Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1450: Counterattack

The millions of soldiers guarding the North City cheered emotionally, shouting the name of Ji Tianxing.

Countless soldiers looked up at his figure, showing incomparable admiring eyes, dancing with excitement.

Whether it was a thousand years ago or in the past two years, the Demon Emperor ravaged the land of Zhongzhou and brought painful suffering to the human race.

All races hate the Demon Emperor, and they are also more afraid.

Now that the Demon Emperor was beheaded by Ji Tianxing, the shackles that had been in everyone's hearts were finally lifted!

The soldiers of the human race saw the dawn of victory, and of course they were happy and refreshed.

The cheers of millions of soldiers converged into a mighty torrent of sound waves, which spread through Zhongzhou City.

Soon, the Terran army stationed in the city, as well as the Terran soldiers guarding each city gate, all learned the news.

Suddenly, the entire Zhongzhou City was boiling.

Thousands of human races rejoiced, and gave out earth-shattering cheers and shouts.

Everyone's heart is full of surprises, shocks and incredible, and they worship Ji Tianxing to the extreme.

The millions of demons who were attacking the East City Gate soon learned the news.

After the news spread among the army, countless demons and soldiers were dumbfounded, as if petrified, their bodies stiffly stunned.

They couldn't accept this fact, roaring, crying, and cursing angry and desperate.

The millions of demons had no intention to fight anymore, and soon stopped attacking and retreated like a tide.

The formation of the army has become chaotic, and many demon soldiers have not recovered, crying in despair.

The same scene was staged outside the North City Gate.

The 800,000 demons were panicked, and many soldiers wailed and cried out in despair.

They were so crushed that countless people turned around in panic and fled.

The Demon Sovereign has fallen, the demon army has lost its leader and just wants to escape to the demon camp as soon as possible.

There are also nearly ten million demons there, and the ancestor demons also sit in the camp.

As long as they fled back to the demon camp, they can still regain their strength.

Under the leadership of the ancestor Demon God, they still hope to break through Zhongzhou City, slaughter all the soldiers, and avenge the Demon King!

However, Ji Tianxing stood proudly in the sky, sounded like a bell, and ordered in a majestic tone: "Open the gates and pursue the demon army with all your strength. They must not be allowed to escape back alive!"

At this moment, the demon army is retreating in a panic. It is the time when the army is distracted. Of course, it is also the best time for the human army to fight back!

When Ji Tianxing's majestic and domineering voice spread throughout the audience, the emperor and all the human commanders immediately opened the gate of the northern city with a spell.

Countless Terran soldiers rushed out of Zhongzhou City like a tide, shouting loudly to initiate a charge.

Ji Tianxing took the lead and rushed to the sky above the demon army, unleashing a variety of powerful secrets to kill the demon soldiers on the earth.

The 800,000 demons and soldiers were already scared out of their bodies and panicked. It was difficult for them to counterattack and defend calmly.

In just one hundred breaths of time, most of the demons were slaughtered by Ji Tianxing, leaving only more than 300,000.

At this time, millions of human race soldiers rushed out of Zhongzhou City, crossing the wasteland like a gust of wind, chasing and killing the more than 300,000 demon remnants.

Ji Tianxing turned and left, and flew to the East City Gate quickly.

Under his order, Xiao Han opened the gate of the East City and led hundreds of thousands of soldiers to chase and kill the demon army that had fled.

Since the demons launched a war two years ago, the human race has been in a passive defensive position.

This was the case in the battlefield of Northern Xinjiang, and it was also the same in Tianlongguan later.

In the end, when it came to the critical moment of life and death, the Terran still had to hide in Zhongzhou City, relying on the defensive array to resist the invasion of the demons.

Now, the Demon Emperor was beheaded, and the Demon Army was defeated and fled.

The Terran soldiers were finally able to raise their eyebrows and slammed out of Zhongzhou City with arrogance and arrogance, chasing down the demon army like a bamboo.

That kind of swift change of status and situation has made all the soldiers and soldiers excited and morale high!

As time passed, the armies of both sides were getting farther and farther from Zhongzhou City, and they had been chased and killed for two thousand miles.

The number of demons has been declining, and most of them have been eaten away by human soldiers.

According to the current situation, those demons will not be slaughtered before they can escape back to the base camp.

On the contrary, the number of the human army is constantly increasing, gradually reaching more than three million.

The Golden Dragon Emperor led the aquatic warriors to help in the battle, and fought the defeated demons from the side.

The Mozu army suffered heavy casualties and was almost in desperation.

The surviving more than half a million people, if they can support at most half an hour, they will all be killed.

Ji Tianxing asked the emperor and human commanders to command the army to encircle and suppress the demons.

He hurried thousands of miles away alone to assist the Tianluo Demon Emperor and the Yaozu army.

The demon clan army led by the demon king is fighting with millions of demon clan, and the battle is extremely tragic.

When Ji Tianxing rushed to the battlefield, there were corpses all over the mountains and rivers within a radius of two to three hundred miles, blood flowing into rivers.

The demons still had more than 700,000 soldiers, but 40% of the demons died in the battle. Only about 600,000 people remained, still struggling to support them.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing immediately took action, using a meteor shower of fire, causing the fire from the sky to fall from the sky and blasting into the battlefield of the demon army.

At least three hundred thousand demons and soldiers, powerful monsters, ghosts, and undead skeletons were buried in the sea of ​​flames and burned to ashes.

The mountains and rivers in a radius of tens of miles were also burned into a torrent of magma by the sky.

Then, he sacrificed the Heavenly Gang Divine Fire Cauldron, urging the power of the Divine Cauldron, and pouring the monstrous fire and violent wind into the demon camp.

After just ten breaths, more than two hundred thousand demon soldiers were burned to ashes by the wind and fire.

The number of demons has dropped by 80%, leaving only a few hundred thousand demons, all of them frightened and fleeing in panic.

Several blood **** children and powerful demons in the soul refining realm were also shocked by the **** of Ji Tianxing, and they did not dare to approach and flee desperately.

Ji Tianxing chased up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and released the Thunder Lightsaber, and quickly killed the blood gods.

The morale of the Yaozu army was greatly boosted, and they uttered excited cheers, and launched a counterattack and pursuit.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of Demon Clan soldiers were slaughtered by the demon clan army just four or five hundred miles away.

The crisis of the monster race was finally resolved, and the Tianluo Demon Emperor galloped from the sky and fell in front of Ji Tianxing.

He greeted Ji Tianxing, and eagerly asked about the situation in Zhongzhou.

When he learned that the Demon Emperor had been killed and the demon army had all been defeated, he immediately showed a shocked expression on his face, inexplicably shocked.

He never expected that Ji Tianxing had such a terrifying strength, created such a stunning feat, and beheaded the Nether Ancient Demon Emperor.

After recovering, he was full of praise and admiration for Ji Tianxing.

Knowing that the human and aquatic army were hunting down the demons, he quickly led the demon army to the north to help out.

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