Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1458: Pinnacle showdown

The dull sound of the ancestor Demon God rolled and reverberated in the high sky.

It was lit up with a dazzling purple light, and it gave out an extremely powerful aura, spreading around.

The invisible violent air wave swept hundreds of miles around, and hit the soldiers of the three clans severely.

Without the protection of the ancient sword formation, more than three million soldiers would have been shaken to death at least half.

However, the huge colorful sky curtain blocked the invisible shock wave.

Only a few thousand people were killed by the quake, tens of thousands were vomited blood, and most of them were unscathed.

At the same time, the ancient sword formation was moving around, and the endless power gathered in the middle of the formation through the formation context.

In the end, the most violent power poured into Ji Tianxing's body.

He is the core of the formation, so he must gather the power of the entire formation to deal with the ancestor Demon God.


His whole body was lit up with colorful brilliance soaring to the sky, and his body was also filled with terrifying power and swelled violently.

In just a few breaths, he changed from a seven-foot-tall human youth to a giant with a height of hundreds of feet.

The muscles all over his body were high and bulging, and his body became unusually sturdy and sturdy, like a wild beast, possessing the power to destroy the world.

But this is not the end. As the ancient sword formation continues to operate, the power of everyone is still gathering.

His body is still swelling, gradually growing to two hundred feet, three hundred feet, four hundred feet...

After thirty breaths of time, when his body finally stabilized, his height had reached five hundred feet, like a kilometer mountain!

His strength is also skyrocketing, and it is comparable to the nine peaks of the Yuanshen Realm!

The power that destroys the sky and the earth rushed violently in his body, pulsing his whole body and meridians, and the bones also made a crisp sound of ‘click, click’.

He felt that his body was about to burst, and every inch of flesh and blood on his body felt an unbearable tingling and tearing sensation.

The indescribable violent pain made his face twisted and he let out low roars in his mouth.

He only wanted to vent the violent amount of violence in his body as soon as possible, so as to relieve the pain of his body and soul.

Of course, this is when the big formation keeps running, he will become like this, with such a powerful force.

Once the formation stops working, he will quickly return to the original shape.

He just uses the formation method to gather the strength of the people, and cannot directly improve the realm of strength.

He before, compared with the ancestor Demon God, was as small as a fly.

But now, he has 30% the size of the Ancestor Demon God, enough to compete with the Ancestor Demon God.

The ancestor Demon God attacked several times, but was unable to kill the tribe army, let alone destroy the colorful sky.

It realized that if it wanted to slaughter the tribe army, it had to destroy this big formation.

And the core of this great formation is Ji Tianxing, Emperor, Golden Dragon Emperor and Tianluo Demon Emperor.

Only by killing the four of them can this large formation be completely destroyed.

The ancestor Demon God looked down on Ji Tianxing condescendingly, and shouted in a cold and gloomy tone: "Little reptile! I didn't expect you to be able to arrange such a wonderful and extraordinary array.

However, everything you do is in vain!

I think back then, 18 gods from all races led an army of tens of millions to form a formation against the heavens and demons, and they failed to kill the original god.

Just relying on your big formation, more than three million ants, want to trap the emperor? too naive! "

The ancestor Demon God sneered, stretched out his four huge arms, waved his palms and shot the shadow of the sky, Chao Ji Tianxing shot him down.

"Succumb to death!"

Eighty-one purple light palm shadows are as huge as a mountain, carrying the power of killing everything, blasting from the sky to Ji Tianxing.

In an instant, a hundred li radius was shrouded in purple light, and the figures of Ji Tianxing and Dijun were also drowned.

Ji Tianxing was roaring in pain, and seeing the palm of the sky shooting down, he swiped his fists with all his strength and blasted out fiercely.

"Smashing Star Fist!"

He finally attacked, and the turbulent power in his body was finally released.

Two huge mountains of colorful fists burst out with terrifying power, and hit the sky full of palms head-on.

He only heard the muffled sound of "Boom Boom Boom", bursting out one after another, resounding through the sky.

The colorful fist light and purple light palm shadow all collapsed and shattered, turning into overwhelming fragments, engulfed by the shock wave, and spreading around.


Within a radius of more than two hundred miles, more than a dozen peaks were shattered by the shock wave and collapsed into ruins.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were affected and killed on the spot. They lost their lives.

But this casualty is negligible for the tribal armies.

The burst of strength that everyone is going all out to spur the operation of the ancient sword formation and strengthen Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing's body swelled again, and heart-piercing pain came from all over his body, and his whole body convulsed.

The ancestor Demon God frowned, six giant eyes flashed with fierce light, and he shouted in a cold tone: "Little reptile, there really are some ways, no wonder it can kill Yougu..."

Obviously, the ancestor Demon God tempted Ji Tianxing's combat power and was qualified to fight it, so it put away its contempt and must take it seriously.

"The Evil Blade of the Setting Sun!"

The ancestor Demon's voice shouted like Hong Zhong, waving six arms, using the broad palm as the blade, and slashing fiercely towards Ji Tianxing.

Six thousand-foot-long purple blades, carrying the power to destroy everything, hit the top of Ji Tianxing's head.

Not to be outdone, Ji Tianxing injected his majestic strength into the Heaven Burial Sword, which made the Heaven Burial Sword swell and grow into a four-hundred-foot black giant sword.

He held the huge and unmatched Heaven Burial Sword in both hands and slashed out a sword with all his strength.


This sword swept out, and the Sky Burial Sword emitted a crescent-shaped sword light about several thousand feet wide, sweeping towards the ancestor Demon God.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

A series of deafening loud noises burst out, resounding through the sky, shaking the world.

Six purple giant blades, cut to pieces on the spot, splashed around.

Thousands of feet wide crescent moon sword light, but its power is undiminished, and it slammed the ancestor demon **** ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ boom! "

Amidst the earth-shaking loud noise, Crescent Sword Light collapsed on the spot, turning into sky fragments and splashing.

The ancestor Demon God was also shaken back ten miles by the sword light, his body shook violently, violently flashing purple light.

However, his huge and sturdy body is constructed from four divine objects, and his defense is extremely strong.

Ji Tianxing's swordsmanship didn't hurt him at all.

The ancestor Demon God stared at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes, the head in the middle shook, and a playful sneer appeared on his hideous face.

"Hahaha...it's kind of interesting, this **** has heard You Gu said that you little reptile is its number one enemy, and the most outstanding evildoer of the human race, and you have an incredible adventure.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

Because of this, this **** will never let you go, and will swallow your flesh and blood and soul, depriving you of lifelong mana and supernatural powers! "

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