Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1446: Immortal body, immortal soul


With a loud, dull sound, the Spear of Killing God slammed the Demon King's chest.

His broad and solid chest covered with black dragon scales was protected by a purple robe and a piece of soft armor.

But under the bombardment of the Spear of Killing God, these were insignificant and weak.

His broad chest was instantly pierced by the Spear of Killing God, revealing a blood hole as large as a sea bowl.

Coincidentally, the blood hole is at the left side of the heart, and the front and back are bright.

Through the blood hole, the blood and bones in the chest cavity were clearly visible.

There is no doubt that the heart of the Demon King was also destroyed by the Spear of Killing God!

The powerful and unmatched impact sent him a dozen miles away before he slammed onto the mirror-like water.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing slowly retracted his left palm and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha... As expected, without the Taiyin Broken Soul Ruler, the Demon Sovereign is not my opponent at all!

His heart was destroyed and his body was dead.

Next, I will use the golden sword of the soul to take the opportunity to kill his soul! "

While these thoughts flashed in his mind, he sacrificed his original spirit, and a thousand-foot-high giant sword phantom lit up behind him.

This thousand-foot-tall golden giant sword is very majestic and sacred, and contains the power of opening the world.

Ji Tianxing was about to cast a spell, taking advantage of the situation to kill the demon king in the distance.

Unexpectedly, the Demon Emperor flew up from the water with a flash.

His physical body is still alive, with a dazzling blood burst out of his body, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Ji Tianxing! You despicable reptile, this emperor will tear you to pieces!"

The Devil Emperor held the blood hole in his chest with his left hand, roaring furiously.

As the blood rushed into the sky, his body also began to twist and undergo tremendous changes.

In the blink of an eye, he changed from a white-haired man more than three meters tall to a huge black beast with a height of hundreds of feet.

The three-hundred-meter-high monster is as huge as a mountain, and the muscles of the limbs and back are raised high, like black rocks.

It has two huge heads, a terrifying face, two rows of sharp fangs from its wide mouth, and its huge scarlet eyes flash with murderous intent.

It looks like a demon ape, but it has six arms, four black Shura wings grow out of the back, and a dark tail, like the tail of a black dragon.

Seeing the appearance of this black troll, Ji Tianxing's face suddenly became gloomy, and a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

"I have destroyed his heart and beheaded his body with the Spear of Killing God.

Why is his physical body still alive, and the main body of the demon still appeared?

Could it be... His heart is different from human beings, not on the left, but on the right? "

The black troll is the body of the Demon Emperor, and Ji Tianxing is no stranger.

A few years ago, he accidentally touched the memory of the sword **** in a dream.

At that time, he was in the memory picture and saw this black troll raging among the mountains and rivers, wantonly slaughtering human warriors and people.

Later, the Sword God himself made a shot and severely inflicted a sword on the beast, sealing it down.

At this time, the Demon Emperor looked down on Ji Tianxing condescendingly, and roared in a bitter tone: "Ji Tianxing! You **** little mess, you have completely angered the emperor, you are dead!

Today, the King of Heaven and Lao Tzu can't save you, even if you go into the sky, you can't escape death! "

The demon emperor roared while screaming, and the devilish energy surged all over his body, forming an overwhelming magic cloud, covering hundreds of miles of sky.

This is one of the secrets of the demons, which can use the magic cloud to change the environment and greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the demons.

Seeing Ji Tianxing's terrifying strength, the Demon Emperor did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

He didn't rush to shoot, roaring and cursing, and secretly casting spells to accumulate strength.

"Do you think that if you destroy a heart of this emperor, you can kill this emperor's body?

you are too naive! This emperor is the emperor of the demon race, bred from the ancient demon species, born without a heart!

This emperor has no fatal weakness, has an immortal body and an indestructible soul, and even the sword **** cannot kill me back then. Why do you fight this emperor? "

Hearing the words of the Demon Emperor, Ji Tianxing suddenly realized and finally understood the reason.

"That's it! The immortal body and the immortal soul, so the sword **** can't kill the Demon Emperor, but can only seal him down."

He whispered in a low voice, and a joking sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth, as Hong Zhong said: "Ha ha ha... So this is your secret and your greatest reliance!

However, you met me today, but you are doomed to be destroyed.

I am not the sword god, the sword **** cannot kill you, but I can send you to death! "

When the voice fell, he used his hidden steps, and his figure teleported thirty miles away in a flash, rushing to the front of the demon emperor thousands of meters away.

He held the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, and stabbed the Demon Emperor with all his strength.

"Thorn sword!"

With this sword, not only did he explode his full strength, but Funeral Sky also raised his strength to the limit, making the power of swordsmanship reach the extreme.

This is the strongest sword that Ji Tianxing and Funian Tian joined forces to strike, and its power is terrifying to the extreme.

"call out!"

A cold light suddenly appeared, tearing the dim sky.

Before the Demon Sovereign teleported to avoid it, that bit of cold light penetrated the Demon Sovereign's chest and exploded in his chest.


The cold light bloomed suddenly, like a snow-white mushroom cloud rising in the sky.

The huge mountain-like figure of the Demon Sovereign was immediately enveloped.

On his chest, a deep pit with a radius of ten feet was also exploded, splashing out blood and scum.

The terrifying explosive force blasted the Demon Emperor upside down, tumbled and fell twenty miles away.

Although the injuries were so serious, they were not fatal.

He fell on the mirror-like water surface, splashed all over the sky, immediately got up again, and flew into the sky.

"Reptiles! These are all useless, give up!

The emperor will now let you see what an immortal body is! "

The demon emperor roared like thunder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dazzling blood gushing out all over his body, quickly covering the big hole in his chest.

In the blink of an eye, the **** pit healed quickly, leaving only a circle of hideous scars.

For anyone, seeing this scene will be shocked by the powerful resilience of the Demon Sovereign, and feel despair in his heart.

But Ji Tianxing had anticipated this result a long time ago, and did not change his expression, he sneered coldly: "In front of me, there is no immortal body!

If you can fix it once, I don't believe you can fix it ten times, a hundred times, and a thousand times! "

After that, he held the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands again, and slashed towards the Demon Emperor with all his strength.

"Breaking the sky!"

A golden sword light with a length of thousands of feet, wrapped in dense purple thunder, slashed at the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Sovereign was a little jealous of the Nine Heavens God Thunder, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly waved his six arms to resist.

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