Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1431: 7 star sword

In order to create pressure on the human defenders, to cooperate with the nightmare assassination.

The Demon Commander Mingye and the Demon Race army continuously attacked for an hour.

The defensive formation covering the North City Gate was breached eight times, with cracks and potholes exploded every time.

However, the cracks and potholes in the defense formation will soon be repaired.

Except for the nightmare and the poisonous gas of the magic mist, he entered Zhongzhou City through the cracks, and the demons could not enter at all.

Now, the action of Nightmare is exposed, the plan has failed, and he escaped from Zhongzhou City.

No longer wasting time and the lives of the Demon soldiers, the Demon Commander of the Dark Night decisively ordered to stop the attack.

After a short period of time, hundreds of thousands of undead skeletons and more than 600,000 soldiers of the demons retreated like a tide and quickly moved away from Zhongzhou City.

The shouts of killing and various loud noises near the North City Gate gradually weakened and dissipated.

The morning sun is about to rise, and a new day is about to come.

The first battle between the two armies ended here.

Although, this battle was only a tentative offensive by the demons.

But the fighting was fierce, and the result was shocking.

Outside the North City Gate, the moat was bet by countless bones and demons corpses, and the river water turned dark red.

On the wasteland, there were piles of white bone hills and the corpses of demons all over the ground.

At least 400,000 undead skeletons and more than 300,000 demons soldiers were killed in this battle.

Tens of thousands of human defenders were killed and 100,000 injured.

Five military camps in Zhongzhou City were destroyed, and more than 600,000 soldiers were massacred by nightmares.

In contrast, the human race suffered even more severe losses.

After the battle, the soldiers immediately became busy, clearing the battlefield, strengthening the defense formation, and rebuilding the barracks.

The emperor and several commanders hurried to the city lord mansion to report to the emperor.

After the emperor learned of the situation, he considered for a while and issued several orders to let everyone strengthen the defense of Zhongzhou City.

Especially those large defensive formations need to be further strengthened to prevent the nightmare from sneaking into the city again and causing chaos.


In the imperial palace, the imperial palace is still silent.

In the dimly lit secret room, Ji Tianxing was still sitting cross-legged on the ice jade bed, focusing on his exercises.

In another seven days, the two-month deadline is up.

At that time, the ancient **** array in the secret room will be closed, losing the effect of time acceleration.

Now, Ji Tianxing has cultivated the third level of the Tao of Sword Soul, the foundation of martial arts is more powerful, and his strength has been invisibly increased twice.

He was still meditation on a magic trick, the fifth sword of the Nine Heaven Burying Sword, the Seven Star Sword.

Before Funeral entered the Nine Heavens Cauldron, he taught him the fifth sword technique.

The power of this sword technique is too powerful, and the training requirements are also very high.

Only when he reaches the Primordial Spirit Realm can he succeed in his cultivation.

Seven star sword, one sword breaks seven stars.

If Ji Tianxing's strength is strong enough, the fourth sword can cut through the sky and see the starry sky outside the sky.

This fifth sword can smash seven stars with one sword.

The stars are out of reach. The seemingly small stars are actually another magnificent world.

This shows how terrifying the power of this seven-star sword is!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a true god-level swordsmanship!

Only the strong of the Martial God Realm can exert the true power of swordsmanship.

Ji Tianxing is indifferent to external affairs, just working desperately to improve his strength as much as possible.

When the magical power comes to fruition, it will be the time for him to return to the mountain and take revenge.


One day passed quickly.

After a whole day of rest, Zhongzhou City calmed down temporarily.

Several large defensive formations have also been strengthened by the emperor and commanders, and the defense has become more severe.

In the middle of the night that day, the dull sound of ‘Rumble’ came from the north of Zhongzhou City.

It was the sound of thousands of horses stepping across the earth, spreading far and wide in the silent night.

The Terran soldiers noticed something wrong, realized that the demons were about to attack again, and immediately blew the horn to defend against the enemy.

The millions of soldiers guarding the north city were immediately on guard.

The power of the defensive array urged to the limit, forming a dazzling colorful mask, illuminating half of the city.

Hundreds of thousands of elite warriors stepped onto the city wall, lined up their bows and crossbows, erected various defensive equipment, and waited for them.

The emperor and the commanders rushed to the North City Gate and took command in person.

However, an hour later, the army of more than three million demons killed outside Zhongzhou City, but was divided into two groups.

The first army was commanded by the Dark Night Demon, and attacked the North City Gate with all its strength.

Another army, led by Nightmare, stormed the east gate with all its strength.

Seeing this situation, the emperor quickly made corresponding arrangements and sent several commanders to assist the **** general of Northern Xinjiang and the **** general of Donglin Xiao Han.

It didn't take long before the battle began.

The shouts and roars of millions of soldiers converged into a deafening torrent of sound waves, which sounded over the city of Zhongzhou.

The two demon armies launched an offensive desperately.

This offensive was very fierce and not a test. The demons seemed determined to break through the defenses of Zhongzhou City overnight.

In front of the demon army's camp, hundreds of thousands of undead skeletons and demonic ghosts are attacking desperately.

Hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers set up their battle formations and used joint battle formations to unleash attacks comparable to those of the primordial spirit, constantly bombarding the defense formation of Zhongzhou City.

Even the Mozu used more than two thousand fierce monsters.

These monsters have different types and different appearances, but they are all huge as mountains, infinitely powerful, and possess extremely terrifying destructive power.

They roared angrily, unleashing powerful killer moves, and stormed the two city gates.

The human defenders were under great pressure, and several large defensive formations were quickly breached, revealing dense cracks and potholes.

Taking this opportunity, the blood **** children who were ready to go, quickly released the poison, plague, blood and magic energy, and poured them into Zhongzhou City.

They also created super earthquakes and flood disasters ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even spurred turbulent magma into the city of Zhongzhou.

Outside the North City Gate and the East City Gate, the scene of the battle was fierce and chaotic.

The soldiers of the human race soon suffered a large number of casualties, and some people continued to die, or were seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness.

The human army stationed in the city continued to reinforce the two battlefields to supplement the vacant numbers.

The war lasted for an entire hour, the demon army's offensive was still fierce, and there was no intention to retreat.

The emperor and several commanders realized that the demon clan's storm tonight might not be that simple, there must be some conspiracy and successor.

Just as everyone gathered together to discuss this matter with a solemn expression, a **** light flew in the northern night sky.

In the distant mountains and wasteland, there was also a dull sound of ‘rumbling’.

Obviously, there are a large number of Demon soldiers rushing over like a gust of wind.

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