Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1454: Sojin Festival

Ji Tianxing knew without guessing that there was no one other than the ancestor Demon God who could cause such a shocking movement.

Looking into the depths of the Demon Clan Camp, he muttered solemnly: "The ancestor Demon God, is it finally coming out?"

He had learned about the situation after he left the customs, and the ancestor Demon God had already awakened and reborn when the Tianlong Pass was broken.

That was more than two months ago, the ancestor Demon God Tongtian Three-Day Transformation Supreme had already condensed the Law Bodies.

However, within these two months, the ancestor Demon God never appeared again.

Even if the Demon Emperor led an army to attack Zhongzhou City, the ancestor Demon God still stayed in the Demon Clan camp and never made any moves.

Ji Tianxing guessed in his heart that the reason why the ancestor Demon God didn't make a move was probably because he had recharged his energy in the demon camp and quickly recovered his strength.

After all, when the ancestor Demon God was reborn, he had only the first and second levels of the Primordial God Realm.

This strength is not as good as the Demon Sovereign, unable to command the entire Demon Race, let alone the ancestor of the Demon Race.

The most important thing is that it is impossible to defeat the three clans with such strength and unify the entire Profound Sky Continent.

Therefore, the ancestor Demon God must use certain secret methods and supernatural powers to quickly restore power.

Just as these thoughts flashed in Ji Tianxing's mind, a high mountain in the depths of the Demon Clan's camp exploded with a "bang".

The entire mountain collapsed and shattered, turning into endless rubble and dust, splashing in all directions.

A huge dark purple beam of light rushed out from deep underground, passed through the dust, and flew to the sky above.

Ji Tianxing looked up subconsciously, and saw that a black mountain stood in the sky thousands of feet high.

Do not! That is not a mountain, but a black demon!

It has a body of a thousand feet tall, as majestic as a mountain, with three heads, six arms and eight black wings.

A hazy purple brilliance enveloped its body, exuding mysterious and powerful power.

It has six huge purple eyes, looking down at the thousands of miles below, revealing cold, emotionless eyes.

The four million demon soldiers on this land, more than three million people, monsters, and water people, looked like ants in its eyes.


It opened its mouth full of fangs, and let out a roar that shook the world.

Suddenly, the earth trembling a few hundred miles around.

The terrifying torrent of sound waves shook the surrounding mountains and collapsed one after another, breaking them into ruins.

An invisible force shrouded the sky, suppressed from the sky, covering hundreds of miles.

The demons and soldiers of the three tribes in this area were immediately suppressed in panic, showing an expression of extreme horror.

Even Ji Tianxing, Golden Dragon Emperor, and Tianluo Demon Emperor showed shocked expressions, their eyes became very solemn.

"What a terrifying coercion! This power has surpassed the Demon King!"

"It turns out that this is the ancestor Demon God, the legendary three-headed, six-armed and eight-winged death god!"

"Sure enough to be an ancient demon god, even if he only wakes up and rebirth soon, his strength has not been restored, it is like a **** descending into the world!"

Just as the three of them were full of shock and emotion, the four million demon army retreated like a tide and flocked to the vicinity of the ancestor demon god.

Ji Tianxing and Jinlonghuang were considering whether to let the tribe army pursue them.

At this time, a scene that surprised and shocked everyone appeared.

Millions of demon clan soldiers rushed to the ancestor demon **** to kneel down and worship.

Then, everyone knelt on the ground, closed their eyes, reciting the demon mantra with a pious expression, and opened their arms relaxedly.

The postures of the demon soldiers seemed to be worshipping or performing some kind of ritual.

However, after Ji Tianxing observed carefully, he found a suspicious point.

The four million demon soldiers did not show a fanatical expression of worship.

Their looks and voices are heavy and solemn, and they also contain a strong sense of tragic and solemnity!

"What exactly are these demons going to do?"

Ji Tianxing frowned suspiciously, becoming more puzzled.

The Golden Dragon Emperor and the Tianluo Demon Emperor also watched closely the demon army's actions, secretly talking about them.

At this time, the ancestor Demon God in the high sky slowly opened six huge arms and the eight wide wings behind it.

It was lit up with a rich purple light, and it emitted an extremely powerful and evil force.

On the ground below, the demon soldiers who were closer to it suddenly ignited a **** flame.

In a short moment, the bodies of the demon soldiers turned into ashes in the blood and fire, condensing **** of blood-colored light.

At least more than 300,000 demon soldiers were burned to death in this way, turning into black ashes and scattered on the ground.

The overwhelming blood-colored **** of light flew into the sky one after another, like blood-colored tides, pouring into the body of the ancestor Demon God.

Immediately afterwards, group after group of demon soldiers ignited **** flames and their bodies turned into ashes.

The dark red flame illuminates the gloomy sky, making a radius of hundreds of miles covered with blood.

As the blood-colored flames continued to spread outward, more and more demons died.

The blood-colored light clusters in the sky have also become denser, converging into a torrent of blood and light that obscures the sky, and penetrated into the body of the ancestor Demon God.

The ancestor Demon God swallowed countless blood-colored light clusters, and the purple light shrouded all over his body became more intense, gradually turning black.

Its breath has become more evil and mysterious, and its power has grown rapidly.

Not far away, there was a relatively close human pioneer army with more than 30,000 people.

Before they could evade and retreat, their bodies were also burning, and blood-colored flames burst out.

In just a few breaths, more than 30,000 human soldiers were burned to ashes.

Their blood, spirit, and strength gathered into a ball of blood and flew towards the ancestor Demon God.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing and Jinlonghuang suddenly changed their faces and understood the intention of the ancestor Demon God.

"I understand! The four million demon army is sacrificing their lives to increase the strength of the ancestor demon god!"

"God! This is a sacrifice! The four million demon army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will use an evil sacrifice ceremony to dedicate life and power to the **** of death!"

"If the emperor remembers correctly, this is probably the ancestral sacrifice in ancient myths and legends!"

Hearing the Golden Dragon Emperor’s exclamation, Ji Tianxing and Tianluo Demon Emperor both turned their heads to look at him, and asked, "What ancestral **** sacrifice?"

The Golden Dragon Emperor looked gloomy and said with a solemn tone: "The ancestors' sacrifice is an ancient sacrifice in ancient myths and legends.

The ancestors or leaders of certain races that rely on blood to inherit power can use this ancient sacrifice to swallow the power of all descendants and quickly increase their strength.

The ancestor Demon God is the ancestor of all demons, and the four million demon army is its descendant.

In a sense, the lives of those demons were given by the ancestor Demon God.

Now, the ancestor Demon God wants to deprive them of life and power in order to quickly increase their strength..."

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