Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1435: 3 Supreme

In the north of Zhongzhou city, the Mozu camp thousands of miles away was shrouded in colorful glare.

The brilliance of spells bloomed, illuminating the dark night sky.

Bursts of dull collisions and explosions came from the night sky.

Although everyone could not hear the call to kill, they did not know who was fighting.

But the Demon Sovereign, the Dark Night Demon Commander and others understood that the Demon Clan camp must have been attacked, and the attacker's offensive was very fast.

Only the emperor and the emperor can guess the identity of the attacker.

The Dark Night Demon Commander thought about it, and immediately flew to the front of the Yougu Demon Emperor and asked: "Your Majesty, our army camp has been attacked. You are here, and your subordinates are willing to lead troops back to help."

The Yougu Demon Emperor looked at the mighty demon army, and saw that countless demon soldiers were frantically attacking the North City Gate, frowning for a moment.

After a while, he gave an order in a majestic tone: "No need, order the whole army to stop the offensive and immediately return to our clan camp.

This must be Long Xuankun's strategy. If the emperor is not wrong, most of the attacks on our clan camp are the army of the monster and the water clan.

After all, our clan attacked Zhongzhou with all its strength, and had already suspended its plans to attack the Yaozu and Shuizu.

Long Xuankun is unwilling to admit defeat, and will definitely try to resist, and of course he will ask for the support of the Shui Clan and the Monster Clan..."

Hearing what Yougu Demon Sovereign said, the Dark Night Demon Commander did not refute, nodded silently, bowed his hands and obeyed.

Subsequently, the Dark Night Demon Commander sent the order to stop all the demon soldiers from attacking.

The demon soldiers are well-trained, behave like gods to the demon emperor, and execute orders with high efficiency.

In just a quarter of an hour, the army of more than three million demons who had attacked the city had retreated like a tide.

Outside the North City Gate, there were only slags of bones all over the ground, and hundreds of thousands of broken bones.

It didn't take long for the army of millions of demons to quickly leave Zhongzhou City under the leadership of the Yougu Demon Emperor, and hurried back to the demons camp.

This tragic battle came to an abrupt end.

The millions of guards of the city were relieved as they watched the demon army quickly go away.

The emperor, the emperor and several commanders stood side by side on the city wall, looking at the night sky in the north, all showing worry.

"Sure enough, the Devil Emperor is calm enough to choose to retreat decisively and return to the defense camp with all his strength!"

"It's a pity! If the Demon Emperor sits here and lets the Demon Clan army continue to attack, we can still last a few days.

Taking this opportunity, the reinforcements who attacked the demon camp will surely achieve brilliant results. "

"More than that, if the Demon Emperor does not retreat in time, our reinforcements are likely to break the Demon Camp and cause heavy losses to the Demon Clan Camp!"

Everyone was whispering about it, and they all felt sorry for this.

By now, several commanders also guessed the identity of the reinforcements.

In such a crisis, who can send troops to support Zhongzhou, besides the Yaozu and Shuizu?

The emperor hurriedly took out the jade slip of the message and retreated the demon army, and the news that the demon emperor returned to the demon clan camp was quickly passed on.

He believed that the Demon Emperor and the Golden Dragon Emperor would definitely know what to do after receiving the call.

Time passed quickly, and half an hour passed quickly.

To the north of Zhongzhou City, in the demon camp thousands of miles away, the light of the monstrous spell gradually dimmed and dissipated.

When the Demon Emperor led the army to return to the camp, the fighting had already ended, and the attackers had already retreated.

The demon camp was hundreds of miles away, leaving only potholes and huge cracks in the ground, as well as corpses covering the ground.

Most of the corpses belonged to Demon soldiers, with more than 500,000 in number.

However, one-quarter of the corpses belonged to Shui and Yaozu soldiers, and their ethnic characteristics were very obvious.

The Dark Night Demon Commander checked the situation of Daying, and after investigating these results, he quickly reported to the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor was sitting in the Demon Palace, and after hearing the report of the Demon Commander Ming Ye, his face suddenly frowned.

"Sure enough, it's the Monster Race and Shui Race, these **** tribes, after the emperor solves the human race, we can clean them up!

Mingye, the order continues, and the whole army rests for three days, replenishing energy.

In addition, strengthen the defense of our clan camp, and absolutely no longer allow the Shui Clan and Yao Clan to have a sneak attack! "

The Dark Night Demon Commander bowed and said to obey orders, then turned and exited the Demon Palace.


For the next two days, the waves were calm inside and outside Zhongzhou City.

The demon army seemed to have accepted the lesson, and no longer easily sent troops to attack the city of Zhongzhou, and stayed in the demon camp to recuperate.

With regard to Zhongzhou City, the Terran soldiers also took the opportunity to recuperate, repaired the city walls and buildings in the city, and strengthened their guard and defense.

In the evening of the next day, two distinguished guests from afar entered Zhongzhou City.

The emperor led a large number of imperial court guards, personally greeted the two distinguished guests, and welcomed them into the city lord mansion.

In the hall of hospitality, the emperor is the first, and the emperor is standing by.

Sitting on the upper left side is a tall middle-aged man wearing a golden scale robe and a Promise red gold crown. His face and expression are very majestic.

This person is the leader of the Western Wilderness Demon Race, Tianluo Demon Emperor.

On the right side of the main hall, a burly aquarium man sat upright.

This person was wearing a golden robe with a flying phoenix and dragon pattern, a luxurious nine-star crown on his head, a square face with upright majesty, and a golden dragon horn on his forehead.

He is the leader of the East Sea Clan, the famous Golden Dragon Emperor.

Obviously, the three supreme leaders of the three major races met here to form an alliance.

In addition to the Tianluo Demon Emperor and the Golden Dragon Emperor, there are also several human commanders in the main hall, such as Long Yunxiao, Yunzhongqi and Baili Genius Doctor.

After everyone saw the ceremony, they greeted a few words and began to talk about business.

The emperor stood up with a solemn expression, bowed to the Tianluo Demon Emperor and the Golden Dragon Emperor, and said in a sincere tone: "The Demon Emperor and the Dragon Emperor, thank you for the two who came to help at the critical juncture, and directly attacked the demon camp and resolved the city of Zhongzhou. The crisis also solved the emperor’s urgent need."

The Tianluo Demon Emperor and the Golden Dragon Emperor nod slightly, both showing a smile.

"As early as two months ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the emperor sent us to ask for support. We were too late, so please don’t blame the emperor."

"As the saying goes, coming early is not as good as coming by coincidence. We led a large army to come to the city, and happened to encounter the Demon Emperor attacking Zhongzhou City. This was a whim, and we ventured to attack the Demon Camp.

Not afraid of the emperor’s jokes, we didn’t have much confidence in our hearts before launching the raid..."

"Yeah! After all, we ran a long-distance attack and only brought more than three million soldiers, so we didn't dare to face head-on with the tens of millions of demons.

Unexpectedly, the Demon Sovereign took the elite main force to attack Zhongzhou City, and the defensive emptiness of the Demon Clan Camp gave us the opportunity to take advantage of..."

The emperor bowed his hands to the two and smiled with relief: "The emperor is already grateful for the two who came to help each other in times of crisis.

The millions of troops of the Shui and Yao tribes had traveled two months to reach Zhongzhou. They must have been tired, tired and slack.

It is better for the two to lead the army into the city as soon as possible, so that the emperor can arrange a resting place for the army, and the water and monster army can rest..."

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