Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1442: Come and die

The crisis in the Aquarium camp was lifted.

The army of more than one million demons retreated to the demons camp in a panic.

The aquatic warriors took advantage of the momentum to hunt down, and continue to kill batch after batch of demons.

The little black dragon, Qianyue, Jinshan King, and the three great ancestors rushed forward bravely and slaughtered the demon soldiers.

Of course, Ji Tianxing would not let the demons escape and let them escape back to the demons camp.

He also pursued and killed, unleashing a devastating attack, pouring out anger at the demon army.

"Meteor fire rain!"

"Smashing Star Fist!"

Within a short period of time, he killed hundreds of thousands of demons.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers were already crushed, scattered into dozens of strands, and fleeing in the mountains and rivers.

Ji Tianxing didn't bother to pay attention to these remnants of the Demon Race, and handed them to the Shui Race officers to solve them.

He flew back to the sky above the Shui Clan Camp and looked at the Golden Dragon Emperor.

The Golden Dragon Emperor has already stopped fighting and is instructing the aquarium soldiers to repair the camp.

Before he was besieged by Nightmare, Dark Night Demon Commander, and several powerful demons, even with the strength of the Primordial God Realm, it was difficult to get out.

After all, the Dark Night Demon Commander and Nightmare both possess Yuanshen-level magic weapons, and their combat power is comparable to Yuanshen-powered ones.

After Ji Tianxing killed the Nightmare and the Dark Night Demon Commander, the few remaining demon powerhouses in the Soul Refining Realm were quickly killed by the Golden Dragon Emperor.


The Golden Dragon Emperor flew across the sky and stopped in front of Ji Tianxing.

He showed a relieved smile, looked at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and said with a little excitement: "Tianxing, don't come here without any problems."

Ji Tianxing nodded to him, showing a slight smile and said: "I have seen Your Majesty Dragon Emperor."

The Golden Dragon Emperor stared at him and said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that in just one year, you have grown to such a level that your strength has surpassed the emperor!

It's incredible! If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the emperor would never believe it! "

It is true that the Golden Dragon Emperor only has the strength of the Yuanshen Realm threefold, but Ji Tianxing has reached the fourfold peak of the Yuanshen Realm.

Moreover, his true combat effectiveness is far more than that of the four layers of souls.

The emotion of the Golden Dragon Emperor is definitely from the heart, full of shock and admiration.

Ji Tianxing didn't say much, he just smiled, and said, "Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, I'll leave it to you here. The Devil Emperor is attacking Zhongzhou City. I will rush back to help the Emperor."

The Golden Dragon Emperor narrowed his smile, and said with a solemn expression: "It is said that the Demon Emperor possesses a heaven-defying artifact. You must be careful.

You go to help the emperor first, the emperor has settled down my clan soldiers, so rush to Zhongzhou City to help out! "

Ji Tianxing nodded, said goodbye to him, then turned and left.


At this time, the battle in Zhongzhou City was extremely fierce.

The Demon Emperor personally led an army of more than one million demons and madly attacked the northern gate.

The other more than one million demon soldiers attacked the East City Gate with all their strength.

Obviously, seeing that the North City Gate could not be attacked for a long time, the Demon Emperor allocated half of his troops to attack the East City, hoping to enter Zhongzhou from the East City Gate.

Below the North City Gate, a hundred li radius was turned into ruins, and the earth was full of huge ravines and deep pits.

The moat has long been destroyed, and countless deep pits are filled with dark red blood, piled up with small mountains of bones.

The demon army is still fighting bravely, shouting and killing.

Inside the city wall, millions of human race soldiers are still struggling to support.

At every moment, thousands of human and demons have sacrificed.

The sky over Zhongzhou City was completely shrouded in black clouds and monstrous blood fog.

In the sky ten thousand meters above the ground, the emperor, the emperor and several human commanders are fighting with the demon emperor.

Although the emperor and others occupied an advantage in numbers, they besieged the demon emperor from all directions.

But everyone is not the opponent of the Demon Emperor, and it is almost impossible to hurt the Demon Emperor.

On the contrary, it was the emperor and several human commanders who were beaten by the Demon Emperor with bruises and blood.

There are also two commanders who died in the previous fight.

The two commanders were recruited from the imperial court and lived in seclusion.

Their deaths were very miserable, the flesh that had been beaten by the Demon Emperor collapsed into shards, and the spirits collapsed to pieces.

Except that the emperor's injury was slightly lighter, it did not endanger his life.

The emperor, Yunzhongqi, Baili genius doctor, and others were all seriously injured and were in danger.

Their strength is getting weaker and slower, and their injuries are getting worse.

If the emperor had not fully resisted the Demon Emperor's attack and had helped everyone share 80% of the pressure, everyone would have been beheaded by the Demon Emperor.

But even so, the situation is getting worse.

At most there will be a hundred breaths of time, and the emperor and several commanders will be exhausted.

By then, it would be difficult for them to withdraw to Zhongzhou City, and they must be beheaded by the Demon Emperor.

At this moment of life and death, a hidden invisible figure galloped from the sky in the distance.

The person here is Ji Tianxing.

He flashed three times in the sky, then teleported hundreds of miles away, appearing not far behind the Demon Emperor.

Seeing that the Demon Emperor waved a deep black and cold heavy ruler, he was violently attacking the emperor, and he quickly used secret methods to attack the Demon Emperor.

"Seven Star Sword!"

With a cold voice, he held the Heaven Burying Sword and pierced out seven golden lights with all his strength, covering the demon emperor's figure.

At that moment, the bright golden light burst out, illuminating the sky in a radius of two hundred miles.

This area has become a sacred golden world.

The terrifying sword aura seemed to tear open cracks in the sky.

No matter how strong the Demon Sovereign was, he never expected that Ji Tianxing would appear at this time.

Moreover, he couldn't predict that Ji Tianxing's strength had grown to such a level.

When he noticed something bad, it was too late.

"Boom bang bang bang..."

Seven consecutive muffled sounds burst out, blasting in the sky, like the roar of seven gods.

The golden sword light with terrifying power instantly defeated the Demon Emperor's mana shield and stabbed him severely.

He was covered with dark and cold scales and possessed a very powerful defense.

However, his broad, sturdy back and waist were immediately pierced through seven blood holes, splashing dark purple blood.

Every blood hole has a big mouth, with deep bones visible, and the injuries are shocking.


The sudden and extreme pain ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ made him tremble, and his whole body convulsed and let out a painful roar.

He immediately shattered the seven golden lights with his luck, turned around quickly, his eyes were dark red as blood, and his eyes looked towards Ji Tianxing with bitterness.

When he saw that the person who attacked him was Ji Tianxing, his face changed drastically, showing deep shocked eyes.

"Ji Tianxing! It turned out to be you beast!

You hurt the emperor... how is this possible? ! "

At that moment, his heart was very terrified, and there was a stormy sea.

Ji Tianxing stared at him sternly, a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha... nothing is impossible!

Three years ago, when you broke the seal from the Great Sky School, I silently vowed that one day I would personally punish you and avenge the dead teachers!

Demon King, come and die! "

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