Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1465: Revenge of the devil, never too late

In the eastern part of the mainland, two lights and shadows were galloping high in the sky, flying all the way to the east.

In front of it was a flash of purple sword light, like lightning piercing the sky, the speed is extremely fast.

Immediately behind, was a dark golden sword light, dazzling like a meteor.

There is no doubt that this is the ancestor Demon God who flees in panic, and Ji Tianxing who is chasing after him.

In just two days, the two galloped all the way to here from outside of Zhongzhou City.

Half an hour ahead, he would leave the Profound Sky Continent and enter the vast and boundless East China Sea.

The ancestor Demon God tried his best to escape, just want to enter the East China Sea as soon as possible and get rid of Ji Tianxing.

In the process of escaping, it had already fought Ji Tianxing twice.

The result of both times was defeat. Not only did it not take advantage of it, but the soul of the soul became more injured.

It lost its sacred body, and its primordial spirit was severely injured, it turned out not to be Ji Tianxing's opponent!

What's more, Ji Tianxing pursued and killed it reluctantly, making it have to wonder if there were other chasing soldiers behind?

If the human emperor, the golden dragon emperor, and the demon emperor arrive and join forces with Ji Tianxing to kill it, will it still have a chance to survive?

Thinking of this, the ancestor Demon God was of course worried and ran away desperately.

"Damn beast, it's **** damned to let this **** end in such an embarrassing situation!"

While fleeing, it was still cursing fiercely in its heart: "Originally, the **** also planned to escape from Zhongzhou and find a hidden place to retreat and heal.

When the **** reunites his body and restores his strength to its peak, he will come to them for revenge.

At that time, this **** will be able to slaughter the human races of the world and wash the entire Zhongzhou with blood to vent his hatred!

However, Ji Tianxing, the little reptile, was chasing after him, and the original **** couldn't get rid of him.

It seems that the original **** wants to get rid of his pursuit and can only go to the East China Sea to return to the ruins and escape from that place..."

When the war just ended, the ancestor Demon God was furious and mad, almost in a state of madness.

At that time, he just wanted to find a place to heal his wounds, and after recovering his strength, he would wash Zhongzhou and avenge Ji Tianxing.

However, two days passed.

It gradually calmed down and recognized the reality and its own situation.

It can only suppress anger and murder, dispel unrealistic ideas, and make escape as its primary goal.

There is a saying in the common world that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

For it, it is not too late for the devil to avenge!

It has fallen for 30,000 years, and it has been dormant for such a long time before it comes back. How can it be in a hurry?

Behind the ancestor Demon God, in the sky about fifty miles away.

Ji Tianxing drove a golden sword, chasing him as fast as a streamer.

In the previous two days, he desperately pursued and killed the ancestor Demon God, and also fought with the ancestor Demon God twice, which greatly consumed his power.

As his strength continued to weaken, his tall figure of several hundred feet shrank.

At this time, he has returned to his original appearance.

Seeing the ancestor Demon God running away desperately, he didn't mean to stop at all, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

"The ancestor Demon God has been seriously injured, why not flee to the North Desert, but to the East China Sea instead?

Does it also know that there is a nine-day platform in the Donghai Guixu, which can lead to the Shenwu Continent?

Knowing that it can't escape my pursuit, it wants to escape from the Profound Sky Continent? "

Ji Tianxing pondered and analyzed, and he felt that this possibility was very high.

"It would be a good thing if the ancestor Demon God can be forced to leave the Profound Sky Continent.

At least in the short term, it cannot harm the people of all races in the Profound Sky Continent..."

Thinking of this, he was also relieved.

Before long, the two entered the East China Sea area one after another.

As expected by Ji Tianxing, the ancestor Demon God flew over the sea like a flash of lightning, and flew straight to the northeast.

Ji Tianxing is still chasing after him, bursting out at the fastest speed, but never catching up with it.

There has been a distance of fifty to one hundred miles between the two.

Soon, another two days passed.

In the evening of that day, Ji Tianxing chased the ancestor Demon God and flew into the East China Sea Guixu.

At this point, he was quite sure of his guess.

He also knew that it was basically impossible to kill the original spirit of the ancestor Demon God and completely eliminate it.

The best result was to drive the ancestor Demon God out of the Profound Sky Continent.

At noon the next day, the two were about to arrive at the end of Donghai Guixu, entering the bounds of Jiutiantai.

At the end of the sea ahead, there appeared a towering black shadow, stretching hundreds of miles long.

Ji Tianxing knew that those huge black shadows were all thousands of feet high.

There are a total of eighty-one black peaks, like eighty-one guards, surrounded in a circle.

Among the hills and guards, there is a dark abyss with a radius of hundreds of miles.

The mysterious Jiutiantai, suspended right above the abyss, will last forever.

Even in the sunny day, Jiutiantai shone with bright white light, like a full moon hanging in the sky.


The ancestor Demon God saw Jiutiantai, and he was immediately refreshed and flew away with excitement.

After just a few dozen breaths, it flew to the edge of Jiutiantai, above the two peaks.

A few steps further ahead will enter the Jiutiantai area, and if you rush in, you will be bombarded by the Jiutian Divine Thunder.

If it stops, it will be overtaken by Ji Tianxing immediately, and the ending will be more or less good.

Ji Tianxing originally thought that the ancestor Demon God would definitely stop, at least hesitate and think about it.

But he didn't expect that the ancestor Demon God didn't slow down at all, ‘shoo’ across two towering mountains and flew into the black abyss area.

Just as the ancestor Demon God entered the Jiutiantai area, the bright jade round platform in the high sky suddenly lit up with bright white light.


A dull roar of thunder blasted in the sky.

The originally clear sky immediately became pitch black, as if night had fallen.

Above the Jiutiantai, UU reading www.uukanshu.com does not know where the boundless black cloud came from, surging mightily, covering the Jiutiantai area.

In the black clouds, purple lightning arcs are shining, accumulating majestic power.

There is no doubt that the Nine Heavens God Thunder is coming!

The invisible majesty of heaven and earth, suppressed from the sky, enveloped the ancestor demon god.

But it did not fear at all, and continued to rush towards the nine heavens.

After just three breaths, the thunder light in the dark clouds accumulated to the extreme.

With the loud sound of "Boom Ka", a dazzling beam of thunder light blasted down from the black cloud and slammed into the ancestor Demon God.

That **** thunder beam was a thousand feet long, as thick as a dragon, and cut through the dark sky like a huge sword.

The power of the divine thunder was too terrifying, and the speed was too fast, so that the ancestor demon **** had no time to escape, and was instantly overwhelmed by the dazzling purple thunder.

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