fire phoenix patterns.

Suddenly, two stone gates lit up with dazzling golden light.

The Golden Dragon and the Fire Phoenix also seemed to come alive. After taking a look, they quickly got into the stone gate and disappeared.

When Ji Tianxing first entered Tianshu Pavilion, he was quite surprised to see this scene.

Now, he is not surprised.

With the muffled sound of "rolling rolling" ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ two stone doors slowly opened.

A dazzling golden light, as well as an icy dazzling cold light, immediately shone out from the crack of the door, covering Ji Tianxing's figure.

With full expectation, he stepped across the gate and entered the hall on the first floor of the pagoda.

The wide and bright hall is at least one hundred meters in radius, and the surrounding walls are lit with gem lights, emitting dazzling brilliance.

He walked to the hall and stood still, looked around, and frowned.

It was because the scene in this Shenbing Pavilion was different from what he expected.

He originally thought that there would be many cabinets in the Shenbing Pavilion to display all kinds of magic weapons.

However, the whole hall was empty and there were no counters at all.

On the floor of the main hall, a huge ancient magic circle was depicted.

In the middle, stands a giant bronze cauldron with a height of ten feet and a radius of ten feet.

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