Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1462: Blood stained 0 miles

Of course the ancestor Demon God could also see the problems Ji Tianxing could see.

It saw the tribal armies declining in numbers, and most of them were seriously injured.

According to the current situation, this ancient sword formation will not last for too long, and it will weaken and even collapse.

Therefore, it used the strongest defensive secret method, and tried its best to maintain the purple light shield and resist the assassination of two thousand golden swords.

As long as it persists for another two quarters of an hour, the crisis can be turned into peace.

When the ancient divine sword formation collapsed and collapsed, Ji Tianxing and more than three million soldiers could not trap it at all.

At that time, it will be able to slaughter the three tribes at will, killing Ji Tianxing to death.

As time passed, the strength of the soldiers continued to weaken, and the power of the sword formation quietly passed away.

Ji Tianxing became more anxious, and silently thought: "Is there any way to make the sword formation burst out with a stronger power and break the defensive shield of the ancestor Demon God?

As long as I can break its shield, I can attack its vitals and weaknesses and destroy its body!

Once its body is destroyed and only one soul remains, we have the opportunity to kill it! "

This thought flashed through his mind, racking his brains to find a way.

Suddenly, when he looked down on the ground below and observed the situation of the soldiers, he found a clue.

On the ground below, the soil has long been soaked with blood.

The dark brown soil also turned dark red.

Among them were the blood of many soldiers and the blood shed from his body.

After all, he was seriously injured, his whole body was covered with wounds, and he was still bleeding.

The strange thing is that the ground soaked with blood was exuding strands of golden aura.

Numerous golden auras, as light as hair, after flying into the sky, they gathered in the ancient sword array.

This discovery made Ji Tianxing startled for a moment, and a deep doubt arose in his heart.

"Those golden auras contain powerful power, which seems to be extracted from the blood.

However, why did these breaths blend into the ancient sword array?

Could it be that... this is a certain effect of the Ancient God Sword Formation, which can draw the power from the blood? "

Ji Tianxing only had a preliminary grasp of the ancient divine sword formation, and was able to smoothly arrange and control it.

He had no knowledge or proficiency in the ancient sword formations, and of course he didn't know the effects and magical uses of the sword formations.

In order to prove his thoughts, he used his power to force out the blood in his body, like two dark red and golden water columns pouring down on the ground below.

Suddenly, on the ground soaked with blood, dense golden threads gushed out, quickly converging into the ancient sword array.

Although he lost a lot of blood, his face became paler and weaker.

However, the strength of the Ancient God Sword Array has obviously increased by a few points, making the thousands of golden light giant swords more powerful.

"Sure enough! This sword formation can draw the power from the blood!

Great! Finally there is a way to deal with the ancestor Demon God! "

When Ji Tianxing discovered this secret, his heart was filled with excitement and excitement.

He quickly used the method of sound transmission to tell the secret to the emperor, the Golden Dragon Emperor and the Tianluo Demon Emperor.

The three Supremes were also full of anxiety, feeling that the situation was not good.

Suddenly learning the news, the three of them all saw the dawn of victory and expressed their agreement with surprise.

They hurriedly issued orders to the three tribesmen, so that the soldiers could force out blood and pour it into the sword formation.

The tribesmen are already scarred, and many of them are almost exhausted.

It is very dangerous for them to use their power to force their blood. It will make them weaker and even coma.

However, the three tribal armies are united and united.

No one questioned the orders of the three leaders, in order to kill the ancestor Demon God, they were willing to pay all the price.

Even if you are not afraid of death in battle, who would be afraid of bleeding?

Suddenly, countless soldiers shed blood and poured their blood on the ground in the sword formation.

The land hundreds of miles around was stained red by the blood of the soldiers, and it became particularly sad.

Immediately afterwards, an overwhelming golden breath rose into the sky, like dense silk threads, quickly blending into the ancient **** sword formation.

The power of the big formation skyrocketed rapidly, more than doubled soon, and it is still rising.

Ji Tianxing was supplemented by majestic strength, and his body continued to grow and grow, reaching a height of a thousand feet.

The power of the thousands of golden swords has also more than doubled.

The extremely terrifying amount of pressure suppressed the ancestor Demon God fiercely, making its situation more and more difficult.

Finally, its purple light shield was overwhelmed and could not stop the golden light from killing it.

"Crack, click!"

With a burst of crisp cracking sound, cracks appeared in the purple light shield, densely like a spider web, spreading in all directions.

Seeing this scene, the three tribe armies were all in high spirits, and continued to use their power to force out their blood and sway them in the sword formation.

The power of the Ancient Excalibur Formation has increased again by a few points, and Ji Tianxing's size has skyrocketed.

He was almost bursting, his body was distorted and he let out a painful low growl.

When his strength was about to reach its limit, he roared like Hong Zhong, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands, and severely cut out the strongest sword.

"One sword opens the sky!"

The 800-foot-long pitch-black giant sword lit up with dazzling golden light, condensed into a two-thousand-foot golden sword, and slashed towards the ancestor Demon God.

This sword, poured into Ji Tianxing's strongest skill, is the strongest sword of the unity of heaven and earth, and the unity of man and sword.

In his life, he has never exploded with such terrifying power.

There is no doubt that this is the pinnacle of his life!


The deafening loud noise sounded like the explosion of a divine thunder, shaking the world.

The purple light shield protecting the ancestor Demon God was cut to pieces on the spot and turned into overwhelming fragments.

The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth, engulfed in the sky with purple light fragments, spread out in all directions, and slammed into the ancient sword array.

Countless soldiers were seriously injured and consumed a large amount of blood, their strength was extremely weak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the terrifying shock wave hits, they have nowhere to hide, they can only be killed by the shock wave and sacrificed in the sword formation. in.

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the three million soldiers were severely injured.

There were hundreds of thousands of people killed on the spot, and only two and four hundred thousand people survived.

Such a heavy loss caused the three Supremes to be extremely worried, and their eyes split.

However, when everyone saw the situation of the ancestor Demon God, they felt much better in their hearts.

The shield of the ancestor Demon God was destroyed, and its huge skeleton body was cut into a huge gully by the Sword of Open Heaven.

The two thousand golden swords exploded with the strongest power, frantically strangling its body, bursting with a muffled sound.

Its huge body was collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it soon collapsed.

Countless broken bones and **** splashed around.

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